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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 针灸诱发脑动静脉畸形破裂死亡1例 期刊论文 姚辉;任立国;任兴华;董志斌;杜傲;李延柠;温歌华;官大威;朱宝利;吴旭
2 交通事故致自身慢性肾衰竭急性进展死亡1例 期刊论文 谭亚晴;任立国;任兴华;姚辉;丁润涛;温歌华;李延柠;朱宝利;官大威;吴旭
3 抑郁症动物模型的研究进展 期刊论文 闫惠淳;王通宇;温歌华;吴旭
4 Memantine can improve chronic ethanol exposure-induced spatial memory impairment in male C57BL/6 mice by reducing hippocampal apoptosis 期刊论文 Xiaolong Wang;Hao Yu;Jiabin You;Changliang Wang;Chunmei Feng;Zahodi Liu;Ya Li;Rucheng Wei;Siqi Xu;Rui Zhao;Xu Wu;Guohua Zhang
5 Effects of Single-Dose and Long-Term Ketamine Administration on Tau Phosphorylation-Related Enzymes GSK-3 beta, CDK5, PP2A, and PP2B in the Mouse Hippocampus 期刊论文 Li Yanning;Wen Gehua;Ding Runtao;Ren Xinghua;Jing Chenchen;Liu Lin;Yao Jun;Zhang Guohua;Lu Yan;Li Baoman;Wu Xu
6 氯胺酮单次注射对小鼠海马区单羧酸转运蛋白家族表达的影响 期刊论文 杜傲;何柏林;李延柠;温歌华;董志斌;任兴华;吴旭
7 氯胺酮长期滥用后小鼠海马区caspase-3和PSD-95的表达变化 期刊论文 杜傲;任鹏;何柏林;杨顺成;丁润涛;沈瑞鹏;李延柠;董志斌;卢岩;吴旭
8 A fatal case of hypothermia caused by dog bites 期刊论文 Li Yanning;Shen Ruipeng;Ding Runtao;Wen Gehua;Du Ao;Dong Zhibin;Ren Xinghua;Yao Hui;Zhu Baoli;Li Rubo;Lu Yan;Wu Xu
9 Regulation of Tau Protein on the Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine in the Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Model 期刊论文 Wen Gehua;Yao Hui;Li Yanning;Ding Runtao;Ren Xinghua;Tan Yaqing;Ren Weishu;Yu Hao;Zhan Xiaoni;Wang Xiaolong;Xu Enyu;Yao Jun;Zhang Guohua;Lu Yan;Wu Xu
10 αII-Spectrin的研究进展及法医学应用 期刊论文 王明;孙宏杰;吴旭
11 Long-term ketamine administration causes Tau protein phosphorylation and Tau protein-dependent AMPA receptor reduction in the hippocampus of mice 期刊论文 Li Yanning;Ding Runtao;Ren Xinghua;Wen Gehua;Dong Zhibin;Yao Hui;Tan Yaqing;Yu Hao;Wang Xiaolong;Zhan Xiaoni;Yao Jun;Lu Yan;Zhang Guohua;Wu Xu
12 小儿髓母细胞瘤死亡1例 期刊论文 杜傲;李海林;朱宝利;李如波;沈瑞鹏;丁润涛;李延柠;董志斌;杨顺成;吴旭
13 Redistribution of Monocarboxylate 1 and 4 in Hippocampus and Spatial Memory Impairment Induced by Long-term Ketamine Administration 期刊论文 Ding Runtao;Tan Yaqing;Du Ao;Wen Gehua;Ren Xinghua;Yao Hui;Ren Weishu;Liu Huairu;Wang Xiaolong;Yu Hao;Yao Jun;Li Baoman;Zhang Guohua;Lu Yan;Wu Xu
14 氨酚待因等多种镇痛药致中毒死亡1例 期刊论文 沈瑞鹏;石立;官大威;李如波;丁润涛;杜傲;李延柠;董志斌;吴旭
15 Fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by rupture of variant anterior communicating artery a case report and literature review 期刊论文 Runtao Ding;Xiaoming Xu;Dawei Guan;Baoli Zhu;Guohua Zhang;Xu Wu
16 肝硬化并发脑出血死亡1例 期刊论文 董志斌;孙景有;朱宝利;官大威;杜傲;李延柠;任兴华;温歌华;姚辉;吴旭
17 Effects of Ketamine on Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines IL-6, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha in the Hippocampus of Mice Following Acute or Chronic Administration 期刊论文 Li Yanning;Shen Ruipeng;Wen Gehua;Ding Runtao;Du Ao;Zhou Jichuan;Dong Zhibin;Ren Xinghua;Yao Hui;Zhao Rui;Zhang Guohua;Lu Yan;Wu Xu
18 Genetic polymorphisms, forensic efficiency and phylogenetic analysis of 17 autosomal STR loci in the Han population of Wuxi, Eastern China 期刊论文 Lu Yan;Sun Hong-jie;Zhou Ji-chuan;Wu Xu
19 职业性接触异噻唑啉酮致中毒性肝病死亡1例 期刊论文 任兴华;沈瑞鹏;李延柠;温歌华;丁润涛;董志斌;姚辉;李如波;张国华;吴旭
20 氯胺酮合并多物质滥用的毒性损害作用相关研究进展 期刊论文 丁润涛;甄博;王庆尧;李国良;于浩;刘增甲;吴旭
21 Genetic polymorphisms of 20 autosomal STR loci in 5141 individuals from the Han population of Xiamen, Southeast China 期刊论文 Lu Yan;Song Peng;Huang Jian-chun;Wu Xu