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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Giant Goos-Hanchen shift of a reflected spin wave from the ultrathin interface separating two antiferromagnetically coupled ferromagnets 期刊论文 Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei
2 Spatial Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts of rotational 2-D finite energy Airy beams 期刊论文 Gao Mingsheng;Deng Dongmei
3 Propagation of the chirped-Airy-Gaussian-Hermite-Laguerre-Gaussian wave packets in free space 期刊论文 Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui;Liu Hongzhan;Hong Weiyi
4 Propagation of a Pearcey beam in uniaxial crystals 期刊论文 Xu Chuangjie;Lin Ludong;Huang Zhengzhong;He Donglong;Deng Dongmei
5 Airy vortex electron plasma wave 期刊论文 Wu Lican;Liu Yujun;Wu Jinhong;Hong Shihan;Wu Lixun;Chen Yaohui;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
6 Periodic propagation of radially and azimuthally polarized first-order chirped Airy Gaussian beams in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Xinyu Yang;Shihan Hong;Zhuowen Liang;Dongmei Deng
7 Radially polarized symmetric Airy beam 期刊论文 Xu Chuangjie;Hu Hongcheng;Liu Yujun;Deng Dongmei
8 Accelerating trajectory manipulation of symmetric Pearcey Gaussian beam in a uniformly moving parabolic potential 期刊论文 Lin Zejia;Xu Chuangjie;Huang Haiqi;Wu You;Qiu Huixin;Fu Xinming;Chen Kaihui;Yu Xin;Deng Dongmei
9 十六届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技竞赛 奖励 谢锦涛
10 Paraxial propagation of radially polarized first-order chirped Airy Guassian beams in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Wu Xiaolin;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
11 Chirped Airy collinear Laguerre-Gaussian wave packets in free space 期刊论文 Zhao Fang;Peng Xi;Zhang Liping;Li Dongdong;Zhuang Jingli;Chen Xingyu;Deng Dongmei
12 一种产生啁啾艾里斡旋电子等离子体波的方法及系统 专利 邓冬梅;吴利灿;刘煜俊
13 Dynamics of breathers-like circular Pearcey Gaussian waves in a Kerr medium 期刊论文 Liping Zhang;Xingyu Chen;Dongmei Deng;Xiangbo Yang;Guanghui Wang;Hongzhan Liu
14 Auto-focusing and self-healing of symmetric odd-Pearcey Gauss beams 期刊论文 Liu Yujun;Xu Chuangjie;Lin Zejia;You Wu;Wu Yehui;Wu Lican;Deng Dongmei
15 Propagation dynamics of abruptly autofocusing circular Airy Gaussian vortex beams in the fractional Schrodinger equation 期刊论文 He Shangling;Malomed Boris A.;Mihalache Dumitru;Peng Xi;Yu Xing;He Yingji;Deng Dongmei
16 Propagation properties of the rotating elliptical chirped Gaussian vortex beam in the oceanic turbulence 期刊论文 Ye Feng;Zhang Jianbin;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei;Deng DM
17 Control of Imbert-Fedorov shifts by the optical properties of rotating elliptical Gaussian vortex beams 期刊论文 Fan Guoqi;Deng Dongmei
18 Propagation properties of chirped Airy vortex beams with A-polarization through uniaxial crystals 期刊论文 Wang Linyi;Zhang Jianbin;Feng Liyan;Pang Zihao;Zhong Tianfen;Deng Dongmei
19 Propagation of a radially polarized Pearcey beam in uniaxial crystals 期刊论文 Xu Chuangjie;Lin Ludong;Huang Zhengzhong;Chen Yizuo;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Deng Dongmei;Deng DM
20 Dynamics of the partially coherent radially polarized rotating elliptical cosine-Gaussian optical lattice through anisotropic turbulence 期刊论文 Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei;He Shangling;Peng Xi;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui
