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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Observation of oblique lower band chorus generated by nonlinear three-wave interaction 期刊论文 Teng S.C;J. Zhao;X. Tao;S. Wang;G.D. Reeves
2 Quasilinear analysis of saturation properties of broadband whistler mode waves 期刊论文 Tao X;Chen L;Liu X;Lu Q.;Wang S
3 Off-equatorial source of magnetosonic waves extending above the lower hybrid rosononce frequency in the inner magnetosphere 期刊论文 Wu,Z. Y;Su Z.P;Liu N.G;Gao Z.L;Zheng H.N;Wang Y.M;Wang S
4 Multipoint observations of nightside plasmaspheric hiss generated by substorm -injected electrons 期刊论文 Su Z.P;N.G. Liu;H.N. Zheng;Y.M. Wang;S. Wang
5 Theoretical analysis on lower band cascade as a mechanism for multiband chorus in the Earth's magnetosphere 期刊论文 Gao X.L;Q.M. Lu;S.J. Wang;S. Wang
6 Statistical results of the power gap between lower-band and upper-band chorus waves 期刊论文 Gao X.L;L.J. Chen;W. Li;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
7 Generation of multiband chorus in the earth's magnetosphere:1-D PIC simulation 期刊论文 Gao X.L;Ke Y.G;Lu Q.M;Chen L.J;Wang S
8 Controlling the Chirping of Chorus Waves via Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity 期刊论文 Wu Yifan;Tao Xin;Zonca Fulvio;Chen Liu;Wang Shui
9 Generation of banded chorus by a two-component energetic electron distribution in an inhomogeneous magnetic field 期刊论文 Huang H;Wang Z.B;Tao X;Wang X.G
10 Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation 期刊论文 Liu Nigang;Su Zhenpeng;Gao Zhonglei;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui;Miyoshi Yoshizumi;Shinohara Iku;Kasahara Yoshiya;Tsuchiya Fuminori;Kumamoto Atsushi;Matsuda Shoya;Shoji Masafumi;Mitani Takefumi;Takashima Takeshi;Kazama Yoichi;Wang Bo-Jhou;Wang Shiang-Yu;Jun Chae-Woo;Chang Tzu-Fang;Tam Sunny W. Y.;Kasahara Satoshi;Yokota Shoichiro;Keika Kunihiro;Hori Tomoaki;Matsuoka Ayako
11 Validation and analysis of bounce resonance diffusion coefficients 期刊论文 Li X;X. Tao
12 Characteristics and generation of low-freguency magnetosonic waves below the proton gyrofrequency 期刊论文 Teng S.C;W. Li;X. Tao;Q. Ma;X. Shen
13 A "Trap-Release-Amplify" model of chorus waves 期刊论文 Tao X;Zonca F;Chen L
14 Rapid Landau Heating of Martian Topside Ionospheric Electrons by Large-Amplitude Magnetosonic Waves 期刊论文 Su Zhenpeng;Liu Nigang;Gao Zhonglei;Wang Bin;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
15 Nonlinear evolution of counter-propagating whistler mode waves excited by anisotropic electrons within the equatorial source region:1 -D PIC simulations 期刊论文 Chen H.Y;X.L. Gao;Q.M. Lu;J.C. Sun;S. Wang
16 Gap Formation Around 0.5 Ωe of Whistler-Mode Waves Excited by Electron Temperature Anisotropy 期刊论文 Chen Huayue;Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Sauer Konrad;Chen Rui;Yao Jiansheng;Wang Shui
17 Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of magnetosonic wave excitation in a dipole magnetic field 期刊论文 Chen L.J;J.C. Sun;Q.M. Lu;X.Y. Wang;X.L. Gao;D.D. Wang;S. Wang
18 Magnetosonic harmonic falling and rising frequency emissions potentially generated by nonlinear wave-wave interactions in the Van Allen radiation belts 期刊论文 Liu N.G;Z.P. Su;H.N. Zheng;Y.M. Wang;S. Wang
19 Statistical characteristics in the spectrum of whistler waves near the diffusion region of dayside magnetopause reconnection 期刊论文 Ren Y;Dai L;Wang C;Li W;Tan X;Lavraud B;Le Contel O
