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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Giving waterbodies the treatment they need: A critical review of the application of constructed floating wetlands 期刊论文 Bi R.;Zhou C. Y.;Jia Y. F.;Wang S. F.;Li P.;Reichwaldt E. S.;Liu W. H.
2 Arsenic redistribution and transformation during Fe(II)-catalyzed recrystallization of As-adsorbed ferrihydrite under anaerobic conditions 期刊论文 Zhang Guoqing;Yuan Zidan;Lei Lei;Lin Jinru;Wang Xin;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
3 Stabilization and transformation of selenium during the Fe(II)-induced transformation of Se(IV)-adsorbed ferrihydrite under anaerobic conditions 期刊论文 Shaofeng Wang;Lei Lei;Danni Zhang;Guoqing Zhang;Rui Cao;Xin Wang;Jinru Lin;Yongfeng Jia
4 The long-term stability of Fe-III-As-V coprecipitates at pH 4 and 7: Mechanisms controlling the arsenic behavior 期刊论文 Zhang Danni;Wang Shaofeng;Gomez Mario A;Wang Ying;Jia Yongfeng
5 一种富铁型砷污染土壤的硫诱导稳定化处理方法 专利 王少锋;张国庆;贾永锋;马旭;林金如;袁子丹
6 Incorporation of trace metals Cu, Zn, and Cd into gypsum: Implication on their mobility and fate in natural and anthropogenic environments 期刊论文 Ma Xu;Gomez Mario A;Yuan Zidan;Bi Ran;Zhang Jiaxi;Wang Shaofeng;Yao Shuhua;Kersten Michael;Jia Yongfeng
7 Accurate determination of the As(V) coordination environment at the surface of ferrihydrite using synchrotron extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and ab initio Debye–Waller factors 期刊论文 Wang Shaofeng;Zhang Guoqing;Lin Jinru;Wang Xin;Jia Yongfeng
8 Insight into the effect of SO42− on the precipitation and solubility of ferric arsenate in acidic solutions: Implication for arsenic mobility and fate 期刊论文 Xu Ma;Shaofeng Wang;Mario A. Gomez;Zidan Yuan;Xing Wu;Shuhua Yao;Yongfeng Jia
9 Fate of adsorbed arsenic during early stage sulfidization of nano-ferrihydrite 期刊论文 Zhang Guoqing;Zhang Danni;Yuan Zidan;Ma Xu;Lei Lei;Wu Xing;Lin Jinru;Wang Xin;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
10 Partitioning and transformation behavior of arsenic during Fe(III)-As(III)-As(V)-SO42- coprecipitation and subsequent aging process in acidic solutions: Implication for arsenic mobility and fixation 期刊论文 Ma Xu;Zhang Jiaxi;Gomez Mario A.;Ding Yu;Yao Shuhua;Lv Hongtao;Wang Xin;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
11 Molecular Structure of Molybdate Adsorption on Goethite at pH 5–8: A Combined DFT + U, EXAFS, and Ab Initio XANES Study 期刊论文 Wang Shaofeng;Zeng Xiangfeng;Lin Jinru;Yuan Zidan;Qu Shan;Zhang Baoping;Pan Yuanming;Chen Ning;Chen Weifeng;Jia Yongfeng
12 The effect of iron reduction on the long-term stability of scorodite in the presence of enolic hydroxyl groups and mineral transformation 期刊论文 Zidan Yuan;Xu Ma;Jinru Lin;Xin Wang;Shaofeng Wang;Yongfeng Jia
13 Phase transformation of hydrous ferric arsenate in the presence of Fe(II) under anaerobic conditions: Implications for arsenic mobility and fate in natural and anthropogenic environments 期刊论文 Ma Xu;Su Rui;Zhao Xiaoming;Liu Sijia;Wu Xing;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
14 Rapid Abiotic As Removal from As-rich Acid Mine Drainage: Effect of pH, Fe/As Molar Ratio, Oxygen, Temperature, Initial As Concentration and Neutralization Reagent 期刊论文 Yuan Zidan;Zhang Guoqing;Ma Xu;Yu Le;Wang Xin;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
15 An innovative strategy for efficient and economical arsenic removal in hydrometallurgical waste sulfuric acid by co-treatment with Fe–As coprecipitation residue via scorodite formation 期刊论文 Xu Ma;Rui Su;Xiayu Zhu;Zhixi Zhao;Xiangfeng Zeng;Shaofeng Wang;Yongfeng Jia
