
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Inhibition of Iron Corrosion in HCl Solutions by N-[2-[(2-Aminoethyl) Amino] Ethyl]-9-Octadecenamide 期刊论文 Zhang|J. Q.|Cao|C. N.|
2 铜及其合金的大气腐蚀研究现状 期刊论文 杜小青|陈宇|张昭|张鉴清|
3 船舶防污涂料的研究现状 期刊论文 刘姣, 何其伟, 陈洪, 陈宇, 张昭, 张鉴清|
4 Influences of frequency ratio of pulse power on MAO coatings on AZ91D Magnesium alloy 期刊论文 Chang|L.R.|Zhang|J.Q.|
5 局部电化学阻抗方法在腐蚀研究中的应用 期刊论文 续冉|王佳|
6 锈层下碳钢和耐候钢的微区和宏观腐蚀电化学行为 期刊论文 夏妍, 曹发和, 常林荣, 刘文娟, 张鉴清|
7 Influences of the three phase boundary on the electrochemical corrosion characteristics of carbon steel under droplets 期刊论文 Y.H. Wang|Y.Y. Liu|W. Wang|L. Zhong, J. Wang|
8 Comparative study of the SCC behavior of E690 steel and simulated HAZ microstructures in a SO2-polluted marine atmosphere 期刊论文 Li|X. G.|Cui|Z. Y.|
9 SECM基本原理及其在金属腐蚀中的应用 期刊论文 曹发和, 夏妍, 刘文娟, 常林荣, 张鉴清|
10 The composition-depended color evolution of the anodic electrodeposited cerium oxide film 期刊论文 Y. Yang, Y.M. Yang, C.S. An, Z.N. Yang, Y. Chen,|
11 扫描振动电极技术在腐蚀研究中的应用 期刊论文 张鉴清|
12 冲刷腐蚀的研究现状 期刊论文 朱娟,张乔斌, 陈宇, 张昭, 张鉴清, 曹楚南|
13 Atmospheric corrosion of field-exposed AZ31 magnesium in a tropical marine environment 期刊论文 Z.Y. Cui, X.G. Li, K. Xiao, C.F. Dong|
14 Localized Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys in NaCl Solutions Explored by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy in Feedback Mode 期刊论文 Cao, Fahe|Xia, Yan|Chang, Linrong|Zhang, Jianqing|
15 采用丝束电极技术研究液滴下Cu腐蚀行为 期刊论文 彭欣|刘在健|周媛媛|王佳|
16 镁及其合金腐蚀析氢的研究现状 期刊论文 张鉴清|
17 高强铝合金裂纹尖端在3.5%NaCl溶液中的微区电化学特性 期刊论文 H. Sheng|C. F. Dong|K. Xiao|X. G. Li|
18 钛合金在3.5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为 期刊论文 张鉴清|
19 液膜形态在大气腐蚀中的作用 专著 王佳|
20 The Electrochemical Behaviour of Brass in NaHSO3 Solution Without and With Cl 期刊论文 Xiao|K.|Li|X. G.|
21 5083铝合金在海水中的腐蚀行为及其阴极保护研究 期刊论文 张鉴清|
22 TheStudy of the Varying Characteristics of Cathodic Regions for Defective Coatingin 3.5% Sodium Chloride Solution by EIS and WBE 期刊论文 张鉴清|
23 Electrodeposition and corrosion resistance of Ni–P–TiN composite coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy 期刊论文 Cao|Fa-he|Zhang|Jun-xi|
24 In-situ investigation of atmospheric corrosion behavior of bronze under thin electrolyte layers using electrochemical technique 期刊论文 A. N. Chen|W. J. Liu|J. Q. Zhang|C. N. Cao|
25 海水中带锈q235钢腐蚀电化学参数测定 期刊论文 山川|贾红刚|刘在健|王海杰|
26 Ce改性AZ91的微弧氧化膜制备及其耐蚀性能 期刊论文 常林荣|张昭|张鉴清|曹楚南|
27 SECM基本原理及其在金属腐蚀中的应用 期刊论文 夏妍|刘文娟|常林荣|张鉴清|
28 Characterization of hydrogen charging of 2205 duplex stainless steel and its correlation with hydrogen-induced cracking 期刊论文 H. Luo, C.F. Dong, Z.Y. Liu|
29 阵列电极在腐蚀电化学中的应用 期刊论文 张鉴清|
30 Shot noise analysis on corroison behavior of Zinc alloy (ZnAl4Cu1) under dry-wet cycles 期刊论文 L. Y. Zheng|Z. Zhang|J. Q. Zhang|C. N. Cao|
31 Polarization behavior of magnesium alloy AZ91D with Micro-Arc Oxidation coating in NaCl solution 期刊论文 W. Liu|J. Zheng|J. Zhang|C. Cao|
32 Electrochemical Behavior of 304 Stainless Steel in Marine Atmosphere and Its Simulated Solution 期刊论文 Li|P. H.|Li|X. G.|
