
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Robust Affine-Invariant Line Matching for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images 期刊论文 Chen, Min|Shao, Zhenfeng|
2 Research on medical image retrieval based on arbitrary shape 会议论文 Cheng, Qimin1|Shen, Yulan1|Shao, Zhenfeng2|Li, Dongyang2|
3 Fusion of infrared and visible images based on focus measure operators in the curvelet domain 期刊论文 Shao ZhenFeng|Liu Jun|Cheng Qimin|
4 智慧城市的概念、支撑技术及应用 期刊论文 姚远|邵振峰|Li Deren 1,2 , Yao Yuan 1 , Shao Zhenfeng 2 (1. School of Rem|2. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveyi|
5 基于移动终端的实景LBS技术及应用 奖励
6 Semantic graph construction for 3D geospatial data of multi-versions 期刊论文 Zhou, Xiran|Shao, Zhenfeng|Zeng, Wei|Liu, Jun|
7 海岛礁及周边复杂环境动态三维建模 期刊论文 李德仁|姚远|邵振峰|LI Deren1,2 YAO Yuan1 SHAO Zhenfeng2(1 School of Remote Sensi|
8 空天地高分辨率多源遥感影像智能匹配与融合的关键技术与系统 奖励
9 Thin cloud removal from single satellite images 期刊论文 Liu, Shuguang|Zhou, Xiran|Shao, Zhenfeng|Liu, Ping|
10 Combining SIFT and global features for web image classification 会议论文 Wen, Yue2|Zha, Zheng-Jun3|Chen, Xihua1|Shao, Zhenfeng4|
11 Parameter estimation in sparse representation based face hallucination 期刊论文 Wang, Zhongyuan|Hu, Ruimin|Shao, Zhenfeng|Hou, Zhiqiang|
12 移动实景三维位置服务技术及应用 奖励
13 基于地理本体的空间传感网数据处理 期刊论文 周熙然|邵振峰|周寿章|
14 一种薄云影响下的遥感影像匀光算法 期刊论文 沈小乐|邵振峰|闫贝贝|
15 面向服务的地理信息公共平台关键技术研究 期刊论文 王艳军|邵振峰|
16 Fusion of infrared and visible images based on focus measure operators in the curvelet domain 期刊论文 Shao Zhenfeng|Liu Jun|Cheng Qimin|
17 新地理信息时代的信息化测绘 期刊论文 李德仁|王艳军|邵振峰|
18 基于地面激光扫描技术的矿区地形图更新 期刊论文 石强|邵振峰|杜志强|刘冲|
19 Invariant matching method for different viewpoint angle images 期刊论文 Chen, Min|Shao, Zhenfeng|Li, Dongyang|Liu, Jun|
20 城市网格化社会服务管理系统设计与实现 期刊论文 黄拥华|邵振峰|周维勋|丁霖|
21 纹理特征与视觉注意相结合的建筑区提取 期刊论文 沈小乐|邵振峰|田英洁|
22 A novel remote sensing image retrieval method based on visual salient point features 期刊论文 Wang, Xing|Shao, Zhenfeng|Zhou, Xiran|Liu, Jun|
23 Feature matching for illumination variation images 期刊论文 Shao, Zhenfeng|Chen, Min|Liu, Chong|
24 3D model reconstruction based on close-range photogrammetry 会议论文 Zeng, Wei1, 2|Zhong, Sidong1, 2|Yao, Yuan2|Shao, Zhenfeng1, 2|
25 Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images 期刊论文 邵振峰|
26 From digital Earth to smart Earth 期刊论文 邵振峰|
27 Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images 期刊论文 Liu, Shuguang|Shao, Zhenfeng|Zhou, Xiran|Liu, Ping|
28 A multi-scale method for urban tree canopy clustering recognition using high-resolution image 期刊论文 Guo, Jia|Wang, Bei|Dong, Yuwei|Wang, Pinglu|
29 Geographic Ontology Driven Hierarchical Semantic of Remote Sensing Image 会议论文
30 地理国情信息的多级网格化表达 期刊论文 李德仁|邵振峰|丁霖|
31 A Shadow Detection Method from Urban High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Color Features of Shadow 会议论文
32 BASI:An Index to Extract Built-Up Areas from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images by Visual Saliency Model 期刊论文 Shao Zhenfeng|Tian Yingjie|Shen Xiaole|
33 基于工作流引擎的空间信息服务链半透明构建技术研究 期刊论文 王艳军|邵振峰|慎于蓝|
34 三维地理信息系统平台软件与示范应用 奖励
35 Talbert Grand Award 奖励
36 An effective hyperspectral image retrieval method using integrated spectral and textural features 期刊论文 Zhou, Weixun|Cheng, Qimin|Diao, Chunyuan|Zhang, Lei|
37 Scale and rotation robust line-based matching for high resolution images 期刊论文 Chen, Min|Shao, Zhenfeng|Liu, Chong|Liu, Jun|
38 A Novel Hierarchical Semisupervised SVM for Classification of Hyperspectral Images 期刊论文 Zhenfeng Shao|Lei Zhang|Xiran Zhou|Lin Ding|
39 智慧城市中的大数据 期刊论文 李德仁|姚远|邵振峰|
40 Improved multi-scale segmentation algorithm for high spatial resolution remote sensing images 会议论文 Rui, Liu1, 2|Wang, Shixin1|Yi, Zhou1|Shao, Zhenfeng3|
