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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Ar-40-Ar-39 age and geochemistry of subduction-related mafic dikes in northern Tibet, China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications 期刊论文 Jinyang Zhang|Fuhao Xiong|Jian Huang|Hongan Jiang|
2 Constraints from experimental melting of amphibolite on the depth of formation of garnet-rich restites, and implications for models of Early Archean crustal growth 期刊论文 Koepke Juergen|Wolff Paul Eric|Changqian Ma|Bedard Jean H.|
3 Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb ages and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes of an Ordovicianappinitic pluton in the East Kunlun orogen: New evidencefor Proto-Tethyan subduction 期刊论文 Changqian Ma|Liang Wu|Hong’an Jiang|Bin Liu|
4 造山带岩浆作用的强度和旋回性:以东昆仑古特提斯花岗岩类岩基为例 期刊论文 熊富浩|尹烁|王连训|高珂|
5 Geochronological, geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the petrogenesis of appinites from the Laoniushan complex, eastern Qinling, central China 期刊论文 Lixue Ding|Changqian Ma|Jianwei Li|Lianxun Wang|
6 Early Paleozoic high-Mg diorite-granodiorite in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China: Response to continental collision and slab break-off 期刊论文 Fuhao Xiong|Bin Liu|Jianwei Li|Yuanming Pan|
7 东昆仑造山带钙碱性煌斑岩的地球化学和矿物学:岩浆历史的意义 会议论文 Changqian Ma|
8 Evaluation of late Permian mafic magmatism in the central Tibetan Plateau as a response to plume-subduction interaction 期刊论文 Guo, Pan|Sun, Yang|Gao, Ke|Guo, Yu-Heng|
9 A possible genetic relationship between orogenic gold mineralization and post-collisional magmatism in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China 期刊论文 Zhang, Jinyang|Ma, Changqian|Li, Jianwei|Pan, Yuanming|
10 Geochronology and geochemistry of Middle Devonian mafic dykes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, Northern Tibet Plateau: Implications for the transition from Prototethys to Paleotethys orogeny 期刊论文 Changqian Ma|Hongan Jiang|Bin Liu|Jian Huang|
11 造山带闪长岩成因的新观察——东昆仑镁铁质岩墙与花岗岩近固相线混合的例子 会议论文 马昌前|
12 Subterranean Origin of Accreted Lapilli in Cone-Sheets of the Houshihushan Sub-Volcanic Ring Complex, Shanhaiguan, China 期刊论文 Ma, Changqian|Mason, Roger|Sang, Longkang|Zhao, Junming|
13 东昆仑中泥盆世A型花岗岩的确定及其构造意义 期刊论文 张金阳|熊富浩|黄坚|蒋红安|
14 敦煌地块三危山地区花岗岩体地球化学、锆石U-Pb定年及Hf同位素特征 期刊论文 雷敏|郭文峰|张昕|陈红杰|
15 Origin of a Cretaceous low-18O granitoid complex in the active continental margin of SE China 期刊论文 Guangfu Xing|Hanwen Zhou|Hang Zhang|Fraukje M. Brouwer|
16 Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on contribution of magma mixing and fractional crystallization to high-Mg adakite-like diorites in eastern Dabie orogen, East China 期刊论文 Holtz Francois|Koepke Jurgen|Wolff' Paul Eric|Berndt Jasper|
17 Geochronology and Petrogenesis of Triassic High-K Calc-Alkaline Granodiorites in the East Kunlun Orogen, West China: Juvenile Lower Crustal Melting during Post-Collisional Extension 期刊论文 Xiong, Fuhao|Ma, Changqian|Jiang, Hong|Zhang, Hang|
18 Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Triassic mafic complexes with MORB/OIB affinities from the western Garze-Litang ophiolitic melange, central Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Guo, Yu-Heng|Xiong, Fu-Hao|Guo, Pan|Zhang, Xin|
19 Petrogenetic and tectonic significance of Permian calc-alkaline lamprophyres, East Kunlun orogenic belt, Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 期刊论文 Jiang, Hong-An|Liu, Bin|Zhang, Jin-Yang|Zhou, Qin|
20 Petrology and geochemistry of Cenozoic intra-plate basalts in east-central China: Constraints on recycling of an oceanic slab in the source region 期刊论文 Li, Yan-Qing|Ma, Chang-Qian|Robinson, Paul T.|
21 东昆仑早古生代洋壳俯冲与碰撞造山作用的转换:来自胡晓钦镁铁质岩石的证据 期刊论文 蒋红安|郭盼|张金阳|熊富浩|
22 Recycling of oceanic crust from a stagnant slab in the mantle transition zone: Evidence from Cenozoic continental basalts in Zhejiang Province, SE China 期刊论文 Yanqing Li|Changqian Ma|Paul T Robinson|
23 Reworking of old continental lithosphere: an important crustal evolution mechanism in orogenic belts, as evidenced by Triassic I-type granitoids in the East Kunlun orogen, Northern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Changqian Ma|Jinyang Zhang|Bin Liu|Hongan Jiang|
24 Genesis of leucogranite by prolonged fractional crystallization: A case study of the Mufushan complex, South China 期刊论文 Changqian Ma|Chao Zhang|Jinyang Zhang|Marks Michael A. W.|
25 Decompressional anatexis in the migmatite core complex of northernDabie orogen, eastern China: Petrological evidence andTi-in-quartz thermobarometry 期刊论文 Francois Holtz|Jürgen Koepke|Jasper Berndt|Changqian Ma|
26 北羌塘北缘玉树三叠纪火山岩的成因机制及其构造意义 期刊论文 黄坚|熊富浩|张鑫|郭宇衡|