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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Sporadic E morphology based on COSMIC radio occultation data and its relationship with wind shear theory 期刊论文 Luo Jia;Liu Haifeng;Xu Xiaohua
2 2014—2016年FY-3C与COSMIC掩星电离层特征参数的比较 期刊论文 罗佳;王涵;徐晓华
3 A New Strategy for Extracting ENSO Related Signals in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from GNSS RO Specific Humidity Observations 期刊论文 Chen Zhiping;Li Jiancheng;Luo Jia;Cao Xinyun
4 Ionospheric F2-Layer critical frequency retrieved from COSMIC radio occultation: A statistical comparison with measurements from a meridional ionosonde chain over Southeast Asia 期刊论文 Luo Jia;Sun Fangfang;Xu Xiaohua;Wang Han
5 Surface Mass Variations from GPS and GRACE/GFO: A Case Study in Southwest China 期刊论文 Zhong Bo;Li Xianpao;Chen Jianli;Li Qiong;Liu Tao
6 电离层模型IRI-2016的hmF2参数的性能评估 期刊论文 孙方方;罗佳
7 Ionospheric Peak Parameters Retrieved from FY-3C Radio Occultation: A Statistical Comparison with Measurements from COSMIC RO and Digisondes Over the Globe 期刊论文 Wang Han;Luo Jia;Xu Xiaohua
8 The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Global Stratospheric Gravity Waves and Their Activity during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Revealed by COSMIC Measurements 期刊论文 Xu Xiaohua;Yu Daocheng;Luo Jia
9 The influence of the spatial and temporal collocation windows on the comparisons of the ionospheric characteristic parameters derived from COSMIC radio occultation and digisondes 期刊论文 Luo Jia;Wang Han;Xu Xiaohua;Sun Fangfang
10 利用FY-3C折射率对大气边界层高度的反演与分析 期刊论文 朱洲宗;徐晓华;罗佳
11 利用COSMIC掩星资料研究对流层/下平流层大气比湿对ONI指数的响应 期刊论文 罗佳;陈志平;徐晓华
12 FY-3C无线电掩星折射率廓线的反演及验证 期刊论文 徐晓华;张纪满;罗佳;高攀
13 On the Constellation Design of Multi-GNSS Reflectometry Mission Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 期刊论文 Han Yi;Luo Jia;Xu Xiaohua
14 中国区域掩星观测与IRI-2016电离层峰值参数的比较 期刊论文 孙方方;罗佳;徐晓华;王涵
15 COSMIC掩星电子密度廓线的质量检核 期刊论文 徐晓华;李娟;罗佳;孙方方
16 On the Relationship between Gravity Waves and Tropopause Height and Temperature over the Globe Revealed by COSMIC Radio Occultation Measurements 期刊论文 Yu Daocheng;Xu Xiaohua;Luo Jia;Li Juan
17 Magnitudes of Gravity Wave Pseudomomentum Flux Derived by Combining COSMIC Radio Occultation and ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data 期刊论文 Xu Xiaohua;Li Juan;Luo Jia;Yu Daocheng
18 Seeking Optimal GNSS Radio Occultation Constellations Using Evolutionary Algorithms 期刊论文 Xu Xiaohua;Han Yi;Luo Jia;Wickert Jens;Asgarimehr Milad
19 利用IGRA2探空数据和COSMIC掩星资料对FY-3C掩星中性大气产品进行质量分析 期刊论文 徐晓华;朱洲宗;罗佳
20 COSMIC与FY-3C掩星电离层反演的比较 期刊论文 王涵;徐晓华;罗佳
21 Variations in Stratospheric Gravity Waves Derived from Temperature Observations of Multi-GNSS Radio Occultation Missions 期刊论文 Luo Jia;Hou Jialiang;Xu Xiaohua