41 集成倾斜航空摄影测量和地面移动测量技术的城市环境监测 期刊论文 李德仁|刘立坤|邵振峰|
42 快速离散Curvelet变换和IHS变换集成的遥感影像融合方法 期刊论文 刘军|邵振峰|
43 BASI: An Index to Extract Built-Up Areas from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images by Visual Saliency Model 期刊论文 邵振峰|
44 Development of a multi-scale object-based shadow detection method for high spatial resolution image 期刊论文 Luo, Hui|Wang, Le|Shao, Zhenfeng|Li, Deren|
45 Color constancy enhancement under poor illumination (vol 36, pg 4821, 2011) 期刊论文 Liu, Jun|Shao, Zhenfeng|Cheng, Qimin|
46 改进多尺度Retinex理论的低照度遥感影像增强方法 期刊论文 邵振峰|白云|周熙然|
47 聚类特征和 SVM 组合的高光谱影像半监督协同分类 期刊论文 张磊|邵振峰|周熙然|丁霖|
48 Sparse dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral image based on semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis 期刊论文 Shao, Zhenfeng|Zhang, Lei|
49 From digital Earth to smart Earth 期刊论文 Li, Deren|Yao, Yuan|Shao, Zhenfeng|Wang, Le|
50 集成BIM和多源空间信息的建设工程全生命周期管理平台研发与应用 奖励
51 国家数字城市地理空间框架技术体系构建与应用 奖励
52 Geo-informatization of new geographic information era 期刊论文 Li, Deren1|Wang, Yanjun1|Shao, Zhenfeng1|
53 Applying spectral mixture analysis for large-scale sub-pixel impervious cover estimation based on neighbourhood-specific endmember signature generation 期刊论文 Liu, Chong|Luo, Jiancheng|Shen, Zhanfeng|Shao, Zhenfeng|
54 Robust affine-invariant line matching for high resolution remote sensing images 期刊论文 Chen Min|Shao Zhenfeng*|Li Dongyang|Liu Jun|
55 一种稳健的高效角点特征提取变换 期刊论文 陈敏|邵振峰|
56 A Novel Hierarchical Semisupervised SVM for Classification of Hyperspectral Images 期刊论文 Shao, Zhenfeng|Zhang, Lei|Zhou, Xiran|Ding, Lin|
57 采用主成分分析的改进云检测算法 期刊论文 蒋嫚嫚|邵振峰|
58 Invariant matching method for different viewpoint angle images 期刊论文 Chen, Min|Shao, Zhenfeng|Li, Dongyang|Liu, Jun|
59 Scale and rotation robust line-based matching for high resolution images 期刊论文 Chen, Min|Shao, Zhenfeng|Liu, Chong|Liu, Jun|
60 MNDISI: a multi-source composition index for impervious surface area estimation at the individual city scale 期刊论文 Liu, Chong|Shao, Zhenfeng|Chen, Min|Luo, Hui|
61 A modified sunsal-tv algorithm for hyperspectral unmixing based on spatial homogeneity analysis 会议论文
62 高光谱影像稀疏解混的空间同质分析法 期刊论文 王毓乾|邵振峰|
63 改进的OIF和SVM结合的高光谱遥感影像分类 期刊论文 张磊|邵振峰|
64 The service of digital measurable images in smart Jiuzhaigou 会议论文 Bai, Yun1, 2|Xu, Cong1, 2|Shao, Zhenfeng1, 2|
65 尺度、旋转以及亮度稳健的高分辨率影像直线特征匹配 期刊论文 邵振峰|陈敏|
66 基于四阶相关系数的 NSCT 域红外与可见光图像融合 期刊论文 杨如红|邵振峰|张磊|
67 一种QaR树的图像粒优化分解方法 期刊论文 邵振峰|周熙然|刘军|
68 智慧地球时代测绘地理信息学的新使命 期刊论文 姚远|邵振峰|LI De-ren①②,YAO Yuan①,SHAO Zhen-feng②(①School of Remote Sensi|②State key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying|
69 利用视觉注意模型和局部特征的遥感影像检索方法 期刊论文 周维勋|邵振峰|侯继虎|
70 基于基准点和基准方向的SIFT误匹配校正方法 期刊论文 陈敏|邵振峰|慎于蓝|
71 A Multi-scale Progressive Framework for Ground Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Data 会议论文
72 The Integrated Use of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data for Monitoring Large-Scale Impervious Surface Dynamics: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta 期刊论文 Shao, Zhenfeng|Liu, Chong|
73 一种并行计算的流数据Delaunay构网算法 期刊论文 李坚|李德仁|邵振峰|
74 一种云模型和期望最大聚类的遥感影像分割算法 期刊论文 丁玉琦|邵振峰|胡石元|
75 High-resolution remote-sensing imagery retrieval using sparse features by auto-encoder 期刊论文 Zhou, Weixun|Shao, Zhenfeng|Diao, Chunyuan|Cheng, Qimin|
76 基于积分图像的面状注记配置方法研究 期刊论文 张磊|邵振峰|潘飞|GUO Bingxuan1 ZHANG Lei1 SHAO Zhengfeng1 PAN Fei1 (1 State Ke|
77 在海浪影响下的海岛动态三维建模 期刊论文 姚远|邵振峰|
78 基于视觉显著点特征的遥感影像检索方法 期刊论文 王星|邵振峰|
79 Estimation of Forest Carbon Storage Based on Airborne LiDAR Data 会议论文 Liu, Chong|Shao, Zhenfeng|
80 Improved color texture descriptors for remote sensing image retrieval 期刊论文 Shao, Zhenfeng|Zhou, Weixun|Zhang, Lei|Hou, Jihu|
81 一种改进低层特征算子的遥感影像检索方法 期刊论文 周维勋|邵振峰|