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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 湖北省大学生创新创业大赛二等奖 奖励 关鹏
2 《岩石工程节理力学》 专著 唐志成;夏才初;焦玉勇;刘泉声
3 Morphological Feature Description Method of Structural Surface in Borehole Image During In-Situ Instrumentation 期刊论文 Zou XJ;Wang CY;Wang YT;Song H
4 Generalized contact model for polyhedra in three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis 期刊论文 Zheng F;Jiao YY;Sitar N
5 A three‐dimensional heat transfer and thermal cracking model considering the effect of cracks on heat transfer 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY;Zheng H
6 基于证据理论的隧道挤压变形预测 期刊论文 焦玉勇;欧光照;王浩;张国华;邹俊鹏;谭飞;张为社
7 The implementation of B-splines to Hashin and Shtrikman variational principle based FFT method for the homogenization of composite 期刊论文 Tu FB;Jiao YY;Zhou XY;Cheng Y;Tan F
8 Submarine Karst Morphology Detection Method Based on Multi-Frequency Ultrasound 期刊论文 Wang JC;Wang CY;Han ZQ;Wang YT;Huang XH
9 A general algorithm for numerical integration of three-dimensional crack singularities in PU-based numerical methods 期刊论文 Lv JH;Jiao YY;Timon Rabczuk;Zhuang XY;Feng XT;TTan F
10 Effective evaluation of deep-hole blasting for controlling strong tremors induced by deep coal mining-A case study 期刊论文 Zou JP;Wu KB;Zhang XF;Zhu JB;Zhou Z;Zheng F;Xie HP;Jiao YY
11 基于集对分析法的山岭隧道坍塌风险评价 期刊论文 茶增云;陈舞;肖振江;王云龙;郭跃文
12 隧道重大地质灾害源探测评估关键技术创新与应用 奖励 焦玉勇;谭飞;韩增强;王浩;成帅;金青;汪进超;王迎超;张国华;屠文峰;田湖南;王川婴;覃卫民;陈迪杨;张为社
13 基于突变理论的隧道洞口浅埋段软弱围岩失稳分析方法 期刊论文 陈舞;岳克栋;王浩;张国华;覃卫民
14 基于粗糙集条件信息熵的山岭隧道坍塌风险评价 期刊论文 陈舞;张国华;王浩;陈礼彪
15 A new SDDA-based numerical approach for simulating rock cracking induced by temperature stresses. 期刊论文 Wu ZY;Jiao YY;Zheng F;Huang GH;Liu CD
16 Experimental study on the influence of temperature cycle on low-rank coal permeability 期刊论文 Zou JP;Jiao YY;Rathnaweera T D;Wang H
17 Reclamation and reuse of abandoned quarry: A case study of Ice World & Water Park in Changsha 期刊论文 Tan F;Jiao YY;Wang H;Liu Y;Tian HN;Cheng Y
18 A proposed method for mathematical quantitative description of fractures from borehole wall images 会议论文 Han ZQ;Wang CY;Jiao YY;Wang C;Wang JC
19 描述砂性土宏细观力学关系的数学模型 期刊论文 闫洪超;鲁杰;饶振兴;翟洪涛;关鹏
20 Algorithmic robustness for contact analysis of polyhedral blocks in discontinuous deformation analysis framework 期刊论文 Zheng F;Jiao YY;Leung YF;Zhu JB
21 A 2D coupled hydro-thermal model for the combined finite-discrete element method 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY;Yang SQ
22 一种高精度的成孔护孔扫孔一体化钻进装置 专利 汪进超;王川婴;韩增强;王益腾;胡胜
23 钻孔光学图像和雷达成像信息融合的裂缝参数提取方法 专利 李立;韩增强;张明睿;孙涛;唐新建
24 一种基于钻孔变形法的三维地应力测量装置 专利 汪进超;王川婴;韩增强;王益腾;王超
25 Scott Sloan Best Paper Award for 2021 奖励 严成增;焦玉勇
26 基于T-S模糊故障树和贝叶斯网络的隧道坍塌易发性评价 期刊论文 陈舞;王浩;张国华;王成汤;钟国强