21 Effect of the spectral optical vortices on the chirped ring symmetric Airy beam 期刊论文 Qiu Huixin;Lai Xinxiang;Wu You;Huang Haiqi;Xu Chuangjie;Chen Kaihui;Fu Xinming;Lin Zejia;Deng Dongmei;Guo Jianping
22 Abruptly autofocusing properties of the chirped circular Airy Gaussian vortex beams 期刊论文 Guo Kuangling;Xie Jintao;Chen Gengxin;Wu You;Liang Yaqing;Hong Shihan;Ye Feng;Zhang Jianbin;Deng Dongmei
23 Airy-Gaussian vortex beams in the fractional nonlinear-Schrodinger medium 期刊论文 He Shangling;Zhou Kangzhu;Malomed Boris A.;Mihalache Dumitru;Zhang Liping;Tu Jialong;Wu You;Zhao Jiajia;Peng Xi;He Yingji;Zhou Xiang;Deng Dongmei
24 Propagation of the radially polarized Airy vortex beams in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Yang Qian;Zhu Wenzheng;Xu Chuangjie;Lu Manyi;Chen Xinpeng;Deng Dongmei;Huang Lanqiu
25 Giant Goos-Hanchen shifts controlled by exceptional points in a PT-symmetric periodic multilayered structure coated with graphene 期刊论文 Yue Qinxin;Zhen Weiming;Ding Yiping;Zhou Xiang;Deng Dongmei
26 Symmetric Pearcey Gaussian beams 期刊论文 Wu You;Zhao Jiajia;Lin Zejia;Huang Haiqi;Xu Chuangjie;Liu Yujun;Chen Kaihui;Fu Xinming;Qiu Huixin;Liu Hongzhan;Wang Guanghui;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei;Shui Lingling
27 Nonparaxial propagation of the Chirped Airy vortex beams in uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Zhang Jianbin;Zhou Kangzhu;Liang Jinhui;Lai Zhaoyu;Yang Xianglin;Deng Dongmei
28 Nonparaxial propagation of abruptly autofocusing circular Pearcey Gaussian beams 期刊论文 Chen Xingyu;Deng Dongmei;Zhuang Jingli;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Wang Guanghui
29 Propagation properties of chirped Airy hollow Gaussian wave packets 期刊论文 Chen Shijie;Zheng Xinyi;Zhan Youwei;Ma Shudan;Deng Dongmei
30 Propagation properties of Airy Ince-Gaussian wave packets in gradient-index media 期刊论文 Peng Xi;He Yingji;Deng Dongmei;Qiu Yunli;Zhu Xing;Zhang Liping
31 Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts of off-axis Airy vortex beams 期刊论文 Gao Mingsheng;Wang Guanghui;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Deng Dongmei
32 Statistical properties of partially coherent radially and azimuthally polarized rotating elliptical Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence with anisotropy 期刊论文 Sun Chao;Lv Xiang;Ma Beibei;Zhang Jianbin;Deng Dongmei;Hong Weiyi
33 Pearcey plasmon: An autofocusing surface wave 期刊论文 Hu Hongcheng;Xu Chuangjie;Lin Manshuo;Deng Dongmei
34 Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts of reflected rotating elliptical Gaussian beams from surfaces coated with cross-anisotropic metasurfaces 期刊论文 Lu Zhili;Zhen Weiming;Dongmei Guanghui Wang;Deng Dongmei;Guo Jianping
35 Propagation properties of Airy Gaussian vortex beams in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media 期刊论文 Chen Shijie;Qi Zhantong;Xie Jintao;Lin Guang;Zhan Youwei;Ma Shudan;Deng Dongmei
36 Propagation dynamics of radially polarized symmetric Airy beams in the fractional Schrodinger equation 期刊论文 He Shangling;Malomed Boris A.;Mihalache Dumitru;Peng Xi;He Yingji;Deng Dongmei
37 Spatiotemporal controllable Airy-Airy-vortex light bullets in free space 期刊论文 Peng Xi;Peng Yulian;Li Dongdong;Zhang Liping;Zhuang Jingli;Zhao Fang;Chen Xingyu;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei
38 Propagation properties of radially and azimuthally polarized chirped-Airy vortex beams through slabs of right-handed materials and left-handed materials 期刊论文 Zhong Tianfen;Zhang Jianbin;Feng Liyan;Pang Zihao;Wang Linyi;Deng Dongmei