20 In situ observations of whistler-mode chorus waves guided by density ducts 期刊论文 Chen R;Gao X.L;Lu Q.M;Chen L.J;Tsurutani B.T;Ni B.B;Wang S
21 Modeling radiation belt dynamics using a 3 -D layer method code 期刊论文 Wang C;Ma Q;Tao X;Zhang Y;Teng S.C;Albert J.M;Chan A. A;Li W;Ni B;Lu Q.M;Wang S
22 Investigations of the electron phase space dynamics in triggered whistler wave emissions using low noise δ f method 期刊论文 Tao X;Zonca F;Chen L
23 Parametric decay of a parallel.propagating.monochromatic.whistler.wave:.Particle-in-cell simulations 期刊论文 Ke Y.G;Gao X.L;Lu Q.M;Wang S
24 Prompt Disappearance and Emergence of Radiation Belt Magnetosonic Waves Induced by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations 期刊论文 Liu Nigang;Su Zhenpeng;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
25 Statistical Evidence for EMIC Wave Excitation Driven by Substorm Injection and Enhanced Solar Wind Pressure in the Earth's Magnetosphere: Two Different EMIC Wave Sources 期刊论文 Chen Huayue;Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Tsurutani Bruce T.;Wang Shui
26 Nonlinear coupling between whistler-mode chous and electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the magnetosphere 期刊论文 Gao Z.L;Z.P. Su;F.L. Xiao;D. Summers;N.G. Liu;H.N. Zheng;Y.M. Wang;F.S. Wei;S. Wang
27 Direct observational evidence of the simultaneous excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and magnetosonic waves by an anisotropic proton ring distribution 期刊论文 Teng S.C;Liu N.G;Ma Q;Tao X;Li W
28 Particle-in-cell simulation of electron cyclotron harmonic waves driven by a loss cone distribution 期刊论文 Wu Y.F;Tao X;Liu X;Chen L.J;Xie H.S;Liu K.J;Horne R.B
29 Characteristics of rising tone whistler mode waves inside the earth’s plasmasphere, plasmas pheric plumes and plasmatrough 期刊论文 Teng S.C;W. Li;X. Tao;X.C. Shen;Q. Ma
30 Can Solar Wind Decompressive Discontinuities Suppress Magnetospheric Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves Associated With Fresh Proton Injections? 期刊论文 Liu Nigang;Su Zhenpeng;Gao Zhonglei;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
31 Identify the nonlinear wave-particle interaction.regime.in.rising.tone.chorus.generation 期刊论文 Tao X;Zonca F;Chen L
32 Nonlinear fundamental and harmonic cyclotron resonant scattering of radiation belt ultrarelativistic electrons by oblique monochromatic EMIC waves 期刊论文 Wang G;Su Z.P;Zheng H.N;Wang Y.M.;Zhang M;Wang S
33 Typical characteristics of whistler mode waves categorized by their spectral properties using Van Allen probes observations 期刊论文 Teng S.C;X. Tao;W. Li
34 Magnetospheric Chorus, Exohiss, and Magnetosonic Emissions Simultaneously Modulated by Fundamental Toroidal Standing Alfven Waves Following Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations 期刊论文 Liu Nigang;Su Zhenpeng;Gao Zhonglei;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
35 Simultaneous observations and combined effects of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and magnetosonic waves 期刊论文 Teng S.C;Ma Q;Tao X
36 Statistical results of multiband chorus by.using.THEMIS.waveform.data 期刊论文 Gao X.L;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
37 Effects of noulinear resonance broadening on interactions between electrons and whistler mode waves 期刊论文 Cai B;Wu,Y.F;Tao X
