能源价格冲击对宏观经济的影响机制研究- - 基于开放经济下多部门动态随机一般均衡模型分析

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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Price and expenditure elasticities of residential energy demand during urbanization: An empirical analysis based on the household-level survey data in China 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|Xiaoling Ouyang|
2 Chinese Public Willingness to Pay to Avoid Having Nuclear Power Plants in the Neighborhood 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|Nan Lyu|Xiaoling Ouyang|
3 Location Planning Problem of Sustainable Home Healthcare Service Centers: Evidence from the Empirical Analysis of Shanghai 期刊论文 Gang Du|Chuanwang Sun|
4 Energy savings potential in China's industrial sector: From the perspectives of factor price distortion and allocative inefficiency 期刊论文 Xiaoling Ouyang|Chuanwang Sun|
5 阶梯电价改革是否实现了效率与公平的双重目标 期刊论文 孙传旺|
6 Household pathway selection of energy consumption during urbanization process in China 期刊论文 Xiaoling Ouyang|Hongbo Cai|Zhichao Luo|Aijun Li|
7 中国工业能源要素配置效率与节能潜力研究 期刊论文 孙传旺|林伯强|
8 Evaluating the public perceptions of nuclear power in China: Evidence from a contingent valuation survey 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun,|Xiting Zhu|
9 Evaluating the Atkinson index of household energy consumption in China 期刊论文 Gang Du|Chuanwang Sun|Zhongnan Fang|
10 低碳视角下中国经济增长问题研究 专著 孙传旺|
11 Social acceptancetowards the air pollution in China: Evidence from public's willingness to payfor smog mitigation 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|Xiang Yuan|XIn Yao|
12 The public perceptions and willingnessto pay: from the perspective of the smog crisis in China 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|Xiang Yuan|Meilian Xu|
13 An empirical casestudy about the reform of tiered pricing for household electricity in China 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|
14 Impacts of increasing renewable energy subsidies and phasing out fossil fuel subsidies in China 期刊论文 Xiaoling Ouyang|Boqiang Lin|
15 Post-Fukushima public acceptance on resuming the nuclear power program in China 期刊论文 Sun, Chuanwang|Zhu, Xiting|Meng, Xiaochun|
16 CO2 emissions in the global supply chains of services: An analysis based on a multi-regional input–output model 期刊论文 Wencheng Zhang|Shuijun Peng|Chuanwang Sun|
17 “新常态”下中国化石能源生态价值与代际补偿核算 期刊论文 孙传旺|朱悉婷|
18 The inequalities of public utility products in China: From the perspective of the Atkinson index 期刊论文 Chuanwang Sun|Yifan Zhang|Shuijun Peng|Wencheng Zhang|
19 Liner Shipping FleetDeployment with Sustainable Collaborative Transportation 期刊论文 Gang Du|Chuanwang Sun|Jinxian Weng|
20 Determinants of Electricity Demand in Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industry: Evidence from a ComparativeStudy of Japan and China 期刊论文 Gang Du|Chuanwang Sun|
21 China? s regionalbalanced development based on the investment in power grid infrastructure 期刊论文 Fang Yang|Dingzhong Zhang|Chuanwang Sun|
22 Residential electricity consumption after the reform of tiered pricing for household electricity in China 期刊论文 Gang Du|Wei Lin|Chuanwang Sun|Dingzhong Zhang|
23 企业创新激励:来自中国劳动力成本上升的解释 期刊论文 林炜|