39 Propagation dynamics of the odd-Pearcey Gaussian beam in a parabolic potential 期刊论文 Mo Zhenwu;Wu You;Lin Zejia;Jiang Junjie;Xu Danlin;Huang Haiqi;Yang Haobin;Deng Dongmei
40 Free Space Realization of the Symmetrical Tunable Auto-Focusing Lommel Gaussian Vortex Beam 期刊论文 Tu Jialong;Wang Xinyue;Yu Xing;Wang Haonan;Deng Dongmei
41 Effects of the cosine complex variable function on the Airy-Gaussian and Airy-Gaussian-vortex beams in a chiral medium 期刊论文 Jintao Xie;KUANGLING GUO;FENG YE;Shijie Chen;Xiaoling Wu;Jianbin Zhang;Dongmei Deng
42 十六届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技竞赛 奖励 吴攸等
43 Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts for the rotating elliptical Gaussian beams 期刊论文 Liu Quan;Zhen Weiming;Gao Mingsheng;Deng Dongmei
44 Abruptly autofocusing polycyclic tornado ring Airy beam 期刊论文 Wu You;Xu Chuangjie;Lin Zejia;Qiu Huixin;Fu Xinming;Chen Kaihui;Deng Dongmei
45 Dynamic Propagation of Quadratically Chirped Airy Beams in the Right-Handed and Left-Handed Material Slabs 期刊论文 Pang Zihao;Zhang Jianbin;Zhong Tianfen;Feng Liyan;Wang Linyi;Deng Dongmei
46 Propagation properties of the rotating elliptical chirped Gaussian vortex beam in the oceanic turbulence 期刊论文 Ye Feng;Zhang Jianbin;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
47 Propagation dynamics of autofocusing circle Pearcey Gaussian vortex beams in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Sun Chao;Deng Dongmei;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui
48 Effects of the modulated vortex and second-order chirp on the propagation dynamics of ring Pearcey Gaussian beams 期刊论文 Liping Zhang;Dongmei Deng;Xiangbo Yang;Guanghui Wang;Hongzhan Liu
49 The Effect of the Spin Angular Momentum on the Tight-Focusing Vortex Hollow Gaussian Beams 期刊论文 Ye Feng;Zou Jiawei;Deng Dongmei
50 Effects of the multi-order and off-axis vortex on the propagation of Pearcey Gaussian vortex beams with the astigmatic phase in a chiral medium 期刊论文 Huang Zhicong;Wu You;Lin Zejia;Hong Shihan;Liu Hongzhan;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei
51 Paraxial propagation of the first-order chirped Airy vortex beams propagating in a quadratic index media 期刊论文 Wu Lixun;Chen Yaohui;Lai Xinxiang;Mo Zhixiong;Deng Dongmei
52 Spatiotemporal Airy Ince-Gaussian wave packets in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media 期刊论文 Peng Xi;Zhuang Jingli;Peng Yulian;Li DongDong;Zhang Liping;Chen Xingyu;Zhao Fang;Deng Dongmei
53 Second-order statistics of a partially coherent electromagnetic rotating elliptical Gaussian vortex beam through non-Kolmogorov turbulence 期刊论文 Zhang Jianbin;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
54 Propagation dynamics and radiation forces of autofocusing circle Bessel Gaussian vortex beams in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Wang Haonan;Sun Chao;Tu Jialong;Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei
55 Propagation properties of Airy hollow Gaussian vortex beams through the strongly nonlocal nonlinear media 期刊论文 Chen Gengxin;Sun Qiliang;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
56 一种产生多个离轴光学瓶的方法 专利 吴攸;许创杰;邓冬梅
57 Ultrawide Photonic Bandgap and Ultrastrong Photonic Localization Produced by Series of Periodic Networks 期刊论文 Xu Xiaohui;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei;Liu Hongzhan;Wei Zhongchao
58 Effect of turbulent atmosphere on the propagation of a radial phased-locked rotating elliptical Gaussian beam array 期刊论文 Ma Beibei;Sun Chao;Lv Xiang;Zhang Jianbin;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui;Hong Weiyi;Deng Dongmei