27 Parallelization of spherical discontinuous deformation analysis (SDDA) for geotechnical problems based on cloud computing environment 期刊论文 Jiao YY;Wu ZY;Zheng F;Zhao Q;Wang L;Huang GH;Tan F
28 The BEM based on conformal Duffy-distance transformation for three-dimensional elasticity problems 期刊论文 Tan F;Liang JW;Jiao YY;Zhu S;Lv JH
29 垂直孔应力解除法地应力测试技术及工程应用 期刊论文 王超;王益腾;韩增强;王川婴;汪进超;胡胜
30 Fine Characterization Method of Concrete Internal Cracks Based on Borehole Optical Imaging 期刊论文 Wang C;Han ZQ;Wang YT;Wang CY;Wang JC;Chen SY;Hu S
31 Moisture-induced damage resistance of asphalt mixture entirely composed of gneiss and steel slag 期刊论文 Chen ZW;Jiao YY;Wu SP;Lin JT
32 Estimation of Active Earth Pressure Against Rigid Retaining Walls Considering Soil Arching Effects and Intermediate Principal Stress 期刊论文 Jiao YY;Zhang Y;Tan F
33 基于孔壁光学图像的岩石孔隙结构识别与分析方法研究 期刊论文 王超;王川婴;王益腾;汪进超;陈薇;韩增强
34 Multi-frequency ultrasonic underground cavity scanning detection technology in borehole 期刊论文 Wang JC;Wang CY;Han ZQ
35 High-efficiency pre-drilling pressure meter test apparatus and method for deep rock mass 专利 Zou Junpeng;Jiao Yuyong;Wu Zeyang;Yao Aiguo;Tan Fei;Cheng Yi;Luo Jin;Wang Hao;Zhang Guohua
36 一种利用水压确定钻孔摄像测试深度的方法及装置 专利 韩增强;王益腾;王川婴;王超;胡胜
37 Fractal characteristics of the anisotropic microstructure and pore distribution of low-rank coal 期刊论文 Zou JP;Chen WZ;Yang DS;Yuan JQ;Jiao YY
38 全景钻孔图像自动识别技术在工程实践中的应用研究 期刊论文 邹先坚;王川婴;宋欢
39 Innovative use of industrially produced steel slag powders in asphalt mixture to replace mineral fillers 期刊论文 Chen ZW;Leng Z;Jiao YY;Xu F;Lin JT;Wang HP;Cai J;Zhu LL;Zhang YL;Feng NM;Dong YD;Zhang Y
40 Research on multi-frequency ultrasonic scanning detecting technology of cavity in the test borehole 期刊论文 Wang JC;Wang CY;Huang XH;Zou JP
41 Characteristic Parameters Extraction Method of Hidden Karst Cave from Borehole Radar Signal 期刊论文 Wang JC;Wang CY;Han ZQ;Zou XJ;Wang YT;Wang C;Hu S
42 一种隐伏含水体的制作方法 专利 黄才彬;焦玉勇;钟天;张为社;严成增;谭飞;吕加贺;王浩
43 一种阵列式声波扫描的高精度钻孔成像方法及装置 专利 汪进超;王川婴;韩增强
44 凿岩机检测装置及凿岩装置 专利 田湖南;王浩;焦玉勇;张国华;覃卫民;张秀丽
45 一种选择性絮凝效果测试装置 专利 乌效鸣;徐晗;魏林春;朱旭明;迪娜·木拉提;李鸿;王志华
46 一种钻孔孔壁光学散斑的地应力测量及监测方法 专利 王益腾;韩增强;王川婴;李关坊;魏幸雅
47 一种地下工程模型试验的含水溶腔制作装置 专利 张为社;焦玉勇;严成增;王浩;谭飞;欧光照;关鹏;毛仲敏
48 基于加压应力解除式原位地应力测试装置及方法 专利 王益腾;王川婴;韩增强;汪进超
49 Borehole Cross-Sectional Shape Analysis under in Situ Stress 期刊论文 Han ZQ;Wang CY;Wang YT;Wang C
50 Modified predictor‐corrector solution approach for efficient discontinuous deformation analysis of jointed rock masses 期刊论文 Zheng F;Leung Yat Fai;Zhu JB;Jiao YY
51 偏压条件下地铁工作井开挖安全及井-隧相互影响研究 期刊论文 张宇翔;焦玉勇;荆武;钟天;黄才彬
52 同轴地埋管换热器岩土热响应试验研究 期刊论文 关鹏;段新胜;焦玉勇;李鹏;谭飞;邹俊鹏