16 A combined abiotic oxidation-precipitation process for rapid As removal from high-As(III)-Mn(II) acid mine drainage and low As-leaching solid products 期刊论文 Zidan Yuan;Guoqing Zhang;Xu Ma;Le Yu;Xin Wang;Shaofeng Wang;Yongfeng Jia
17 Arsenite oxidation and (thio)arsenates formation in arsenite- and sulfide-containing solution under air atmosphere 期刊论文 Peiwen Zhang;Shaofeng Wang;Danni Zhang;Yumeng Wang;Yu Song;Yongfeng Jia
18 Detoxification and reclamation of hydrometallurgical arsenic- and trace metals-bearing gypsum via hydrothermal recrystallization in acid solution 期刊论文 Xu Ma;Shuhua Yao;Zidan Yuan;Ran Bi;Xing Wu;Jiaxi Zhang;Shaofeng Wang;Xin Wang;Yongfeng Jia
19 Oxidation and incorporation of adsorbed antimonite during iron(II)-catalyzed recrystallization of ferrihydrite 期刊论文 Xiuling Yin;Guoqing Zhang;Rui Su;Xiangfeng Zeng;Zelong Yan;Danni Zhang;Xu Ma;Lei Lei;Jinru Lin;Shaofeng Wang;Yongfeng Jia
20 An alternative method for the treatment of metallurgical arsenic-alkali residue and recovery of high-purity sodium bicarbonate 期刊论文 Su Rui;Ma Xu;Lin Jinru;Yin Xiuling;Wang Xin;Pan Yuanming;Heredia Emilio;Chernikov Roman;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
21 The adsorption of As(V) on poorly crystalline Fe oxyhydroxides, revisited: Effect of the reaction media and the drying treatment 期刊论文 Zhang Danni;Cao Rui;Wang Ying;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
22 Adsorption and transformation of thioarsenite at hematite/water interface under anaerobic condition in the presence of sulfide 期刊论文 Ying Wang;Jinru Lin;Shaofeng Wang;Danni Zhang;Fan Xiao;Xin Wang;Yongfeng Jia
23 The long-term stability of calcium arsenates: Implications for phase transformation and arsenic mobilization 期刊论文 Zhang Danni;Wang Shaofeng;Wang Ying;Gomez Mario A;Jia Yongfeng
24 Characterization of Fe5(AsO3)3Cl2(OH)4·5H2O, a new ferric arsenite hydroxychloride precipitated from FeCl3–As2O3–HCl solutions relevant to arsenic immobilization 期刊论文 Zidan Yuan;Xu Ma;Xing Wu;Guoqing Zhang;Xin Wang;Shaofeng Wang;Yongfeng Jia
25 Fate of arsenic during up to 4.5 years of aging of FeIII-AsV coprecipitates at acidic pH: Effect of reaction media (Nitrate vs. Sulfate), Fe/As molar ratio, and pH 期刊论文 Danni Zhang;Rui Cao;Shaofeng Wang;Ying Wang;Ran Bi;Yongfeng Jia
26 Arsenic removal from hydrometallurgical waste sulfuric acid via scorodite formation using siderite (FeCO3) 期刊论文 Su Rui;Ma Xu;Yin Xiuling;Zhao Xiaoming;Yan Zelong;Lin Jinru;Zeng Xiangfeng;Zhang Danni;Wang Shaofeng;Jia Yongfeng
27 Surface Sorption Site and Complexation Structure of Ca2+ at the Goethite-Water Interface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Quantitative XANES Analysis 期刊论文 Jia Yongfeng;Zheng Yang;Lin Jinru;Zhang Guoqing;Ma Xu;Wang Xin;Wang Shaofeng
28 The fate of co-existent cadmium and arsenic during Fe(II)-induced transformation of As(V)/Cd(II)-bearing ferrihydrite 期刊论文 Xiaoming Zhao;Zidan Yuan;Shaofeng Wang;Guoqing Zhang;Shan Qu;Yidi Wang;Sijia Liu;Yuanming Pan;Jinru Lin;Yongfeng Jia
29 Iron(II)-activated phase transformation of Cd-bearing ferrihydrite: Implications for cadmium mobility and fate under anaerobic conditions 期刊论文 Xiaoming Zhao;Zidan Yuan;Shaofeng Wang;Yuanming Pan;Ning Chen;Ayetullah Tunc;Kalong Cheung;Aslan Alparov;Weifeng Chen;Reza Deevsalar;Jinru Lin;Yongfeng Jia
30 一种废渣稳定化处理的方法 专利 王少锋;张国庆;贾永锋;林金如;马旭;雷蕾