59 Propagation of the first order annular Bessel Gaussian beams in a uniaxial crystal along the optical axis governed by the Pockels effect 期刊论文 Wu Xiaolin;Peng Yuanqiang;Qiu Huixin;Chen Kaihui;Wu You;Deng Dongmei;Yang Xiangbo
60 Abruptly autofocusing properties of radially polarized circle Pearcey vortex beams 期刊论文 Sun Chao;Deng Dongmei;Wang Guanghui;Yang Xiangbo;Hong Weiyi
61 Goos-Hanchen shifts of Gaussian beams reflected from surfaces coated with cross-anisotropic metasurfaces 期刊论文 Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei;Guo Jianping
62 Propagation properties of autofocusing off-axis hollow vortex Gaussian beams in free space 期刊论文 Chen Gengxin;Huang Xiangxin;Xu Chuangjie;Huang Linjin;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
63 Three-dimensional localized chirped Airy-circular wave packets in free space 期刊论文 Zhao Guanwen;Chen Shijie;Huang Zhengzhong;Deng Dongmei
64 Three-dimensional localized Airy-Cartesian and Airy-helical-Cartesian wave packets in free space 期刊论文 Huang Zhengzhong;Deng Dongmei
65 Spatiotemporal rapidly autofocused ring Pearcey Gaussian vortex wavepackets 期刊论文 Chen Xingyu;Zhuang Jingli;Li Dongdong;Zhang Liping;Peng Xi;Zhao Fang;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Deng Dongmei
66 Statistical properties of a controllable rotating elliptical Gaussian Schell-model vortex optical coherence lattice 期刊论文 Yu Xing;Tu Jialong;Wang Xinyue;Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei
67 第九届全国大学生光电设计大赛 奖励 莫振武等
68 Tight-focusing properties of radially polarized chirped circular Airy Gaussian beam 期刊论文 Wu Lixun;Hu Tianhui;Lai Xinxiang;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Deng Dongmei
69 Propagation of a radially polarized partially coherent rotating elliptical cosine-Gaussian beam with vortices in anisotropic turbulence 期刊论文 Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei;Chen Xingyu;Zhao Fang;Zhuang Jingli;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui;Liu Hongzhan
70 Propagation of the chirped-Airy-Gaussian-vortex beams in the chiral medium 期刊论文 Zhou Kangzhu;Zhang Jianbin;Mo Haoran;Chen Jiahao;Yang Xianglin;Lai Zhaoyu;Chen Xingyu;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei
71 Nonparaxial propagation and the radiation forces of the chirped annular Bessel Gaussian beams 期刊论文 Xiaolin Wu;Yuanqiang Peng;You Wu;Huixin Qiu;Kaihui Chen;Dongmei Deng;Xiangbo Yang
72 (3+1)-dimensional localized self-accelerating Airy elegant Ince-Gaussian wave packets and their radiation forces in free space 期刊论文 Li Dongdong;Peng Xi;Peng Yulian;Zhang Liping;Chen Xingyu;Zhuang Jingli;Zhao Fang;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei
73 Symmetric Airy electron plasma wave 期刊论文 Chen Yaohui;Wu Lixun;Liu Yujun;Wu You;Lin Zejia;Deng Dongmei
74 Statistical properties of a controllable partially coherent radially and azimuthally polarized rotating elliptical Gaussian optical coherence lattice in anisotropic ocean turbulence 期刊论文 Xiang Lv;Chao Sun;Feng Ye;Beibei Ma;Dongmei Deng
75 Nonparaxial propagation of radially polarized chirped Airy beams in uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Chen Yaohui;Wu Lixun;Mo Zhixiong;Wu Lican;Deng Dongmei
76 Propagation of cosine complex variable function Airy-Gaussian beams through the gradient-index medium 期刊论文 Zeng Zishuai;Zhou Kangzhu;Deng Dongmei
77 Abruptly autofocusing chirped ring Pearcey Gaussian vortex beams with caustics state in the nonlinear medium 期刊论文 Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei;Yang Xiangbo;Wang Guanghui;Liu Hongzhan