53 Unascertained Measure-Set Pair Analysis Model of Collapse Risk Evaluation in Mountain Tunnels and Its Engineering Application 期刊论文 Chen W;Zhang GH;Jiao YY;Wang H
54 3-D Multi-Component Reverse Time Migration Method for Tunnel Seismic Data 期刊论文 Guan P;Shao CF;Jiao YY;Zhang GH;Li B;Zhou J;Huang P
55 Effect of mechanical heterogeneity on hydraulic fracture propagation in unconventional gas reservoirs 期刊论文 Zou JP;Jiao YY;Tang ZC;Ji YL;Yan CZ;Wang JC
56 基于T-S模糊故障树的地连墙+支撑支护基坑坍塌可能性评价 期刊论文 钟国强;王浩;孔利;王成汤
57 Choosing appropriate appraisal to describe peak spatial features of rock joint profiles 期刊论文 Tang ZC;Jiao YY
58 山岭隧道坍塌风险评价的熵权-集对分析模型及工程应用 期刊论文 陈舞;孙海清;王浩;吴秋波;马灿;茶增云
59 基于定向声波扫描的钻孔围岩结构探测方法 期刊论文 汪进超;王川婴;胡胜
60 3-D tunnel seismic advance prediction method with wide illumination and high-precision 期刊论文 Guan P;Shao CF;Jiao YY;Zhang GH;Zou JP;Tan F
61 建国 70 周年纪念章 奖励 焦玉勇
62 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛湖北赛区铜奖 奖励 安雪锋;焦玉勇;陈炳瑞;于莎莎;温浩;寇桓嘉;佘祥杰;金纯正;闫星宇;余欣芸;王若琳;怀晓露;盛诞杰;任希曦;谭超逸
63 国务院政府特殊津贴 奖励 焦玉勇
64 2021第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛湖北赛区银奖(进入国赛) 奖励 周杰;焦玉勇;关鹏;陈佳玥;郭润晗;邓恬音;石晨欣;吕萌;王雪萦;康展晨;邵翠法;王子鑫;仝德富;黄佩;安雪锋
65 Collapse risk assessment of deep-buried tunnel during construction and its application 期刊论文 Ou GZ;Jiao YY;Zhang GH;Zou JP;Tan F;Zhang WS
66 Efficient integration of crack singularities in the extended finite element method: Duffy-distance transformation and conformal preconditioning strategy 期刊论文 Lv JH;Jiao YY;Wriggers P;Rabczuk T;Feng XT;Tan F
67 System For Evaluating Rockmass Grade 专利 Tian Hunan;Jiao Yuyong;Wang Hao;Zhang Guohua;Qin Weimin;Zhang Xiuli;Li Liping;Cheng Shuai
68 地应力测试装置及测试方法 专利 王益腾;王川婴;韩增强;汪进超;胡胜
69 Indoor drilling perception test system for mechanical properties of rock masses 专利 Tian Hunan;Jiao Yuyong;Zhang Guohua;Qin Weimin;Wang Hao
70 一种基于孔壁图像的岩石面孔隙度识别方法 专利 王超;王川婴;韩增强
71 凿岩机在位检测装置及凿岩装置 专利 田湖南;王浩;焦玉勇;张国华;覃卫民;张秀丽
72 钻进深度监测装置及气动凿岩机 专利 杜镔;张力;魏小楠;姬同旭;翟竹;龙万学;谢万臣;李昌龙;王浩;田湖南
73 基于非开挖泥浆性能检测系统与弱监督学习的地层岩性识别 期刊论文 徐晗;程丹仪;徐永华;姚孔轩;邱峰;乌效鸣;林朋皓
74 Dominant Antisliding Direction Determination Based on Three-Dimensional Morphological Feature of In Situ Rock Structural Plane in Borehole Image 期刊论文 Zou XJ;Wang YT;Wang CY;Song H
75 A 2D fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite-discrete element model with real pore seepage for simulating the deformation and fracture of porous medium driven by fluid 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY
76 Numerical investigation on heat extraction performance of an enhanced geothermal system with supercritical N2O as working fluid 期刊论文 Huang M;Jiao YY;Luo J;Yan CZ;Wu LH;Guan P
77 景海高速公路全—强风化花岗岩隧道塌方机理分析与处置 期刊论文 沈孟龙;杨华清;茶增云;孙丹伟
78 《城市地下空间施工技术》 专著 蒋楠;焦玉勇;陈保国;张鹏;谭飞
