
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Noether symmetries of discrete nonholonomic dynamical systems 期刊论文 Fu, Jing-Li|Chen, Ben-Yong|Chen, Li-Qun|
2 Lie symmetries algebra of one-dimensional nonconservative dynamical systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
3 The symmetries of the wave equations on new lattices 期刊论文 傅景礼|
4 The Lie symmetries and Noether conserved quantities of discrete mechanical systems with variable mass 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Shi Shen-Yang|Chen Li-Qun|Huang Xiao-Hong|Zhang Xiao-Bo|
5 Momentum-dependent symmetries and non-Noether conserved quantities for nonholonomic nonconservative Hamilton canonical systems 期刊论文 Chen, XW|Chen, LQ|Fu, JL|
6 An field method for integrating equations of motion of nonlinear Mechanico-electrical coupling dynamical systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
7 Structure properties and Noether symmetries for super-long elastic slender rod 期刊论文 Zhao, Wei-Jia|Weng, Yu-Quan|Fu, Jing-Li|
8 Lie symmetries and conserved quantities for super-long elastic slender rod 期刊论文 Weng Yu-Quan|Zhao Wei-Jia|Fu Jing-Li|
9 A new conserved quantity corresponding to Mei symmetry of Tzénoff equations for nonHolonomic systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
10 非规范格子离散非保守系统的Noether理论 期刊论文 陈立群|陈本永|傅景礼|
11 机电动力系统的动量依赖对称性和非 Noether 守恒量 期刊论文 傅景礼|
12 Mei symmetry and new conserved quantity of Tzénoff equations for nonHolonomic systems of Non-Chetaev’s type 期刊论文 傅景礼|
14 Euler-Lagrange equation from nonlocal-in-time kinetic energy of nonconservative system 期刊论文 傅景礼|
15 Lie symmetry and invariant for a 2D nonlinear Diffusion equations 会议论文 傅景礼|
16 含有非局域实时动能的非保守系统的欧拉 - 拉格朗日方程 会议论文 傅景礼|
17 The Lie symmetries and Noether conserved quantities of discrete non-conservative mechanical systems 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Chen Li-Qun|Shi Shen-Yang|
18 Non-Noether symmetries and Lutzky conserved quantities for nonholonimic neoconservative dynamical systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
19 Generalized geometry theory on constrained rotating relativistic Birkhoffian systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
20 Non-Noether symmetries and Lutzky conserved quantities for mechanico-electrical systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
21 Non-existence of conjugate- symplectic multi-step methods of odd order 期刊论文 傅景礼|
22 Damped properties and Noether symmetries of damped free vibration 期刊论文 傅景礼|
23 离散机电动力系统的对称性和保结构算法研究 会议论文 傅景礼|
24 Momentum-dependent symmetries and non-Noether conserved quantities for nonconservative Hamilton systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
25 Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of for a two-dimentional nonlinear diffusion equation of concebtration 期刊论文 傅景礼|
26 Noether-type theorem for discrete nonconserved dynamical systems with nonregular lattices 期刊论文 傅景礼|
27 Conserved quantities and conformal mechanico-electrical systems 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Xie Feng-Ping|Wang Xian-Jun|
28 Explicit symplectic methods for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation 期刊论文 傅景礼|
29 新格子中波动方程的对称性 会议论文 傅景礼|
30 Noether conserved quantities and Lie point symmetries of difference Lagrange-Maxwell equations and lattices 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Huang Jian-Fei|Tang Yi-Fa|Zhao Wei-Jia|Luis, Vazquez|Nie Ning-Ming|Salvador, Jimenez|
31 Symmetry and Hojman conserved quantity of Tzénoff equations for unilateral Holonomic systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
32 A series of non-Noether conservative quantities and Mei symmetries of nonconservative systems 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Tang Yi-Fa|Liu Hong-Ji|
33 离散 Ladrange 系统的 Lie 对称性 期刊论文 傅景礼|
34 Discrete variational principle and first integrals for Lagrange-Maxwell mechanico-electrical systems 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Dai Gui-Dong|Jimenez, Salvador|Tang Yi-Fa|
35 A field method for integrating the equations of motion of mechanico-electrical coupling dynamical systems 期刊论文 Xu Shu-Shan|Fu Jing-Li|Weng Yu-Quan|
36 Construction of exact invariants of time-dependent linear nonholonomic dynamical systems 期刊论文 Vazquez, Luis|Jimenez, Salvador|Tang, Yifa|Fu, Jingli|
37 Hojman conserved quantities of discrete mechanico-electrical systems constructed by continuous symmetries 期刊论文 傅景礼|
38 An energy-work relationship integration scheme for nonconservative Hamiltonian systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
39 Energy-Work Connection Integration Scheme for Nonholonomic Hamiltonian Systems 期刊论文 Wang Xian-Jun|Fu Jing-Li|
40 Symplectic-energy-first integrators of discrete mechanico-electrical dynamical systems 会议论文 傅景礼|
41 几类动力学系统的对称性和守恒量研究 专著 傅景礼|
42 Algebraic structure and Poisson's theory of mechanico-electrical systems 期刊论文 Tang Yi-Fa|Fu Jing-Li|Liu Hong-Ji|
43 Symplectic-energy-first integrators of discrete mechanico-electrical dynamical systems 期刊论文 Tang Yi-Fa|Fu Hao|Fu Jing-Li|Chen Ben-Yong|
44 Noether symmetry and Lie symmetry of discrete holonomic systems with dependent corrdinates 期刊论文 傅景礼|
45 非规范格子离散机电耦合系统的Noether理论 期刊论文 傅景礼|
46 一个带簇个数估计的推广 K-Means 算法 期刊论文 傅景礼|
47 Symplectic discretization for spectral element solution of Maxwell’s equations 期刊论文 傅景礼|
48 Energy-work connection integration scheme for mechanico-electrical systems 会议论文 傅景礼|
49 Mei symmetry and new conserved quantity of Tzénoff equations for Holonomic systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|
50 Noether symmetries of discrete mechanico-electrical systems 期刊论文 Xie Feng-Ping|Chen Ben-Yong|Fu Jing-Li|
51 Mei symmetry of general discrete holonomic system 期刊论文 Fu Jing-Li|Shi Shen-Yang|Chen Li-Qun|
52 离散差分变分 Hamilton 系统的 Lie 对称性与 Noether 守恒量 期刊论文 傅景礼|
53 Symmetries and exact solutions of discrete nonconservative systems 期刊论文 傅景礼|