番茄果实成熟特异RING-H2 Finger型锌指蛋白LeRZFP1的功能分析及其调控机理研究

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1 Silencing SlELP2L, a tomato Elongator complex protein 2-like gene, inhibits leaf growth, accelerates leaf, sepal senescence, and produces dark-green fruit 期刊论文 Ren, Lijun|Xie, Qiaoli|Zhao, Zhiping|Hu, Zongli|
2 Accumulation and Molecular Regulation of Anthocyanin in Purple Tumorous Stem Mustard (Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee) 期刊论文 Wang, Zhijin|Zhao, Zhiping|Yang, Yang|Chen, Guoping|
3 Overexpression of pucC improves the heterologous protein expression level in a Rhodobacter sphaeroides expression system 期刊论文 Ding, G.|Zhao, Z.|Dong, T.|Hu, Z.|
4 Anthocyanin Accumulation and Molecular Analysis of Correlated Genes in Purple Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) 期刊论文 Zhu, Zhiguo|Wang, Zhijin|Tian, Shibing|Chen, Guoping|
5 Overexpression of the Tomato 13-Lipoxygenase Gene TomloxD Increases Generation of Endogenous Jasmonic Acid and Resistance to Cladosporium fulvum and High Temperature 期刊论文 Zeng, Hua|Hu, Zongli|Qv, Xiaoxiao|Chen, Guoping|
6 Together silencing DmCPD and DmGA20ox generates a novel miniature and delayed flowering Dendranthema morifolium variety. 期刊论文 Xie Q, Chen G, Liu Q, Zhu Z, Hu Z*|
7 Overexpression of the Tomato 13-Lipoxygenase Gene TomloxD Increases Generation of Endogenous Jasmonic Acid and Resistance to Cladosporium fulvum and High Temperature. 期刊论文 Zeng H|Hu Z|Qu X|Chen G|
8 Heterologous Expression of BoPAP1 in Tomato Induces Stamen Specific Anthocyanin Accumulation and Enhances Tolerance to a Long-Term Low Temperature Stress 期刊论文 Zhang, Bin|Zhang, Yanjie|Tu, Yun|Chen, Guoping|
9 Overexpression of a novel MADS-box gene SlFYFL delays senescence, fruit ripening and abscission in tomato 期刊论文 Dong, Tingting|Zhao, Zhiping|Cui, Baolu|Chen, Guoping|
10 Tomato Tm-2(2) gene confers multiple resistances to TMV, ToMV, PVX, and PVY to cultivated potato 期刊论文 Zhang, Ch.|Wu, X.|Xie, Q.|Chen, G.|
11 Tomato lipoxygenase D involved in the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress in tomato. 期刊论文 Zongli Hu|Hua Zeng,|Xiaoxiao Qv|Guoping Chen|
12 SlDEAD31, a Putative DEAD-Box RNA Helicase Gene, Regulates Salt and Drought Tolerance and Stress-Related Genes in Tomato 期刊论文 Wang, Lingling|Zhang, Jianling|Zhao, Zhiping|Hu, Zongli|
13 Simultaneous Silencing of Five Lipoxygenase Genes Increases the Contents of alpha-Linolenic and Linoleic Acids in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Fruits 期刊论文 Zeng, Hua|Hu, Zongli|Qv, Xiaoxiao|Chen, Guoping|
14 A New Tomato NAC (NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2) Transcription Factor, SlNAC4, Functions as a Positive Regulator of Fruit Ripening and Carotenoid Accumulation 期刊论文 Tu, Yun|Wang, Yi|Dong, Tingting|Hu, Zongli|
15 Anthocyanin composition and expression analysis of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in kidney bean pod 期刊论文 Wencheng Yin|Xiaohui Yu|Zhiguo Zhu|Zongli Hu|
16 Small RNAs were involved in homozygous state-associated silencing of a marker gene (Neomycin phosphotransferase II: nptII) in transgenic tomato plants 期刊论文 潘宇|陈绪清|陈国平|胡宗利|
17 Jointly silencing BoDWARF, BoGA20ox and BoSP (SELF-PRUNING) produces a novel miniature ornamental Brassica oleracea var. acephala f. tricolor variety 期刊论文 Deng, Lei|Liu, Qin|Zhang, Yanjie|Hu, Zongli|
18 A Non-Climacteric Fruit Gene CaMADS-RIN Regulates Fruit Ripening and Ethylene Biosynthesis in Climacteric Fruit 期刊论文 Xie, Qiaoli|Yin, Wencheng|Zhang, Yanjie|Hu, Zongli|
19 A tomato MADS-Box rranscription factor, SlMADS1, acts as a negative regulator of fruit ripening 期刊论文 王翊|朱明库|张建苓|陈国平|
20 A Tomato MADS-Box Transcription Factor, SlMADS1, Acts as a Negative Regulator of Fruit Ripening 期刊论文 Wang, Yi|Zhu, Mingku|Zhang, Jianling|Chen, Guoping|
21 Anthocyanin Accumulation and Molecular Analysis of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis-Associated Genes in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) 期刊论文 Huang, Cheng|Tian, Shibing|Zhao, Zhiping|Chen, Guoping|
22 Small RNAs were involved in homozygous state-associated silencing of a marker gene (Neomycin phosphotransferase II: nptII) in transgenic tomato plants 期刊论文 Pan, Yu|Chen, Xuqing|Chen, Guoping|Hu, Zongli|