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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 重庆市城市男性吸烟者戒烟意愿及其影响因素分析 期刊论文 江苇;刘亚军;张晓峰;苗菁;王雪;王丽军;许红
2 Prevalence and behavioral associations of unintentional injuries among Chinese college: a 50-University population-based study 期刊论文 Dan Wu;Tingzhong Yang;Randall R. Cottrell;Huan Zhou;Xueying Feng
3 Individual and city-level determinants of secondhand smoke exposure in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Shuhan Jiang;Ross Barnett;Sihui Peng;Lingwei Yu
4 Regional contextual influences on short sleep duration: a 50 universities population-based multilevel study in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Sihui Peng;Ross Barnett;Chichen Zhang
5 Second hand smoke exposure in public venues and mental disorder: a representative nationwide study of China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Chengjian Cao;Randall R. Cottrell;Dan Wu;Lingwei Yu;Haoxiang Lin;Shuhan Jiang;Kathleen J. Young
6 Socioeconomic inequalities and mental stress in individual and regional level: a twenty one cities study in China 期刊论文 Hongmei Wang;Xiaozhao Y Yang;Tingzhong Yang;Randall R. Cottrell;Lingwei Yu;Xueying Feng;Shuhan Jiang
7 Chinese smokers’ behavioral response toward cigarette price: individual and regional correlates 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Sihui Peng;Lingwei Yu;Shuhan Jiang;William B. Stroub;Randall R. Cottrell;Ian RH Rockett
8 Environmental Smoking Restrictions and Light Cigarette Adoption Among Chinese Urban Smokers 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Shuhan Jiang;John L. Oliffe;Xueying Feng;Jianzhong Zheng
9 Air pollution as a catalyst for supporting tobacco control policies? Evidence from a nationwide study on Chinese medical students 期刊论文 Xiaozhao Yousef Yang;Tingzhong Yang;Fanhao Nie
10 Regional contextual determinants of internet addiction among college students: a representative nationwide study of China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Lingwei Yu;John L. Oliffe;Shuhan Jiang;Qi Si
11 Prevalence and regional correlates of road traffic injury among Chinese urban residents: A 21-city population-based study 期刊论文 Ian R. H. Rockett;Shuhan Jiang;Qian Yang;Tingzhong Yang;Xiaozhao Y.Yang;Sihui Peng;Lingwei Yu
12 Uncertainty stress, social capital, and suicidal ideation among Chinese medical student: Findings from a 22-university survey 期刊论文 Dan Wu;Tingzhong Yang;Ian RH Rockett;Lingwei Yu;Sihui Peng;Shuhan Jiang
13 重庆市社区15岁及以上男性居民吸烟现状及影响因素分析 期刊论文 江苇;刘亚军;张晓峰;苗菁;王雪;王丽军;许红
14 Life stress, uncertainty stress and self-reported illness: a representative nationwide study of Chinese students 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Shuhan Jiang;Lingwei Yu;Randall R.Cottrell;Qi Si
15 Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) in Tobacco Control in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Lingwei Yu;Joan L Bottorff;Dan Wu;Shuhan Jiang;Sihui Peng;Kathleen J. Young
16 Deliberate self-harm among Chinese medical students: a population-based study 期刊论文 Dan Wu;Ian RH Rockett;Tingzhong Yang;Xueying Feng;Shuhan Jiang;Lingwei Yu
17 Overweight and Obesity Among Chinese College Students: An Exploration OF Gender as Related to External Environmental Influences 期刊论文 Shuhan Jiang;Sihui Peng;Tingzhong Yang;Randall R. Cottrell;Lu Li
18 Gender balance and its impact on male and female smoking rates in Chinese cities 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Ross Barnett;Shuhan Jiang;Lingwei Yu;Hong Xian;Jun Ying;Weijun Zheng
19 Who switches from regular to light cigarettes? Astudy of six provincial capital cities in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Sihui Peng;Shuhan Jiang;John L. Oliffe;Lingwei Yu
20 Violent injuries and regional correlates among women in China: results from 21 cities study in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Xiaozhao Y Yang;Randall R. Cottrell;Dan Wu;Shuhan Jiang;James G. Anderson
21 Individual and regional association between socioeconomic status and uncertainty stress, and life stress: a representative nationwide study of China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Xiaozhao Y Yang;Lingwei Yu;Randall R. Cottrell;Shuhan Jiang
22 Individual and regional factors affecting stress and problem alcohol use: A representative nationwide study of China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Ross Barnett;Sihui Peng;Lingwei Yu;Chichen Zhang;Weifang Zhang
23 Who smokes in smoke-free public places in China? Findings from a 21 city survey 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Shuhan Jiang;Ross Barnett;John L. Oliffe;Dan Wu;Xiaozhao Y Yang;Lingwei Yu;Randall R. Cottrell
24 Association between bedtime and self-reported illness among college students: a representative nationwide study of China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Sihui Peng;Ross Barnett;Dan Wu;Xueying Feng;John L. Oliffe
25 Contextual influences affecting patterns of overweight and obesity among university students: a 50 universities population-based study in China 期刊论文 Tingzhong Yang;Lingwei Yu;Ross Barnett;Shuhan Jiang;Sihui Peng;Yafeng Fan;Lu Li
26 健康研究:社会行为理论与方法 专著 杨廷忠