79 Study on the Mechanism of Weakening Thick and Hard Roof by Deep-Hole Blasting in Deep Coal Mines 期刊论文 Zhang C;Zou JP;Zhang XF;Wang C;Jiao YY
80 Efficient evaluation of weakly singular integrals with Duffy-distance transformation in 3D BEM 期刊论文 Tan F;Lv JH;Jiao YY;Liang JW;Zhou SW
81 A proposed method for determining in-situ stress from borehole breakout based on borehole stereo-pair imaging technique 期刊论文 Han ZQ;Wang CY;Wang C;Zou XJ;Jiao YY;Hu S
82 Experimental study on the effect of water on mechanical properties of swelling mudstone 期刊论文 Liu CD;Cheng Y;Jiao YY;Zhang GH;Zhang WS;Ou GZ;Tan F
83 A fully coupled three-dimensional hydro-mechanical finite discrete element approach with real porous seepage for simulating 3D hydraulic fracturing 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY;Zheng H
84 FDEM‐TH3D: A three‐dimensional coupled hydrothermal model for fractured rock 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY
85 Moisture stability improvement of asphalt mixture considering the surface characteristics of steel slag coarse aggregate 期刊论文 Chen ZW;Gong ZL;Jiao YY;Wang Y;Shi K;Wu JC
86 基于显式时间积分的球颗粒DDA计算方法 期刊论文 赵强;焦玉勇;张秀丽;谢壁婷;王龙;黄刚海
87 Focal Mechanism of Strong Ground Seismicity Induced by Deep Coal Mining 期刊论文 Wu KB;Zou JP;Jiao YY;Zhang XF;Wang C
88 基于多频钻孔声呐的溶洞探测方法研究 期刊论文 汪进超;王川婴;唐新建;韩增强;王益腾;胡胜
89 Alteration characteristics of granite contact zone and treatment measures for inrush hazards during tunnel construction – A case study 期刊论文 Zhang GH;Jiao YY;Ma CX;Wang H;Chen LB;Tang ZC
90 On the strong earthquakes induced by deep coal mining under thick strata-a case study 期刊论文 Jiao YY;Wu KB;Zou JP;Zheng F;Zhang XF;Wang C;Li X;Zhang C
91 基于改进熵权-未确知测度模型的城市污水深隧下穿既有铁路施工风险评价 期刊论文 阮超;张延军;李胡爽;侯伟涛;董德雄;田湖南
92 基于钻孔摄像技术的孔壁剖面线形貌特征描述方法及其应用研究 期刊论文 王益腾;王川婴;邹先坚;韩增强;王 超;胡 胜
93 Three-dimensional Criterion for Predicting Peak Shear Strength of Matched Discontinuities with Different Joint Wall Strengths 期刊论文 Tang ZC;Zhang ZF;Jiao YY
94 地下工程模型试验中优势结构面和断层的制作装置 专利 张为社;焦玉勇;严成增;谭飞;张强勇;程毅;唐志成;段抗;邹俊鹏;陈光辉
95 钻孔图像中岩石结构面三维形貌特征及优势抗滑方向研究 期刊论文 邹先坚;王益腾;王川婴
96 一种地下工程模型试验中相似材料定量搅拌装置 专利 焦玉勇;张磊;张为社;欧光照;谭飞;毛仲敏;严成增;程毅
97 一种高压单腔式旁压仪探头 专利 吴泽阳;焦玉勇;姚爱国;邹俊鹏;谭飞;严成增;唐志成;程毅;邱敏
98 一种岩体结构回转摄像钻杆 专利 韩增强;王川婴;汪进超;王益腾
99 一种岩体钻孔摄像探头居中装置 专利 崔臻;盛谦;韩增强;王川婴
100 适用于深孔观测岩体结构的反射式凹锥面镜全景摄像装置 专利 王益腾;王川婴;韩增强;魏幸雅
101 基于隧道掌子面炮孔钻进的短距离超前地质预报技术研究 奖励 谢方臣;张力;瞿竹;姬同旭;冉茂伦;陈飞;吴维义;李昌龙;田湖南;王浩
102 《深部工程物理模拟与数值模拟》 专著 张强勇;段抗;任明洋;焦玉勇;刘传成
103 Complex hydraulic-fracture-network propagation in a naturally fractured reservoir 期刊论文 Zou JP;Jiao YY;Tan F;Lv JH;Zhang QY
104 A series of Duffy‐distance transformation for integrating 2D and 3D vertex singularities 期刊论文 Lv JH;Jiao YY;Feng XT;Wriggers P;Zhuang XY;Rabczuk T
105 基于非开挖随钻检测系统与随机森林的地层岩性识别 期刊论文 徐晗;姚孔轩;程丹仪;宋强银;马志明;朱旭明;乌效鸣;赵官慧;蔡晓春
