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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Recycling of sediment into the mantle source of K?rich mafic?rocks: Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotopic evidence from the Fushui complex?in the Qinling orogen 期刊论文 Xiaoming Liu|Lian Zhou|Yang Zhang|Saihong Yang|
2 Geochronology, geochemistry, and isotope compositions of Piaochi S-type granitic intrusion in the Qinling orogen, central China:?Petrogenesis and tectonic significance 期刊论文 Shan Gao|Liuqin Zhu|Lian Zhou|Saihong Yang|
3 Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of migmatites from the North Qinling terrane and their geological implications 期刊论文 Qin, Z. -W.|Liu, X. -C.|Yang, S. -H.|Gong, H. -J.|
4 Distinct zircon U–Pb and O–Hf–Nd–Sr isotopic behaviour during fluid flow in UHP metamorphic rocks: evidence from metamorphic veins and their host eclogite in the Sulu Orogen, China 期刊论文 Gao S.|Wang H.|Zheng J.-P.|Yang S.-H.|
5 Age and geochemistry of Silurian gabbroic rocks in the Tongbai orogen, central China: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the North Qinling arc–back-arc system 期刊论文 Jan R.Wijbrans|Zhou Lian|Gong Hujun|Yuan Honglin|
6 Genesis of adakitic granitoids by partial melting of thickened lowercrust and its implications for early crustal growth: a case study from theHuichizi pluton, Qinling orogen, central China 期刊论文 Hao Wang|Mohammed.I.M. Abdallsamed|Wenxiang Zhang|Saihong Yang|
7 Petrogenesis of Neoarchean TG rocks in the Yangtze Craton and its implication for the formation of Archean TTGs 期刊论文 Qin, Zhengwei|Wang, Hao|Yang, Jianzhou|Yang, Saihong|
8 Deep subduction of continental crust in accretionary orogen: Evidence from U–Pb dating on diamond-bearing zircons from the Qinling orogen, central China 期刊论文 Xiao-Chi Liu|Zheng-Wei Qin|Sai-Hong Yang|Hu-Jun Gong|
9 The 2.65 Ga A-type granite in the northeastern Yangtze craton: Petrogenesis and geological implications 期刊论文 Jianping Zheng|Zhengwei Qin|Hao Wang|Saihong Yang|
10 Continental origin of eclogites in the North Qinling terrane and its tectonic implications 期刊论文 Qin Zhengwei|Xie Shiwen|Zhou Lian|Yang Saihong|
11 Record of multiple stage channelized fluid and melt activities?in deeply subducted slab from zircon U–Pb age and Hf–O isotope compositions? 期刊论文 Jianping Zheng|Zhaochu Hu|Lian Zhou|Saihong Yang|
12 Recycling of sediment into the mantle source of K?rich mafic?rocks: Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotopic evidence from the Fushui complex?in the Qinling orogen 期刊论文 Xiaoming Liu|Lian Zhou|Yang Zhang|Saihong Yang|