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1 Effect and mechanism of commonly used four nitrogen fertilizers and three organic fertilizers on Solanum nigrum L. hyperaccumulating Cd 期刊论文 Yang Wei;Dai Huiping;Dou Xuekai;Zhang Qianru;Wei Shuhe
2 The effects of different electrode materials on seed germination of Solanum nigrum L. and its Cd accumulation in soil 期刊论文 Xu Lei;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
3 The mechanism of chelator improved the tolerance and accumulation of poplar to Cd explored through differential expression protein based on iTRAQ 期刊论文 Dai Huiping;Wei Shuhe;Noori Azam
4 Difference in Cd2+ flux around the root tips of different soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars and physiological response under mild cadmium stress 期刊论文 Siqi Wang;Huiping Dai;Lidia Skuza;Yanqiu Chen;Shuhe Wei
5 Stem aqueous extracts of accumulator Bidens tripartita L. strongly promoted Solanum nigrum L. Cd hyperaccumulation from soil 期刊论文 Han Ran;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Zhan Jie;Wei Shuhe
6 Effects of Cd-resistant fungi on uptake and translocation of Cd by soybean seedlings 期刊论文 Siqi Wang;Huiping Dai;Shuhe Wei;Lidia Skuza;Yanqiu Chen
7 Aqueous extracts from the selected hyperaccumulators used as soil additives significantly improve accumulation capacity of Solanum nigrum L. for Cd and Pb 期刊论文 Han Ran;Dai Huiping;Twardowska Irena;Zhan Jie;Wei Shuhe
8 强化植物修复重金属的重要措施及快速检测机理研究 奖励 代惠萍;魏树和;王芹;张晟瑞;韩冉;杨微
9 Bidens pilosa L. hyperaccumulating Cd with different species in soil and the role of EDTA on the hyperaccumulation 期刊论文 Dou Xuekai;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
10 Strengthening role and the mechanism of optimum nitrogen addition in relation to Solanum nigrum L. Cd hyperaccumulation in soil 期刊论文 Yang Wei;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
11 Enhanced Cd Phytoextraction by Solanum nigrum L. from Contaminated Soils Combined with the Application of N Fertilizers and Double Harvests 期刊论文 Wei Yang;Huiping Dai;Lidia Skuza;Shuhe Wei
12 In search of the exclusion/low-accumulation mechanisms: Cadmium uptake and accumulation from soil by cultivated (Solanum melongena L.) and wild eggplants (Solanum torvum L.) 期刊论文 Dai Huiping;Wei Shuhe;Twardowska Irena;Zhang Qing
13 Cosmopolitan cadmium hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum: Exploring cadmium uptake, transport and physiological mechanisms of accumulation in different ecotypes as a way of enhancing its hyperaccumulative capacity. 期刊论文 Huiping Dai;Shuhe Wei;Irena Twardowska;Nan Hou;Qing Zhang
14 The effects of different electric fields and electrodes on Solanum nigrum L. Cd hyperaccumulation in soil 期刊论文 Xu Lei;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
15 Effects of some chelators and surfactants on hyperacculator Sedum alfredii Hance remediating contaminated soil 期刊论文 Dou Xuekai;Dai Huiping;Wei Shuhe;Hu Yahu;Skuza Lidia
16 Prospective sustainable production of safe food for growing population based on the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) crops under Cd soil contamination stress 期刊论文 Zhan Jie;Twardowska Irena;Wang Siqi;Wei Shuhe;Chen Yanqiu;Ljupco Mihajlov
17 The front-heavy and back-light nitrogen application mode to increase stem and leaf biomass significantly improved cadmium accumulation in Solanum nigrum L. 期刊论文 Yang Wei;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
18 The cadmium accumulation differences of two Bidens pilosa L. ecotypes from clean farmlands and the changes of some physiology and biochemistry indices 期刊论文 Dai Huiping;Wei Shuhe;Pogrzeba Marta;Krzyżak Jacek;Rusinowski Szymon;Zhang Qing
19 Effects of different soil pH and nitrogen fertilizers on Bidens pilosa L. Cd accumulation 期刊论文 Huiping Dai;Shuhe Wei;Lidia Skuza
20 Mechanism exploration of Solanum nigrum L. hyperaccumulating Cd compared to Zn from the perspective of metabolic pathways based on differentially expressed proteins using iTRAQ 期刊论文 Huiping Dai;Shuhe Wei;Dariusz Grzebelus;Lidia Skuza;Jibao Jia;Nan Hou
21 The potential of medicinal plant extracts in improving the phytoremediation capacity of Solanum nigrum L. for heavy metal contaminated soil 期刊论文 Han Ran;Dai Huiping;Guo Bin;Noori Azam;Sun Wanchun;Wei Shuhe
22 Strong accumulation capacity of hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. for low or insoluble Cd compounds in soil and its implication for phytoremediation 期刊论文 Dou Xuekai;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
23 Optimal voltage and treatment time of electric field with assistant Solanum nigrum L. cadmium hyperaccumulation in soil 期刊论文 Xu Lei;Dai Huiping;Skuza Lidia;Wei Shuhe
24 Cadmium removal potential of hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. under two planting modes in three years continuous phytoremediation 期刊论文 Xuekai Dou;Huiping Dai;Lidia Skuza;Shuhe Wei
25 Phytoremediation of two ecotypes cadmium hyperaccumulator Bidens pilosa L. sourced from clean soils 期刊论文 Dai Huiping;Wei Shuhe;Skuza Lidia;Zhang Qing
26 Hyperaccumulation of Cd by Rorippa globosa (Turcz.) Thell. from soilenriched with different Cd compounds, and impact of soil amendmentwith glutathione (GSH) on the hyperaccumulation efficiency 期刊论文 Dou Xuekai;Dai Huiping;Twardowska Irena;Wei Shuhe
27 Clean extracts from accumulator efficiently improved Solanum nigrum L. accumulating Cd and Pb in soil 期刊论文 Han Ran;Dai Huiping;Zhan Jie;Wei Shuhe