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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 南极苔原沼泽温室气体通量变化特征及其对气候变化的响应 期刊论文 王培;叶文娟;朱仁斌;徐华
2 Potential methane and nitrous oxide production and respiration rates from penguin and seal colony tundra soils during freezing–thawing cycles under different water contents in coastal Antarctica 期刊论文 LIU Yashu;ZHANG Wanying;ZHU Renbin;XU Hua
3 南极中山站大气六氟化硫浓度本底特征 期刊论文 王灿;卞林根;叶文娟;朱仁斌;郑向东;刘立新
4 西南极苔原地区硒的生物地球化学 会议论文 叶文娟;朱仁斌
5 Selenium volatilization from tundra soil in maritime Antarctica 会议论文 叶文娟;朱仁斌
6 Potential effects of ultraviolet radiation reduction on tundra nitrous oxide and methane fluxes in maritime Antarctica 期刊论文 Tao Bao;Renbin Zhu;Pei Wang;Wenjuan Ye;Dawei Ma;Hua Xu
7 Distribution Characteristics of Halogens and their Influencing Factors in Antarctic Tundra Soils 会议论文 ZHANG Wanying;ZHU Renbin;BAO Tao
8 Impact of Control Measures on Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Matter Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in Anhui Province, China 期刊论文 Haitao Dai;Dawei Ma;Renbin Zhu;Bowen Sun;Jun He
9 Effects of sea animal colonization on community structures of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea and nitrogen conversion rates in maritime Antarctica. 会议论文 Renbin Zhu;Qing Wang
10 超低排放改造后燃煤电厂细颗粒物排放特征 期刊论文 王润芳;马大卫;姜少毅;朱仁斌;何军;张本耀
11 Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Air Pollutants Emission from Coal-fired Power Plants in Anhui Province Based on Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) 会议论文 DAI Haitao;MA Dawei;ZHU Renbin
12 Effects of sea animal colonization on the coupling between dynamics and activity of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in maritime Antarctica 期刊论文 Qing Wang;Renbin Zhu;Yanling Zheng;Tao Bao;Lijun Hou
13 Bacterial diversity is strongly associated with historical penguin activity in an Antarctic lake sediment profile 期刊论文 Renbin Zhu;Yu Shi;Dawei Ma;Can Wang;Hua Xu;Haiyan Chu
14 Monitoring atmospheric nitrous oxide background concentrations at Zhongshan Station, east Antarctica 期刊论文 Ye Wenjuan;Bian Lingen;Wang Can;Zhu Renbin;Zheng Xiangdong;Ding Minghu
15 Potential methane production rates and its carbon isotopic composition from ornithogenic tundra soils in coastal Antarctic 期刊论文 BAO Tao;ZHU Renbin;BAI Bo;XU Hua
16 紫外辐射强度减弱对南极苔原温室气体通量的影响 会议论文 代海涛;包韬;朱仁斌
17 Spatial variability in greenhouse gas fluxes of a temperate freshwater marsh in China: effects of soil moisture, animal activities and land use 期刊论文 BAO T;ZHU R. B.;WANG Q.;FANG Z. Y.;LI B. K.;GAO Y. S.;XU H.
18 南极菲尔德斯半岛湖泊沉积物中微生物多样性与分布特征 会议论文 王灿;朱仁斌;包韬
19 Sunlight stimulates methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission from the High Arctic tundra 期刊论文 Li Fangfang;Zhu Renbin;Bao Tao;Wang Qing;Xu Hua
20 南极苔原反硝化微生物群落多样性及其影响因素 会议论文 代海涛;孙博文;朱仁斌
21 南北极环境中氮循环过程及其功能微生物研究 会议论文 王晴;朱仁斌
22 Efects of multiple environmental variables on tundra ecosystem respiration in maritime Antarctica 期刊论文 Tao Bao;Renbin Zhu;Xianglan Li;WenjuanYe;Xiao Cheng
23 Summertime CO_2 fluxes from tundra of Ny-?lesund in the High Arctic 期刊论文 LI Fangfang;ZHU Renbin;BAO Tao;WANG Qing;XU Hua