
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Determination of double-K fracture parameters of concrete using bottom-notched splitting test 期刊论文 Yuan Wenyan;Dong Wei;Zhang Binsheng;Zhong Hong
2 SIF-based fracture criterion of rock-concrete interface and its application to the prediction of cracking paths in gravity dam 期刊论文 Wei Dong;Shenzhen Song;Binsheng Zhang;Dong Yang
3 核电安厂预应力混凝土安全壳结构服役安全评估关键技术研究与应用 奖励 荣华;陶钧;董伟;王永焕;范兴朗
4 Viscoelasticity-induced fracture behavior of rock-concrete interface after sustaining creep process 期刊论文 Yuan Wenyan;Dong Wei;Zhang Binsheng;Huo Junzhou
5 Prediction on Crack Propagation of Concrete due to Time-Dependent Creep under High Sustained Loading 期刊论文 Jie Li;Wei Dong;Binsheng Zhang;Xiangming Zhou
6 一种测量混凝土起裂断裂韧度的方法 专利 董伟;于菊瑶;袁文岩;李杰
7 一种计算持续荷载作用下岩石-混凝土界面裂缝I型应力强度因子的方法 专利 董伟;袁文岩;赵晓瑜;姚洁香
8 一种分析混凝土I型裂缝三维扩展过程的方法 专利 董伟;袁文岩;王新月
9 Investigation on multi-cracks initiation and propagation of fiber reinforced concrete in restrained shrinkage ring tests 期刊论文 Rong Hua;Dong Wei;Zhao Xiaoyu;Zhou Xiangming
10 一种预测持续荷载作用后岩石-混凝土界面抗裂性能的方法 专利 董伟;袁文岩;赵晓瑜;姚洁香
11 Time-dependent fracture behavior of rock–concrete interface coupling viscoelasticity and cohesive stress relaxation 期刊论文 Yuan Wenyan;Dong Wei;Zhang Binsheng;Zhong Hong
12 Study on Shear–Softening Constitutive Law of Rock–Concrete Interface 期刊论文 Wei Dong;Zhimin Wu;Binsheng Zhang;Ji She
13 Experimental investigation on bond behaviours of deformed steel bars embedded in early age concrete under biaxial lateral pressures at low curing temperatures 期刊论文 Sina Kazemi Esfeh;Hua Rong;Wei Dong;Binsheng Zhang
14 一种测定混凝土徐变试验的装置 专利 董伟;吴乔;吴智敏;杨冬;袁文岩;佘吉
15 Effects of creep recovery on the fracture properties of concrete 期刊论文 Li Jie;Dong Wei;Zhang Binsheng;Zhou Xiangming
16 Investigations on fracture properties and analytical solutions of fracture parameters at rock-concrete interface 期刊论文 Wenyan Yuan;Wei Dong;Binsheng Zhang;Hong Zhong
17 Fracture properties of rock-concrete interface after fatigue loading 期刊论文 Zhao Xiaoyu;Dong Wei;Zhang Binsheng;Wang Yiming
18 Size effect on fracture properties of concrete after sustained loading 期刊论文 Hua Rong;Wei Dong;Xue Zhang;Binsheng Zhang
19 Evolutions of SIFs of Concrete under Sustained Loading by Considering the Effects of Stress Relaxations 期刊论文 Wei Dong;Jie Li;Xue Zhang;Binsheng Zhang
20 An improved ring test to assess cracking resistance of concrete under restrained shrinkage 期刊论文 Hua Rong;Wei Dong;Wenyan Yuan;Xiangming Zhou
21 Energy-Based Fracture Criterion of Rock–Concrete Interface Considering Viscoelastic Characteristics 期刊论文 Wei Dong;Wenyan Yuan;Binsheng Zhang;Hong Zhong