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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A Sodium Transporter HvHKT1;1 Confers Salt Tolerance in Barley via Regulating Tissue and Cell Ion Homeostasis 期刊论文 Han Yong;Yin Shuya;HuangLu;Zeng Jianbin;Qiu Long;Munns R;Chen ZH;Zhang Guoping
2 Difference in physiological and biochemical responses to salt stress between Tibetan wild and cultivated barleys 期刊论文 Jabeen Zahra;Hussain Nazim;Wu Dezhi;Han Yong;Shamsi Imran;Wu Feibo;Zhang Guoping
3 Haze activity of different barley trypsin inhibitors of the chloroform/methanol type (BTI-CMe) 期刊论文 Ye Lingzhen; Huang Lu; Huang Yuqing; Wu Dezhi; Hu Hongliang; Li Chengdao; Zhang Guoping
4 The relationship of limit dextrinase, limit dextrinase inhibitor and malt quality parameters in barley and their genetic analysis 期刊论文 张国平
5 Physiological characterizations of three barley genotypes in response to low potassium stress 期刊论文 叶芝兰;张国平
6 Identification of the differently expressed proteins associated with low phosphorous stress tolerance in a Tibetan wild barley accession 期刊论文 张国平
7 Phosphate alleviates arsenate toxicity by altering expression of phosphate transporters in the tolerant barley genotypes 期刊论文 Zvobgo G;张国平
8 Ionomic and physiological responses to low nitrogen stress in Tibetan wild and cultivated barley 期刊论文 全晓艳;张国平
9 Transcriptome profiling reveals mosaic genomic origins of modern cultivated barley 期刊论文 Dai F;Chen ZH;Wang XL;Li ZF;Jin GL;Cai SG;Wu DZ;Wang N;Wu FB;Nevo E;Zhang GP
10 The genotypic difference in the effect of water stress after anthesis on the malt quality parameters in barley 期刊论文 Wu X. J.; Chen X.; Zeng F. R.; Zhang G. P.
11 Multi-omics analysis reveals molecular mechanism of shoot adaption to salt stress in Tibetan wild barley 期刊论文 张国平
12 The regulation of root growth in response to phosphorus deficiency mediated by phytohormones in a Tibetan wild barley accession. 期刊论文 张国平
13 Genetic architecture of limit dextrinase inhibitor (LDI) activity in Tibetan wild barley 期刊论文 张国平
14 Transcriptomic comparison of two barley genotypes differing in arsenic tolerance exposed to arsenate and phosphate treatments 期刊论文 Zvobgo G;张国平
15 Identification of two key genes controlling chill haze stability of beer in barley (Hordeum vulgare L) 期刊论文 Ye Lingzhen; Huang Yuqing; Dai Fei; Ning Huajiang; Li Chengdao; Zhou Meixue; Zhang Guoping
16 A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome 期刊论文 Mascher M;Gundlach H;Guoping Zhang;Braumann I;Spannagl M;Li CD;Waugh R;Stein N
17 Exploration, Identification and Utilization of Barley Germplasm 专著 张国平;李承道
18 Identification of proteins associated with ion homeostasis and salt tolerance in wild and cultivated barley 期刊论文 Wu DZ;Shen QF;Qiu L;Han Y;Ye LZ;Jabeen;Shu QY;Zhang GP
19 Metabolic analysis of two contrasting wild barley genotypes grown hydroponically reveals adaptive strategies in response to low nitrogen stress 期刊论文 Quan XY;Qian QF;Ye LZ;Zeng JB;Han ZG;Zhang GP
20 Development of predictive models for total phenolics and free p-coumaric acid contents in barley grain by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 期刊论文 韩之刚;张国平
21 Transcriptome profiling analysis for two Tibetan wild barley genotypes in responses to low nitrogen 期刊论文 Quan Xiaoyan;Zeng Jianbin;Ye Lingzhen;Chen Guang;Han Zhigang;Shah Jawad Munawar;Zhang Guoping
22 Comparative transcriptome profiling of two Tibetan wild barley genotypes in responses to low potassium. 期刊论文 张国平
23 Nitrogen (N) metabolism related enzyme activities, cell ultrastructure and nutrient contents as affected by N level and barley genotype 期刊论文 Shah JM;张国平
24 大麦遗传多样性与特异种质研究 奖励 张国平
25 Isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation proteomic analysis of germinating barley under gibberellin and abscisic acid treatments 期刊论文 黄雨晴;张国平
26 PEG-simulated drought stress and spike in vitro culture are used to study the impact of water stress on barley malt quality 期刊论文 巫小建;张国平
27 Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of Two Tibetan Wild Barley Genotypes in Responses to Low Potassium 期刊论文 Zeng Jianbin; He Xiaoyan; Wu Dezhi; Zhu Bo; Cai Shengguan; Nadira Umme Aktari; Jabeen Zahra; Zhang Guoping
28 The effects of GA and ABA treatments on metabolite profile of germinating barley 期刊论文 Huang Yuqing; Cai Shengguan; Ye Lingzhen; Hu Hongliang; Li Chenhdao; Zhang Guoping