
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 教育部长江学者青年学者 奖励 周新雨
2 重庆市“渝中英才” 奖励 周新雨
3 A diathesis-stress rat model induced suicide-implicated endophenotypes and prefrontal cortex abnormalities in the PKA and GABA receptor signaling pathways 期刊论文 Teng Teng;Li Fan;Wei Yan;Xuemei Li;Yuqing Zhang;Yajie Xiang;Yuanliang Jiang;Kai Yuan;Bangmin Yin;Le Shi;Xueer Liu;Ying Yu;Xinyu Zhou;Lin Lu;Peng Xie
4 重庆市杰出青年基金 奖励 周新雨
5 Effect of antidepressants on functioning and quality of life outcomes in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis 期刊论文 Teng Teng;Zhihan Zhang;Bangmin Yin;Tingting Guo;Xiaoya Wang;Jiayi Hu;Xin Ran;Qi Dai;Xinyu Zhou
6 Biogeography of the large intestinal mucosal and luminal microbiome in cynomolgus macaques with depressive-like behavior 期刊论文 Teng Teng;Gerard Clarke;Michael Maes;Yuanliang Jiang;Jun Wang;Xuemei Li;Bangmin Yin;Yajie Xiang;Li Fan;Xueer Liu;Jie Wang;Shouhuan Liu;Yunqing Huang;Julio Licinio;Xinyu Zhou;Peng Xie
7 Chronic unpredictable mild stress produces depressive-like behavior, hypercortisolemia, and metabolic dysfunction in adolescent cynomolgus monkeys 期刊论文 Teng Teng;Shively Carol A.;Li Xuemei;Jiang Xiaofeng;Neigh Gretchen N.;Yin Bangmin;Zhang Yuqing;Fan Li;Xiang Yajie;Wang Mingyang;Liu Xueer;Qin Mengchang;Zhou Xinyu;Xie Peng
8 The efficacy and acceptability of exposure therapy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis 期刊论文 Tengyue Huang;Haomiao Li;Shiyu Tan;Siyu Xie;Qisheng Cheng;Yajie Xiang;Xinyu Zhou
9 重庆市青少年科技创新市长奖 奖励 周新雨
10 重庆市十佳科技青年奖 奖励 周新雨
11 中华精神医学优秀青年人才 奖励 周新雨
12 Individual vs. Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 期刊论文 Tingting Guo;Jing Su;Jiayi Hu;Marianne Aalberg;Yinglin Zhu;Teng Teng;Xinyu Zhou
13 一种青少年自杀风险预测模型的生成方法和预测系统 专利 周新雨;余妍洁;刘峰;滕腾;李雪梅
14 Comparative analysis of gut microbiota and fecal metabolome features among multiple depressive animal models 期刊论文 Xueer Liu;Xuemei Li;Teng Teng;Yuanliang Jiang;Yajie Xiang;Li Fan;Ying Yu;Xinyu Zhou;Peng Xie
15 重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划 奖励 周新雨
16 中华医学科技奖一等奖 “抑郁障碍的临床应用基础研究” 奖励 谢鹏;王刚;时杰;刘志华;冯建峰;赵靖平;方贻儒;李涛;魏泓;邱江;郑鹏;周新雨;李琦;周婵娟;程可
17 重庆市青年专家工作室领衔专家 奖励 周新雨
18 全国青年岗位能手标兵 奖励 周新雨
19 重庆市科技进步一等奖 “抑郁障碍的基础研究与临床应用” 奖励 谢鹏;胡霁;郑鹏;周新雨;王刚;李琦;程可;刘艺昀;王海洋;赵立波;周婵娟;徐晓艳;蒲俊材;陈建军;杨德雨
20 Proteomic and metabolomic characterization of amygdala in chronic social defeat stress rats 期刊论文 Li Fan;Lining Yang;Xuemei Li;Teng Teng;Yajie Xiang;Xueer Liu;Yuanliang Jiang;Yinglin Zhu;Xinyu Zhou;Peng Xie
21 霍英东教育基金会全国高校青年教师奖 奖励 周新雨
22 Comparative efficacy and acceptability of antidepressants, psychotherapies, and their combination for acute treatment of children and adolescents with depressive disorder: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. 期刊论文 Zhou Xinyu;Teng Teng;Zhang Yuqing;Del Giovane Cinzia;Furukawa Toshi A;Weisz John R;Li Xuemei;Cuijpers Pim;Coghill David;Xiang Yajie;Hetrick Sarah E;Leucht Stefan;Qin Mengchang;Barth Jürgen;Ravindran Arun V;Yang Lining;Curry John;Fan Li;Silva Susan G;Cipriani Andrea;Xie Peng
23 Comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 期刊论文 Yajie Xiang;Andrea Cipriani;Teng Teng;Cinzia Del Giovane;Yuqing Zhang;John R. Weisz;Xuemei Li;Pim Cuijpers;Xueer Liu;Jürgen Barth;Yuanliang Jiang;David Cohen;Li Fan;Donna Gillies;Kang Du;Arun V. Ravindran;Xinyu Zhou;Peng Xie
24 Comparative short-term efficacy and acceptability of a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for depressive disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis 期刊论文 Yajie Xiang;Pim Cuijpers;Teng Teng;Xuemei Li;Li Fan;Xueer Liu;Yuanliang Jiang;Kang Du;Jingyuan Lin;Xinyu Zhou;Peng Xie