106 Numerical study on the effect of meso-structure on hydraulic conductivity of soil-rock mixtures 期刊论文 Wang T;Yan CZ;Zheng YC;Jiao YY;Zou JP
107 A 2D discrete heat transfer model considering the thermal resistance effect of fractures for simulating the thermal cracking of brittle materials 期刊论文 Yan CZ;Jiao YY
108 《岩土工程监测分析及信息化设计实践》 专著 王浩;覃卫民;焦玉勇;孟大勇
109 A hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel computing model for spherical discontinuous deformation analysis 期刊论文 Jiao YY;Zhao Q;Wang L;Huang GH;Tan F
110 Conformal distance-sigmoidal transformation for evaluating 3D nearly singular integrals over triangular elements 期刊论文 Tan F;Jiao YY;Lv JH
111 深埋隧道钻爆法开挖段突涌水灾害的形成机制及防控研究综述 期刊论文 焦玉勇;张为社;欧光照;邹俊鹏;陈光辉
112 Development and application of a new ballast water system for immersed tunnel installation: A case study of the Yuliangzhou tunnel in Xiangyang, China 期刊论文 Zhou XT;Sun XW;Jiao YY;Zeng BC;Tan F;Li T;Wei PF
113 Experimental study on the water-weakening shear behaviors of sandstone joints collected from the middle region of Yunnan province, PR China 期刊论文 Tang ZC;Zhang QZ;Peng J;Jiao YY
114 Stress continuity in DEM-FEM multiscale coupling based on the generalized bridging domain method 期刊论文 Tu FB;Jiao YY;Chen ZW;Zou JP;Zhao ZY
115 基于超声波合成孔径技术的钻孔成像方法 期刊论文 汪进超;陶东新;黄燕庆;王川婴;韩增强;胡胜
116 浅埋富水全风化花岗岩公路隧道塌方数值模拟分析 期刊论文 茶增云;朱涛;沈孟龙;刘金叨;赵兴春
117 Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture initialization and deflection in anisotropic unconventional gas reservoirs using XFEM 期刊论文 Zou JP;Chen WZ;Jiao YY
118 Numerical study on the deformation and failure of soft rock roadway induced by humidity diffusion 期刊论文 Wang T;Yan CZ;Wang G;Zheng YC;Ke WH;Jiao YY
119 沉管隧道对接端深基坑止水墙水下爆破对周围环境的影响研究 期刊论文 钱海亮;曾波存;周兴涛;孙晓伟;安雪锋;胡嘉懿
120 Study of hidden structure detection for tunnel surrounding rock with pulse reflection method 期刊论文 Wang JC;Wang CY;Han ZQ;Jiao YY;Zou JP
121 A GSI-softening model for characterizing strength behavior of thermally-damaged rock 期刊论文 Peng J;Tang ZC;Hou D
122 Analysis of the Mechanism of Water Inrush Geohazards in Deep-Buried Tunnels under the Complex Geological Environment of Karst Cave-Fractured Zone 期刊论文 Zhang WS;Jiao YY;Zhang GH;Zhang X;Ou GZ;Lin ZP
123 深部采煤覆岩移动和地表沉降研究 期刊论文 李想;焦玉勇;邹俊鹏;张修峰;王超
124 Peak shear strength criterion for mismatched rock joints: Revisiting JRC-JMC criterion 期刊论文 Tang ZC;Zhang ZF;Zou CQ;Jiao YY
125 一种基于声波周向扫描的钻孔围岩结构探测装置及方法 专利 汪进超;王川婴;韩增强;王益腾
126 一种钻孔摄像技术的岩体结构面三维粗糙度描述方法 专利 邹先坚;王川婴;王益腾
127 基于热成像技术实现钻孔定位的系统及方法 专利 田湖南;王浩;焦玉勇;张国华;覃卫民;张秀丽;谭飞
128 一种建筑施工塔吊监测预警方法 专利 田湖南;王浩;覃卫民;张秀丽
129 一种岩体力学特性室内钻进感知试验系统 专利 田湖南;王浩;焦玉勇;张国华;覃卫民;张秀丽
130 变径式地震波采集装置 专利 王浩;陈舞;张厚江;覃卫民;张国华;田湖南
131 基于冲击加速度变化评价岩体等级的评价系统及方法 专利 田湖南;王浩;焦玉勇;张国华;覃卫民;张秀丽;谭飞