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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Distinct phenotypic clusters of sleep-disordered breathing and their association with medical care-seeking behaviour and sleep habits: the Guangdong Sleep Health Study 期刊论文 Longlong Wang;Qiong Ou;Guangliang Shan;Miaochan Lao;Yanxia Xu;Guo Pei
2 公务员人群对打鼾危害的认知度及阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患病率现状调查 期刊论文 洪培川;欧琼;潘敏霞;陈柏欣;陈自行;洪作庚;程益潞
3 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者心血管功能早期损伤研究进展 期刊论文 洪作庚;欧琼
4 The effects of long‐term continuous positive airway pressure on apnea–hypopnea index change following short‐term that withdrawal in patients with obstructive sleep apnea 期刊论文 Longlong Wang;Minxia Pan;Qiong Ou
5 不伴心律失常的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者多导睡眠图心率变异性分析 期刊论文 许燕霞;欧琼;程益潞;洪作庚;劳妙婵;裴果
6 睡眠呼吸暂停患者脑电梭形波与疾病严重程度的关系 期刊论文 程益潞;欧琼;许燕霞;劳妙婵;裴果
7 公务员人群阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停筛查、干预的新模式及其影响因素 期刊论文 王拢拢;潘敏霞;陈柏欣;欧琼
8 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停与肿瘤患病关系的研究进展 期刊论文 熊海林;欧琼
9 The interaction among OSA, CPAP, and medications in patients with comorbid OSA and cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease: a randomized controlled trial 期刊论文 Miaochan Lao;Yilu Cheng;Xinglin Gao;Qiong Ou
10 A cross-sectional study of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with colorectal cancer 期刊论文 Hailin Xiong;Miaochan Lao;Shuyi Zhang;Jialian Chen;Qianping Shi;Yanxia Xu;Qiong Ou
11 Independent Association Between Oxygen Desaturation Index and Cardiovascular Disease in Non-Sleepy Sleep-Disordered Breathing Subtype: A Chinese Community-Based Study 期刊论文 Longlong Wang;Qiong Ou;Guangliang Shan;Miaochan Lao;Guo Pei;Yanxia Xu;Jinhuan Huang;Jiaoying Tan;Weiping Chen;Bing Lu
12 The Effects of Long-term CPAP on Weight Change in Patients With Comorbid OSA and Cardiovascular Disease Data From the SAVE Trial 期刊论文 Qiong Ou;Baixin Chen;Kelly A. Loffler;Yuanming Luo;Xilong Zhang;Rui Chen;Qian Wang;Luciano F. Drager;Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho;Michael Hlavac;Nigel McArdle;Sutapa Mukherjee;Olga Mediano;Ferran Barbe;Craig S. Anderson;R. Doug McEvoy;Richard J. Woodman
13 The predictive value of Holter monitoring in the risk of obstructive sleep apnea 期刊论文 Miaochan Lao;Qiong Ou;Cui'e Li;Qian Wang;Ping Yuan;Yilu Cheng
14 Comparative study of a wearable intelligent sleep monitor and polysomnography monitor for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea 期刊论文 Yanxia Xu;Qiong Ou;Yilu Cheng;Miaochan Lao;Guo Pei
15 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者认知功能评价方法 期刊论文 许燕霞;欧琼
16 The Incidence of Cancer Is Increased in Hospitalized Adult Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea in China: A Retrospective Cohort Study 期刊论文 Hailin Xiong;Miaochan Lao;Longlong Wang;Yanxia Xu;Guo Pei;Bin Lu;Qianping Shi;Jialian Chen;Shuyi Zhang;Qiong Ou
17 Cardiac imageology changes in patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea without cardiovascular disease 期刊论文 Zuogeng Hong;Qiong Ou;Yilu Cheng;Yanxia Xu;Hongwen Fei;Hui Liu
18 远程医疗在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停诊疗中的应用进展 期刊论文 裴果;欧琼
19 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停多器官损伤早防早治体系的构建与推广 奖励 欧琼;王拢拢;熊海林;裴果;劳妙婵;高兴林;陈勇池;洪作庚;潘敏霞;许燕霞;王倩
20 Association between residential greenness and obstructive sleep apnoea among adults in Southern China 期刊论文 Suhan Wang;Hailin Xiong;Longlong Wang;Guo Pei;Miaochan Lao;Yanxia Xu;Linjiong Liu;Siqi Luo;Yunquan Zhang;Qiong Ou
21 The changes of AHI after long-term CPAP in patients with comorbid OSA and cardiovascular disease 期刊论文 Yilu Cheng;Qiong Ou;Baixin Chen;Kelly A Loffler;R Doug McEvoy;Yanxia Xu;Qian Wang;Miaochan Lao
22 Screening for obstructive sleep apnea before coronary angiography 期刊论文 Guo Pei;Qiong Ou;Yongchi Chen;Yanxia Xu;Jiaoying Tan