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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The C IV Baldwin effect in quasi-stellar objects from Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 期刊论文 Bian Wei-Hao|Fang Li-Ling|Huang Ke-Liang|Wang Jian-Min|
2 Outflows from active galactic nuclei: the BLR-NLR metallicity correlation 期刊论文 Valls-Gabaud David|Baldwin Jack A.|Ge Jun-Qiang|Xue Sui-Jian|
3 A systematic study on energy dependence of quasi-periodic oscillation frequency in GRS 1915+105 期刊论文 Zhang Shu|Yin Hong-Xing|Zhang Cheng-Min|Wang Jian-Min|
4 A Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Size and Structure of the Broad-line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei Using Reverberation Mapping Data 期刊论文 Wang Jian-Min|Ho Luis C.|Du Pu|Bai Jin-Ming|
5 Double-peaked Narrow Emission-line Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Sample and Basic Properties 期刊论文 Hu Chen|Wang Jian-Min|Bai Jin-Ming|Zhang Shu|
6 Type-I X-Ray Bursts Reveal a Fast Co-evolving Behavior of the Corona in an X-Ray Binary 期刊论文 Zhang Shu|Zhang Shuang-Nan|Li Jian|Wang Jian-Min|
7 Super-Eddington Accreting Massive Black Holes as Long-Lived Cosmological Standards 期刊论文 Du Pu|Valls-Gabaud David|Hu Chen|Netzer Hagai|
8 Alignments Of Black Holes with Their Warped Accretion Disks and Episodic Lifetimes of Active Galactic Nuclei 期刊论文 Li Yan-Rong|Wang Jian-Min|Cheng Cheng|Qiu Jie|
9 Intervening broad-line region clouds' effects on the optical/ultraviolet spectrum 期刊论文 Ferland Gary J. |Hu Chen|Wang Jian-Min|Du Pu|
10 Unveiling the Super-orbital Modulation of LS I +61°303 in X-Rays 期刊论文 Rea Nanda|Caliandro G. Andrea|Chen Yu-Peng|Wang Jian-Min|
11 Cosmological Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes. II. Evidence for Downsizing of Spin Evolution 期刊论文 Li Yan-Rong|Wang Jian-Min|Ho Luis C.|
12 Two-component Structure of the Hβ Broad-line Region in Quasars. I. Evidence from Spectral Principal Component Analysis 期刊论文 Ho Luis C.|Ferland Gary J. |Baldwin Jack A.|Wang Ye|
13 INTEGRAL and Swift Observations of the Be X-Ray Binary 4U 1036-56 (RX J1037.5-5647) and its Possible Relation with γ-Ray Transients 期刊论文 Zhang Shu|Papitto Alessandro|Chen Yupeng|Wang Jian-Min|
14 Star Formation in Self-gravitating Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Episodic Formation of Broad-line Regions 期刊论文 Baldwin Jack A.|Ge Jun-Qiang|Hu Chen|Ferland Gary J.|
15 INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of IGR J18179-1621 期刊论文 Torres Diego F.|Papitto Alessandro|Chen Yu-Peng|Wang Jian-Min|
16 SDSS中LINERs的光学光变研究 期刊论文 胡晨|王建民|毕少兰|艾艳丽|
17 A Bayesian Method for the Intercalibration of Spectra in Reverberation Mapping 期刊论文 Wang Jian-Min|Hu Chen|Du Pu|Bai Jin-Ming|
18 Evolution of Warped Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Roles of Feeding at the Outer Boundaries 期刊论文 Li Yan-Rong|Wang Jian-Min|Cheng Cheng|Qiu Jie|
19 Possible hard X-ray shortages in bursts from KS 1731-260 and 4U 1705-44 期刊论文 sZhang S.-N.|Kretschmar P.|Wang J.-M.|Li J.|
20 The Hard X-Ray Behavior of Aql X-1 during Type-I Bursts 期刊论文 Torres Diego F.|Kretschmar Peter|Li Jian|Wang Jian-Min|
21 A General Relativistic External Compton-Scattering Model for TeV Emission from M87 期刊论文 Cui Yu-Dong|Yuan Ye-Fei|Li Yan-Rong|Wang Jian-Min|
22 Clumpy Accretion onto Black Holes. I. Clumpy-advection-dominated Accretion Flow Structure and Radiation 期刊论文 Wang Jian-Min|Cheng Cheng|Li Yan-Rong|
23 Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. Hβ Time Lags and Implications for Super-Eddington Accretion 期刊论文 Ho Luis C.|Netzer Hagai|Wang Jian-Min|SEAMBH Collaboration|
24 A New Approach to Constrain Black Hole Spins in Active Galaxies Using Optical Reverberation Mapping 期刊论文 Li Yan-Rong|Ho Luis C.|Hu Chen|Bai Jin-Ming|
25 Outflows from active galactic nuclei: The BLR-NLR metallicity correlation 期刊论文 Valls-Gabaud David|Baldwin Jack A.|Ge Jun-Qiang|Xue Sui-Jian|
26 Self-shadowing Effects of Slim Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei: The Diverse Appearance of the Broad-line Region 期刊论文 Wang Jian-Min|Qiu Jie|Du Pu|Ho Luis C.|
27 Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Detection of Fe II Reverberation in Nine Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies 期刊论文 Ho Luis C.|Netzer Hagai|Wang Jian-Min|SEAMBH Collaboration|
28 Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. I. First Results from a New Reverberation Mapping Campaign 期刊论文 Kaspi Shai|Netzer Hagai|Wang Jian-Min|SEAMBH Collaboration|
29 Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. The Most Luminous Standard Candles in the Universe 期刊论文 Qiu Jie|Li Yan-Rong|Wang Fang|SEAMBH Collaboration|
30 Supermassive black holes with high accretion rates in active galactic nuclei: I. First results from a new reverberation mapping campaign 期刊论文 Bai J.-M.|Kaspi S.|Netzer H.|Wang J.-M.|
31 A Study of Optical Light Variations of LINERs in SDSS 期刊论文 Hu Chen|Wang Jian-min|Bi Shao-lan|Ai Yan-li|
32 A Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Size and Structure of the Broad-line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei Using Reverberation Mapping Data 期刊论文 Wang Jian-Min|Ho Luis C.|Du Pu|Bai Jin-Ming|