
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 杆式动能弹侵彻陶瓷复合靶的数值模拟研究 期刊论文 孙占峰|贺红亮|李平|
2 陶瓷材料破坏的声发射特性 期刊论文 王颖|宁建国|任会兰|
3 Moving boundary problem arising in explosion and impact: An algorithm for youngs' interface reconstruction 期刊论文 Wang,C.|Hao,L.|Zhang,L.|Wu,K.-T.|
4 平头弹冲塞靶板的绝热剪切数值模拟 期刊论文 蒋东|李永池|
5 多孔岩石中应力波传播特性及震源函数 期刊论文 王肖钧|劳俊|肖卫国|周钟|
6 Theoretical model for the calculation of concrete target resistance and numerical simulation of penetration by shaped charge jets 期刊论文 Wang, Jing|Ning, Jian-Guo|Wang, Cheng|
7 A study on sabot separation technique in light gas gun with short target chamber 期刊论文 Liu, Kun|Sun, Zhan-Feng|He, Hong-Liang|Li, Da-Hong|Xu, Hui|Li, Ping|
8 长杆弹截面形状对垂直侵彻深度的影响 期刊论文 刘卫国|李永池|高光发|
9 Numerical study on the shaped charges 期刊论文 Wang,C.|Ning,J.|Ma,T.|
10 On the comparison of the ballistic performance of 10% zirconia toughened alumina and 95% alumina ceramic target 期刊论文 Zhang, X.F.|Li, Y.C.|
11 数字散斑相关法在陶瓷材料准静态破坏行为研究中的应用 期刊论文 于少娟|李永池|刘颢文|
12 Stability analysis for projectile with wrap-around fins 期刊论文 Ning, Jian-Guo|Wang, Cheng|
13 An Interacting Micro-Cracks Damage Constitutive Model for Alumina Ceramics under Uniaxial Compression 会议论文 Ren Huilan|Fang Minjie|
14 Propagation properties of guided wave in the anchorage structure of rock bolts 期刊论文 Zhang, Changsuo|Wang, Cheng|He, Wen|Ning, Jianguo|
15 Numerical Simulation on Damage Effect of Explosion in Multilayer mediums and Dimensional Analysis 期刊论文 Jianguo Ning|Cheng Wang|
16 Multi-material eulerian formulations and hydrocode for the simulation of explosions 期刊论文 Jianguo, Ning|Cheng, Wang|Tianbao, Ma.|
17 Numerical Study on Penetration Process of Multi-layer Ceramic Target by Shaped Charge Jets 会议论文 ZHANG Xian-feng|LI Yong-chi|Yu Shao-juan|
18 Pseudoelasticity of Cu-Zr Nanowires via Stress-induced Matenstic Phase Transformation 期刊论文 Wang Xiuxi|Cheng Qin|Wu Hengan|
19 短靶室轻气炮实验中弹托分离技术研究 期刊论文 孙占峰|李平|贺红亮|
20 Acoustic emission characterization of ceramic fracture 期刊论文 Ren, Hui-Lan|Ning, Jian-Guo|Wang, Ying|
21 Acoustic emission and damage characteristics of alumina 期刊论文 Ning, Jian-Guo|He, Jian-Hua|Ren, Hui-Lan|
22 侵彻力学的一种新理论分析方法 期刊论文 罗春涛|吴立朋|李永池|
23 关于一维高速侵彻现象的相似律研究 期刊论文 于少娟|李永池|罗春涛|
24 弹丸侵彻带预制孔混凝土靶板的数值模拟 期刊论文 王成|王静|
25 Further study on JWL equation of state of detonation product for insensitive high explosive 期刊论文 Zhang, Chong-Yu|Sun, Zhan-Feng|Xu, Hui|Li, Qing-Zhong|
26 侵彻准稳定过程中冲击速度与侵彻速度的关系 期刊论文 高光发|李永池|段士伟|
27 Orientation and rate dependence of wave propagation in shocked beta-SiC from atomistic simulations 期刊论文 Heng-An,W.|Yu,W.|Qin,C.|Xiu-Xi,W.|
28 多孔岩石介质的地下空腔解耦爆炸震源函数数值研究 期刊论文 王肖钧|劳俊|赵凯|肖卫国|