38 Quenching of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves by Substorm Proton Injections 期刊论文 Dai Guyue;Su Zhenpeng;Liu Nigang;Wang Bin;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
39 A statistical study of the spatial distribution and source-region size of chorus waves using Van Allen Probes data 期刊论文 Teng S.C;X. Tao;W. Li;Y. Qi;X.L. Gao;L. Dai;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
40 First report of resonant interactions between whistler mode waves in the Earth's magnetosphere 期刊论文 Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Wang Shui
41 Observational Evidence for Whistler Mode Waves Guided/Ducted by the Inner and Outer Edges of the Plasmapause 期刊论文 Chen Rui;Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Tsurutani Bruce T.;Wang Shui
42 Generation of rising-tone chorus in a two-dimensional mirror field by using the general curvilinear PIC code 期刊论文 Ke Y.G;Gao X.L;Lu Q.M;Wang X.Y;Wang S
43 Generation of lower harmonic magnetosonic waves through nonlinear wave-wave interactions 期刊论文 Gao X.L;J.C. Sun;Q.M. Lu;L.J. Chen;S. Wang
44 Parametric decay of oblique whistler waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere: 2 -D PIC simulations 期刊论文 Ke Y.G;X.L. Gao;Q.M. Lu;Y.F. Hao;S. Wang
45 Characteristics of low-harmonic magnetosonic wave in the earth's inner magnetosphere 期刊论文 Teng S.C;Liu N.G;Ma Q;Tao X
46 A statistical analysis of duration and frequency chirping rate of falling tone chorus 期刊论文 Yie Yi;Teng S.C;Wu Y.F;Tao X
47 Theoretical and numerical studies of chorus waves:A review 期刊论文 Tao X;Zonca F;Chen L;Wu Y.F
48 Generation and characteristics of unusual high frequency EMIC waves 期刊论文 Teng S.C;W. Li;X. Tao;Q. Ma;L. Capannolo;X.C. Shen;L.Z. Gan
49 Analyzing EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Using Long-Term Van Allen Probes Observations 期刊论文 Chen Huayue;Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Wang Shui
50 In situ observations of harmonic Alfven waves and associated heavy ion heating 期刊论文 Chen H.Y;X.L. Gao;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
51 Suprathermal Electron Evolution Under the Competition Between Plasmaspheric Plume Hiss Wave Heating and Collisional Cooling 期刊论文 Wang Zhongshan;Su Zhenpeng;Liu Nigang;Dai Guyue;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui
52 Lower Band Cascade of Whistler Waves Excited by Anisotropic Hot Electrons: One-Dimensional PIC Simulations 期刊论文 Chen Huayue;Gao Xinliang;Lu Quanming;Ke Yangguang;Wang Shui
53 A positive correlation between energetic electron butterfly distributions and magnetosonic waves in the radiation belt slot region 期刊论文 Yang C;Su Z.P;Xiao F.L;Zheng H.N;Wang Y.M;Wang S;Spence H.E;Reeves G.D;Baker D.N;Blake J.B;Funsten H.O
54 The effects of thermal electrons on whistler mode waves excited by anisotropic hot electrons: Linear theory and 2-D PIC simulations 期刊论文 Fan K;X.L. Gao;Q.M. Lu;J. Guo;S. Wang
55 Analysis of the duration of rising tone chorus elements 期刊论文 Teng S. C;X. Tao;Y. Xie;F. Zonca;L. Chen;W. B. Fang;S. Wang
56 Unraveling the correlation between chorus wave and electron beam-like distribution in the earth's magnetosphere 期刊论文 Chen R;X.L. Gao;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
57 Saturation properties of whistler wave instability in a plasma with two electron components 期刊论文 Wu Y.F;X. Tao;Q.M. Lu;S. Wang
58 Large-Amplitude Extremely Low Frequency Hiss Waves in Plasmaspheric Plumes 期刊论文 Su Zhenpeng;Liu Nigang;Zheng Huinan;Wang Yuming;Wang Shui