78 Propagation properties of chirped Airy hollow Gaussian wave packets in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Chen Shijie;Lin Guang;Xie Jintao;Zhan Youwei;Ma Shudan;Deng Dongmei
79 Propagation properties and radiation forces of the Hermite-Gaussian vortex beam in a medium with a parabolic refractive index 期刊论文 Wu You;Wu Jinhong;Lin Zejia;Fu Xinming;Qiu Huixin;Chen Kaihui;Deng Dongmei
80 Singular systematic phases, transparencies, and invisibilities produced by parity-time-symmetric Thue-Morse optical waveguide networks 期刊论文 Zhang Yao;Yang Xiangbo;Tang Fen;Wang Xiaomin;Deng Dongmei;Liu Hongzhan;Wei Zhongchao
81 Three-dimensional localized Airy-Gaussian wave packets in a gradient-index medium 期刊论文 Li Zhanhong;Gong Yangyang;Huang Zhengzhong;Deng Dongmei;Hu Rong;Chen Shangyou
82 Abruptly autofocused and rotated circular chirp Pearcey Gaussian vortex beams 期刊论文 Chen Xingyu;Deng Dongmei;Wang Guanghui;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan
83 Off-Axis and Multi Optical Bottles from the Ring Airy Gaussian Vortex Beam with the Astigmatic Phase 期刊论文 Wu You;Lin Zejia;Xu Chuangjie;Fu Xinming;Chen Kaihui;Qiu Huixin;Deng Dongmei
84 Goos-Hanchen shift for elegant Hermite-Gauss light beams impinging on dielectric surfaces coated with a monolayer of graphene 期刊论文 Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei
85 Propagation of the Pearcey Gaussian beams in a medium with a parabolic refractive index 期刊论文 Xu Chuangjie;Wu Jinhong;Wu You;Lin Ludong;Zhang Jianbin;Deng Dongmei
86 Propagation properties of the radially polarized Airy vortex beams in a chiral medium 期刊论文 Yang Qian;Gong Yangyang;Huang Zhancheng;Luo Zhiming;Li Hongyu;Deng Dongmei
87 Paraxial propagation of Pearcey Gaussian beams with the astigmatic phase in the chiral medium 期刊论文 Zeng Zishuai;Deng Dongmei
88 Periodic propagation properties and radiation forces of focusing off-axis hollow vortex Gaussian beams in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Chen Gengxin;Xie Jintao;Cai Dongsen;Sun Qiliang;Deng Dongmei
89 Effects of the turbulent atmosphere and the oceanic turbulence on the propagation of a rotating elliptical Gaussian beam 期刊论文 Zhang Jianbin;Xie Jintao;Ye Feng;Zhou Kangzhu;Chen Xingyu;Deng Dongmei;Yang Xiangbo
90 Propagation dynamics of the Pearcey Gaussian vortex beams in a harmonic potential 期刊论文 Wu Jinhong;Xu Chuangjie;Wu Lican;Deng Dongmei
91 Paraxial Propagation Properties of Radially Polarized Odd-Pearcey Gaussian Beams in Free Space 期刊论文 Fang Mingyue;Liao Xiang;Zhao Jiajia;Xu Chuangjie;Zhang Yixiao;Wu You;Deng Dongmei
92 Tight-focusing properties of linearly polarized circular Airy Gaussian vortex beam 期刊论文 Zhuang Jingli;Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei
93 Propagation properties of radially polarized Pearcey-Gauss vortex beams in free space 期刊论文 Chen Xinpeng;Xu Chuangjie;Yang Qian;Luo Zhiming;Li Xixian;Deng Dongmei
94 Effects of the multi-order and off-axis vortex on quadratically chirped Airy beams in the right-handed and left-handed materials slabs 期刊论文 Hong Shihan;Xie Jintao;Yang Xinyu;Ye Feng;Wang Guanghui;Liu Hongzhan;Yang Xiangbo;Deng Dongmei
95 Nonparaxial propagation of the radially polarized Airy-Gaussian beams with different initial launch angles in uniaxial crystals 期刊论文 Sun Chao;Lv Xiang;Deng Dongmei;Ma Beibei;Liu Hongzhan;Hong Weiyi
96 Generation and control of dynamically tunable circular Pearcey beams with annular spiral-zone phase 期刊论文 Chen KaiHui;Qiu HuiXin;Wu You;Lin ZeJia;Huang HaiQi;Shui LingLing;Deng DongMei;Liu HongZhan;Chen ZhiGang
