
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Searching for strange quark matter objects among white dwarfs 期刊论文 Artemyev Anton;Huang Yong-Feng;Geng Jin-Jun;Zong Hong-Shi
2 Astrophysical Implications on Hyperon Couplings and Hyperon Star Properties with Relativistic Equations of States 期刊论文 Xiangdong Sun;Zhiqiang Miao;Baoyuan Sun;Ang Li
3 Timing and evolution of PSR B0950+08 期刊论文 Huang Hai-tao;Zhou Xia;Yuan Jian-ping;Zheng Xiao-Ping
4 Constraining Hadron-quark Phase Transition Parameters within the Quark-mean-field Model Using Multimessenger Observations of Neutron Stars 期刊论文 Miao Zhiqiang;Li Ang;Zhu Zhenyu;Han Sophia
5 Unified neutron star EOSs and neutron star structures in RMF models 期刊论文 Xia Cheng-Jun;Maruyama Toshiki;Li Ang;Sun Bao Yuan;Long Wen-Hui;Zhang Ying-Xun
6 Quark mean-field model for nuclear matter with or without bag 期刊论文 Zhu Zhenyu;Li Ang;Hu Jinniu;Shen Hong
7 Spin-down and emission variations for PSR J0742−2822 期刊论文 S. J. Dang;N. Wang;H. H. Wang;J. P. Yuan;L. H. Shang;R. Yuen;M. Y. Ge;X. Zhou;S. Q. Wang;F. F. Kou;W. M. Yan;J. B. Wang;Z. G. Wen;T. J.;Bai;Z. Y. Liu;Z. R. Zhou
8 Sound velocity in dense stellar matter with strangeness and compact stars 期刊论文 Xia Chengjun;Zhu Zhenyu;Zhou Xia;Li Ang
9 Effects of dark matter on the nuclear and neutron star matter 期刊论文 Das H. C.;Kumar Ankit;Kumar Bharat;Biswal S. K.;Nakatsukasa Takashi;Li Ang;Patra S. K.
10 Rotational Evolution of the Slowest Radio Pulsar, PSR J0250+5854 期刊论文 Kou F.F.;Tong H.;Xu R.X.;Zhou X.
11 R-mode Stability of GW190814's Secondary Component as a Supermassive and Superfast Pulsar 期刊论文 Zhou Xia;Li Ang;Li Bao-An
12 英国物理学会(IOP)出版社优秀审稿人奖 奖励 李昂
13 2020 Chinese Physics C Top Reviewer Award 奖励 李昂
14 Neutron star equation of state: Quark mean-field (QMF) modeling and applications 期刊论文 Li Ang;Zhu Zhenyu;Zhou Enping;Dong Jianmin;Hu Jinniu;Xia Chengjun
15 Dark Matter Admixed Neutron Star Properties in the Light of X-Ray Pulse Profile Observations 期刊论文 Miao Zhiqiang;Zhu Yaofeng;Li Ang;Huang Feng
16 R-mode instability in compact stars 会议论文 Zhu Cui;Wang Yu-Bin;Zhou Xia
17 Constraints on the Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars with a Quark Core from GW170817 and NICER PSR J0030+0451 Data 期刊论文 Li Ang;Miao Zhiqiang;Han Sophia;Zhang Bing
18 Nucleon effective mass in hot dense matter 期刊论文 Shang Xinle;Li Ang;Miao Zhiqiang;Burgio G.-F.;Schulze H-J.
19 Bayesian inference of quark star equation of state using the NICER PSR J0030+0451 data 期刊论文 Li Ang;Miao Zhiqiang;Jiang Jinliang;Tang Shaopeng;Xu Renxin
20 Comprehensive Analysis of the Tidal Effect in Gravitational Waves and Implication for Cosmology 期刊论文 Wang Bo;Zhu Zhenyu;Li Ang;Zhao Wen
21 Constraints on the symmetry energy and its associated parameters from nuclei to neutron stars 期刊论文 Yingxun Zhang;Min Liu;Cheng-Jun Xia;Zhuxia Li;S.K.Biswal
22 Can we distinguish quark stars from neutron stars with measurements of global properties? 会议论文 Li Ang
23 Revisiting the Post-glitch Relaxation of the 2000 Vela Glitch with the Neutron Star Equation of States in the Brueckner and Relativistic Brueckner Theories 期刊论文 Shang Xinle;Li Ang
24 Unified nuclear matter equationsof state constrained by the in-medium balance in density-dependent covariant density functionals 期刊论文 Xia Cheng-Jun;Sun Bao Yuan;Maruyama Toshiki;Long Wen-Hui;Li Ang
25 致密物质状态方程:中子星与奇异星 期刊论文 李昂;胡金牛;鲍世绍;申虹;徐仁新
26 Note on neutron star equation of state in the light of GW170817 会议论文 Li Ang;Zhu Zhen-Yu
27 Nuclear matter properties of finite nuclei using relativistic mean field formalism 期刊论文 S.K. Biswal;M.K.Abu El Sheikh;N. Biswal;N. Yusof;H.A. Kassim;S.K. Patra;M. Bhuyan
28 The r-mode instability windows of strange stars 期刊论文 Yu-Bin Wang;Xia Zhou;Na Wang;Xiong-Wei Liu
29 天文与天体物理领域中国高引作者奖 奖励 李昂
30 2019 Chinese Physics C Top Reviewer Award 奖励 李昂
31 Bayesian Inference of Strange Star Equation of State Using the GW170817 and GW190425 Data 期刊论文 Miao Zhiqiang;Jiang Jinliang;Li Ang;Chen Liewen
32 Interacting u d and u d s quark matter at finite densities and quark stars 期刊论文 Yuan Wen-Li;Li Ang;Miao Zhiqiang;Zuo Bingjun;Bai Zhan
33 On the moment of inertia of PSR J0737-3039 A from LIGO/Virgo and NICER 期刊论文 Miao Zhiqiang;Li Ang;Dai Zi-Gao
34 Tidal deformability and gravitational-wave phase evolution of magnetized compact-star binaries 期刊论文 Zhu Zhenyu;Li Ang;Rezzolla Luciano