Wnt/β- catenin信号通路在后发性白内障形成中的作用

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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Incidence of acute-onset endophthalmitis after separate bilateral cataract surgeries less than 5 days apart 期刊论文 Ying Chen;Yu Zhang;Xiaodan Li;Hong Yan
2 白内障超声乳化培训教程 参编:白内障相关解剖和白内障类型 专著 严宏;陈曦
3 Incidence of endophthalmitis and cytokine levels in the aqueous humor of the second eye after bilateral sequential cataract surgery 会议论文 Yu Zhang;Hong Yan;Ying Chen;Guo Li
4 Analysis of influencing factors associated with the time between cataract surgery and Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy 期刊论文 Yaping Zhang;Yazheng Wu;Jiaojiao Liang;Xue Xie;Haiyan Wang;Hui Chi;Hong Yan
5 Factors associated with the time between cataract surgery and Nd:YAG treatment in the biggest eye center of northwest china 会议论文 Hong Yan;Yaping Zhang;Jiaojiao Liang;Xue Xie
6 过氧化氢处理体外培养小鼠晶状体上清液的蛋白组学分析 期刊论文 李果;陈颖;严宏;周希瑗
7 近十年国家自然科学基金对白内障领域资助的分析 期刊论文 马晓盼;陈曦;严宏
8 The synergistic role of TGF-β/Smad and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways in the formation of posterior capsule opacification 会议论文 Xi Chen;Hong Yan
9 Moderate oxidative stress promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the lens epithelial cells via the TGF-b/Smad and Wnt/B-catenin pathways 期刊论文 Xi Chen;Hong Yan;Ying Chen;Guo Li;Yue Bing;Xiyuan Zhou
10 Preloaded vs manually loaded IOL delivery systems in cataract surgery in the largest ambulatory surgery center of northwestern China: an efficiency analysis 期刊论文 Yazheng Wu;Hong Yan;Weijia Yan
11 TGF‑β2 levels in the aqueous humor are elevated in the second eye of high myopia within two weeks after sequential cataract surgery 期刊论文 Weijia Yan;Yaping Zhang;Junguo Cao;Hong Yan
12 白内障术后并发症 : 现状与对策 期刊论文 严宏;陈曦;陈颖
13 Elevated TGF-β1, TGF-β2, MMP-2 and TIMP-1 Levels in the Aqueous Humor of Patients with Acute Primary Angle Closure 期刊论文 Ying Chen;Hong Yan;Guo Li;Yu Zhang
14 Correlation of binocular refractive error and calculation of intraocular Lens power for the second eye 期刊论文 Pengcheng Zhang;Yuhuan Yang;Hong Yan;Jie Zhang;Weijia Yan
15 白内障术后角膜病变治疗的新进展 期刊论文 陈曦;严宏
16 TGF-β/Smad和Wnt/β-catenin信号通路对氧化应激状态下晶状体上皮细胞间质转分化的调控作用 奖励 陈曦;严宏;周希媛
17 Effect of thioltransferase on oxidative stress induced by high glucose and advanced glycation end products in human lens epithelial cells 期刊论文 Qing Liu;Xu Wang;Hong Yan
18 先天性白内障相关斜视研究进展 期刊论文 武雅贞;严宏
19 双眼白内障手术严宏2019观点 专著 严宏
20 Role of ERK1/2 in regulation of mild oxidative stress induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human lens epithelial cells 会议论文 Zaoxia Guo;Ruixue Zhang;Hong Yan
21 陕西省眼科医院病例精解 专著 严宏
22 白内障手术学习精要-第5章白内障超声乳化术 专著 严宏;张婕
23 白内障摘除手术中晶状体囊膜抛光技术及抑制PCO的探讨 期刊论文 严宏;陈颖