29 Molecular mechanics modelling and simulation of the adsorption-induced surface stress in micro-nano-cantilever sensors 期刊论文 Wu,H.A.|Wang,X.X.|Sun,Z.H.|Cheng,Q.|
30 冲击力学有限元计算中的数值积分 期刊论文 李建光|王肖钧|卞梁|劳俊|王峰|
31 强冲击载荷下氧化铝陶瓷的力学特性及本构模型 期刊论文 任会兰|宁建国|
32 High-resolution numerical simulation of detonation and interface tracking 期刊论文 Wang,C.|Ma,T.-B.|
33 Jet projectiles penetration into multilayer metal targets with large interval 会议论文 Ma, Tianbao|Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jianguo|
34 Impact perforation of stiffened steel plates by rigid projectiles 会议论文 Ning, JG|Wang, C|Song, WD|Wang, J|
35 氧化锆增韧陶瓷抗射流侵彻实验研究 期刊论文 李永池|张先锋|于少娟|
36 Numerical study of penetration process of ceramic target by shaped charge jets 期刊论文 Zhang,X.-F.|Li,Y.-C.|
37 陶瓷材料动态破坏特性的数值模拟 期刊论文 宁建国|方敏杰|任会兰|
38 Determination of parameters of Steinberg-Guinan constitutive model with shock wave experiments 会议论文 Li, Yinglei|Hu, Changming|Peng, Jianxang|Jing, Fuqian|
39 The response of AD95 alumina to low pressure impact 期刊论文 Li P|Sun Z F|He H L|
40 应力波和层裂计算中的光滑粒子法 期刊论文 卞梁|劳俊|王肖钧|肖卫国|
41 Numerical study on anti-penetration process of alumina ceramic (A95) target to tungsten long rods projectiles 期刊论文 N-S Zhang|X-F Zhang|Y-C Li|
42 Tuler-Butcher模型中考虑已有损伤影响的一种修正 期刊论文 李永池|郭扬|蒋东|
43 高速碰撞数值计算中的SPH分区算法 期刊论文 章杰|王肖钧|卞梁|赵凯|
44 一种计算金属剪切模量的本构模型:以Al为例 期刊论文 经福谦|彭建祥|侯日立|
45 Numerical simulation of ogive-noded rod projectile penetrating concrete target by finite element method 期刊论文 Lao, Jun|Wang, Feng|Wang, Xiao-Jun|Hu, Xiu-Zhang|
46 约束陶瓷靶抗侵彻性能及机理研究 期刊论文 吴立朋|李永池|孙宇新|
47 柱形装药爆炸破坏混凝土的数值模拟分析 期刊论文 付晓磊|王成|宁建国|
48 陶瓷靶抗射流侵彻的理论模型及数值模拟 会议论文 郭婷婷|任会兰|
49 Numerical simulations on penetration of rod projectiles into YB-AD90 ceramic targets 期刊论文 Sun, Zhan-Feng|Xu, Hui|Peng, Jian-Xiang|He, Hong-Liang|Li, Da-Hong|Li, Ping|
50 多孔材料中应力波的传播 期刊论文 刘飞|赵凯|王肖钧|罗文超|
51 Theoretical model and numerical simulation of ceramic target against shaped-charge jet penetration 会议论文 Ren Huilan|Ning Jianguo|Guo Tingting|
52 Penetration of confined AD95 ceramic composite targets by tungsten long rods 期刊论文 Deng, Shi-Chun|Yu, Shao-Juan|Jiang, Dong|Li, Yong-Chi|
53 爆炸和冲击工程力学近期研究进展 期刊论文 邓世春|王志海|李永池|
54 三种损伤演化方程在铝锂合金层裂模拟研究中的应用 期刊论文 李永池|蒋东|庞伟宾|
56 Numerical simulation for explosion wave propagation of combustible mixture gas 期刊论文 Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jian-Guo|Ma, Tian-Bao|
57 陶瓷材料声发射与损伤特性分析 会议论文 任会兰|方敏杰|宁建国|
58 Experimental investigation of penetration performance of shaped charge into concrete targets 期刊论文 Ma, Tianbao|Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jianguo|
59 长径比对长杆弹垂直侵彻能力影响机制的研究 期刊论文 黄瑞源|李永池|高光发|
60 陶瓷材料破坏过程中的声发射与损伤特性分析 会议论文 任会兰|方敏杰|宁建国|
61 Jet formation and penetration mechanism of W typed shaped charge 期刊论文 Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jianguo|Huang, Fenglei|
