
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Dynamical interplay between epidemics and cascades in complex networks 期刊论文 Jin, Xinyu|Xia, Yongxiang|Jiang, Lurong|Wu, Duanpo|
2 Link Prediction in Complex Networks: A Mutual Information Perspective 期刊论文 谈飞|夏永祥|朱博尧|
3 Dynamic Braess's Paradox in Complex Communication Networks 期刊论文 Xia, Yongxiang|Hill, David J.|
4 Optimal Resource Allocation in Complex Communication Networks 期刊论文 Liu, Huiyun|Xia, Yongxiang|
5 A Scale-Free Topology Construction Model for Wireless Sensor Networks 期刊论文 Xia, Yongxiang|Ouyang, Bo|Wu, Duanpo|Chen, Xi|
6 Oscillations in Interconnected Complex Networks under Intentional Attack 期刊论文 Wen-Ping Zhang|Yongxiang XIa|Fei Tan|
7 Effect of assortativity on traffic performance in scale-free networks 会议论文 Yongxiang Xia|Chi K. Tse|Francis C.M. Lau|
8 A Scale-Free Topology Construction Model for Wireless Sensor Networks 期刊论文 夏永祥|欧阳博|吴端坡|陈晰|
9 Effect of network size on robustness of interconnected networks under targeted attack 期刊论文 Wenping Zhang|Yongxiang Xia|Bo Ouyang|Lurong Jiang|
10 Change of network load due to node removal 期刊论文 Ouyang, Bo|Jin, Xinyu|Xia, Yongxiang|Jiang, Lurong|
11 A Graph Route-Based Superframe Scheduling Scheme in WirelessHART Mesh Networks for High Robustness 期刊论文 Dang, Kui|Shen, Ji-Zhong|Dong, Li-Da|Xia, Yong-Xiang|
12 Dynamic behavior of the interaction between epidemics and cascades on heterogeneous networks 期刊论文 金心宇|夏永祥|欧阳博|吴端坡|
13 The effect of capacity redundancy disparity on the robustness of interconnected networks 期刊论文 Yongxiang Xia|Wenping Zhang|Xunjun Zhang|
14 Cascading failures of loads in interconnected networks under intentional attack 期刊论文 Tan, Fei|Xia, Yongxiang|Zhang, Wenping|Jin, Xinyu|
15 Hybrid routing on scale-free networks 期刊论文 Tan, Fei|Xia, Yongxiang|
16 Link Prediction in Complex Networks: A Mutual Information Perspective 期刊论文 Tan, Fei|Xia, Yongxiang|Zhu, Boyao|
17 Optimal resource allocation under TCP Reno and Vegas in complex communication networks 会议论文
18 Dynamic behavior of the interaction between epidemics and cascades on heterogeneous networks 期刊论文 Jin, Xinyu|Xia, Yongxiang|Ouyang, Bo|Wu, Duanpo|
19 Identifying E?ects of Links in Cascading Failures via an Optimization Method 会议论文
20 An information-theoretic model for link prediction in complex networks. 期刊论文 Zhu, Boyao|Xia, Yongxiang|
21 Robust-yet-fragile nature of interdependent networks. 期刊论文 Tan, Fei|Xia, Yongxiang|Wei, Zhi|
22 疾病传播与级联失效相互作用的研究: 度不相关网络中疾病扩散条件的分析 期刊论文 金心宇|夏永祥|蒋路茸|吴端坡|
23 Traffic congestion in interconnected complex networks 期刊论文 Tan, Fei|Wu, Jiajing|Xia, Yongxiang|Tse, Chi K.|