33 Research on water-line corrosion of carbon steel by wire beam electrode technique 专著 Wang|J.|Zou|Y.|
34 The corrosion behavior of PCB-ImAg in industry polluted marine atmosphere environment 期刊论文 Jiang|Li|Li|Xiaogang|
35 Influence of ethanol content in the precursor solution on anodic electrodeposited CeO2 thin films 期刊论文 Zhu, Juan|Fan, Jinpeng|Zhang, Zhao|Zhang, Jianqing|
36 Adsorption dynamics of benzotriazole on copper in chloride solution 期刊论文 Y. Chen, Y.Y. Jiang, Z. Y. Ye, Z. Zhang|
37 Surface analysis of silver-plated circuit boards in a salt-spray environment 期刊论文 Mao|C. L.|Li|X. G.|
38 Stresscorrosion cracking of E690 steel as a welded joint in a simulated marineatmosphere containing sulphur dioxide 期刊论文 张鉴清|
39 The formation of passive films of carbon steel in borate buffer and their degradation behavior in NaCl solution by SECM 期刊论文 张鉴清|
40 Investigation of AZ91D magnesium alloy corrosionbehavior under thin electrolyte layer using nondestructive electrochemicaltechniques 期刊论文 张鉴清|
41 海水液滴铺展因子对碳钢表面电化学特性的影响 期刊论文 王燕华|王佳|刘在健|张源|
42 Anodic dissolution of a crack tip at AA2024-T351 in 3.5wt% NaCl solution 期刊论文 C. F. Dong|K. Xiao|X. G. Li|L. Lu|
43 2024-T351铝合金在酸性NaCl溶液中SCC行为的电化学噪声检测 期刊论文 杨志炜|肖葵|崔中雨|李晓刚|
44 Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in acidic medium by linseed oil based imidazoline 期刊论文 Y. Chen, Y.Y. Jiang, H. Chen, Z. Zhang, J.Q. Z|
45 Electrochemical Behaviour and Surface Analytical of Welded Stainless Steel in the Room Temperature Simulated PWR Water 期刊论文 Xiao|K.|Cheng|X. Q.|
46 Study of corrosion behavior of carbon steel under seawater film using the wire beam electrode method 期刊论文 Z.J. Liu, W. Wang, J. Wang, X. Peng, Y.H. Wang, P|
47 The electrochemical behaviour of 2205 duplex stainless steel in alkaline solutions with different pH in the presence of chloride 期刊论文 H. Luo|C. F. Dong|X. G. Li|K. Xiao|
48 虚拟恒电位仪的研制及其在腐蚀电化学测量中的应用 期刊论文 孙风娟|王佳|
49 短期贮存对金属铜腐蚀电化学行为的影响 期刊论文 钟莲|王佳|李爱娇|金晓晓|
50 Effect of Chloride Ion Concentration on Electrochemical Behavior and Corrosion Product of AM60 Magnesium Alloy in Aqueous Solutions 期刊论文 A. N. Chen|L. R. Chang|J. Q. Zhang|C. N. Cao|
51 基于扫描电化学显微镜产生/收集和反馈模式研究纯Mg腐蚀行为 期刊论文 聂林林|曹发和|张鉴清|曹楚南|
52 Effect of solution treatment on pitting behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel 期刊论文 Dong|C. F.|Xiao|K.|
53 Influences of the main anodic electroplating parameters on cerium oxide films 期刊论文 Du, Xiaoqing|Chen, Yu|Zhang, Zhao|Zhang, Jianqing|
54 316L不锈钢在西沙海洋大气环境下的腐蚀行为评估 期刊论文 骆鸿|肖葵|李朴华|李晓刚|
55 CorrosionBehavior of E690 High-Strength Steel in Alternating Wet-Dry Marine Environmentwith Different pH Values 期刊论文 张鉴清|
56 Galvanic corrosion behavior of copper/titanium galvanic couple in artificial seawater 期刊论文 Yang|Yang|Zhang|Zhao|
57 Investigation on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Copper Under HSO3--containing Thin Electrolyte Layers 期刊论文 Liu|Q.|Li|X. G.|
58 Study of pitting corrosion on mild steel during wet–dry cycles by electrochemical noise analysis based on chaos theory 期刊论文 W. J. Liu|L. Y. Zheng|J. Q. Zhang|C. N. Cao|