62 Numerical simulation on underground cavity-decoupling explosion 期刊论文 Zhao, Kai|Xiao, Wei-Guo|Lao, Jun|Wang, Xiao-Jun|
63 一种改进的混凝土抗侵彻模型及算法 期刊论文 李永池|高光发|胡秀章|
64 冲击压缩下准脆性材料含微裂纹损伤的本构模型 期刊论文 宁建国|任会兰|
65 Reshock response of 2A12 aluminum alloy at high pressures 期刊论文 Zhang,J.-H.|Zhou,P.|Jing,F.-Q.|Hou,R.-L.|Peng,J.-X.|
66 Surface relaxation effect on the distributions of energy and bulk stresses in the vicinity of Cu surface: An embedded-atom method study 期刊论文 Wang, X.X.|Sun, Z.H.|Wu, H.A.|
67 Dynamical Mechanical Properties for AD95 Alumina 期刊论文 Jianguo Ning|Huilan Ren|
68 光滑粒子法与有限元的耦合算法及其在冲击动力学中的应用 期刊论文 卞梁|王吉|王肖钧|
69 A modified theoretical model of the concrete target with pre-drilled cavities penetrated by the ogive-nose projectile and its numerical simulations 期刊论文 Wang, Jing|Wang, Cheng|
70 Tracking Method for Multi-Material Interfaces and Its Application in Shaped Charge 会议论文 Ma, Tianbao|Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jianguo|
71 A new adaptive SPH method for hypervelocity impact simulation 期刊论文 Zhang, Jie|Wang, Xiao-Jun|Bian, Liang|
72 Constraining and toughening effects on anti-penetration properties of alumina ceramic targets to shaped charge jets 期刊论文 Zhang, Xian-Feng|Li, Yong-Chi|
73 约束陶瓷靶抗射流侵彻实验研究 期刊论文 孙宇新|于少娟|李永池|张先锋|吴立朋|
74 An atomistic-continuum inhomogeneous material model for the elastic bending of metal nanocantilevers 期刊论文 Wang, X.X.|Wu, H.A.|
75 Methods of uncertainty evaluation and data processing of standard cylinder test 期刊论文 Li, Qing-Zhong|Xu, Hui|Sun, Zhan-Feng|
76 Compressive properties for alumina subjected to shock loading 会议论文 Ren, Huilan|Ning, Jianguo|
77 Mechanical behaviors and damage constitutive model of ceramics under shock compression 期刊论文 Ren, Huilan|Li, Ping|Ning, Jianguo|
78 吸附诱导表面应力的分子动力学模拟 期刊论文 吴恒安|孙泽辉|王秀喜|
79 强冲击载荷下氧化铝陶瓷破坏特性的数值模拟及实验研究 期刊论文 树学锋|任会兰|李平|
80 Propagation mechanism of non-steady gaseous detonation 会议论文 Ma, Tian-Bao|Wang, Cheng|Ye, Ting|
81 Theoretical model for shaped charge jets penetration and cavity radius calculation 期刊论文 Wang, Jing|Wang, Cheng|Ning, Jian-Guo|
82 Atomistic simulations of shock waves in cubic silicon carbide 期刊论文 Wang, Y.|Wang, X.X.|Cheng, Q.|Wu, H.A.|
83 混凝土靶高速侵彻的率相关相似律研究 期刊论文 高光发|李永池|罗春涛|
84 Numerical simulations of anti-penetration of confined ceramic targets by SPH/FEM coupling method 期刊论文 Zhang, Jie|Wang, Xiao-Jun|Bian, Liang|
85 入射速度对长杆弹垂直侵彻行为的影响规律 期刊论文 李永池|高光发|沈玲燕|
86 A new penetration model considering the strain rate effect 期刊论文 Wu, Li-Peng|Li, Yong-Chi|Luo, Chun-Tao|
87 Design and Penetration Performance of Annular shaped charge structure 期刊论文 Tianbao Ma|Cheng Wang|Jianguo Ning|