97 Propagation of Pearcey Gaussian beams in a strongly nonlocal nonlinear medium 期刊论文 Huang Zhicong;He Junjie;Xu Danlin;Zheng Manhang;Chen Hechong;Wei Quanfeng;Deng Dongmei;Long Xuewen
98 Propagation dynamics of the circular Airy Gaussian vortex beams with different polarization in the parabolic potential 期刊论文 Zhao Jiajia;He Shangling;Qiu Huixin;Wu You;Wang Guanghui;Deng Dongmei
99 Propagation properties of the rotating elliptical chirped Gaussian beam in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Ye Junran;Zhang Jianbin;Ye Feng;Xie Jintao;Deng Dongmei
100 Multioptical bottles from second-order chirped symmetric Airy vortex beams 期刊论文 Xu Chuangjie;Wu You;Deng Dongmei
101 2020年指导学生获得第十二届中国青少年科技创新奖 奖励 谢锦涛
102 Goos-Hanchen shifts for Airy beams impinging on graphene-substrate surfaces 期刊论文 Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei
103 Barcode encryption based on negative and positive Goos-Hanchen shifts in a graphene-ITO/TiO2/ITO sandwich structure 期刊论文 Ding Yiping;Deng Dongmei;Zhou Xiang;Zhen Weiming;Gao Mingsheng;Zhang Yong
104 Autofocusing Pearcey-like vortex beam along a parabolic trajectory 期刊论文 Wu You;He Shagling;Wu Jinhong;Lin Zejia;Chen Libang;Qin Huixin;Liu Yujun;Hong Shihan;Chen Kaihui;Fu Xinming;Xu Chuangjie;He Yingji;Deng Dongmei
105 Nonparaxial propagation properties of the chirped Airy Gaussian vortex beams in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Chen Yizuo;Zhao Guanwen;Ye Feng;Xu Chuangjie;Deng Dongmei
106 Spatiotemporal autofocused chirped Pearcey Pearcey Gaussian wave packets 期刊论文 Chen Xingyu;Zhuang Jingli;Peng Xi;Li Dongdong;Zhang Liping;Zhao Fang;Deng Dongmei
107 十六届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技竞赛 奖励 胡宏程
108 Optimizing Ballistic Motion of Partially Coherent Multiple Airy Beams by Quadratic and Linear Phases 期刊论文 Wang Xinyue;Tu Jialong;Yu Xing;Zhang Liping;Deng Dongmei
109 Focusing properties of circle Pearcey beams 期刊论文 Chen Xingyu;Deng Dongmei;Zhuang Jingli;Peng Xi;Li Dongdong;Zhang Liping;Zhao Fang;Yang Xiangbo;Liu Hongzhan;Wang Guanghui
110 Propagation properties of radially and azimuthally polarized chirped Airy–Gaussian vortex beams through slabs of right-handed materials and left-handed materials 期刊论文 Guowei Liang;Jinxin Li;Zhiming Luo;Jinyu Luo;Yanquan Chen;Dongmei Deng
111 Propagation and Wigner distribution of the Airy-Gauss beam through an apertured paraxial optical system 期刊论文 Liu Yujun;Wu Lican;Xu Chuangjie;Deng Dongmei
112 Propagation properties of the chirped Airy-Gaussian vortex electron plasma wave 期刊论文 Wu Lican;Wu Jinhong;Liu Yujun;Deng Dongmei
113 Paraxial propagation dynamics of the radially polarized Airy beams in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis 期刊论文 Xie Jintao;Zhang Jianbin;Zheng Xitao;Ye Junran;Deng Dongmei
114 Spatiotemporal sharply autofocused dual-Airy-ring Airy Gaussian vortex wave packets 期刊论文 Zhuang Jingli;Deng Dongmei;Chen Xingyu;Zhao Fang;Peng Xi;Li Dongdong;Zhang Liping
115 Propagation properties of a controllable rotating elliptical Gaussian optical coherence lattice in oceanic turbulence 期刊论文 Ye Feng;Xie Jintao;Hong Shihan;Zhang Jianbin;Deng Dongmei
116 Ring Airy-Like Beams along Predesigned Parabolic Trajectories 期刊论文 Hong Shihan;Yang Xinyu;Zhou Kangzhu;Wu You;Fu Xinming;Deng Dongmei
117 Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts in temporally dispersive attenuative materials 期刊论文 Zhen Weiming;Deng Dongmei
118 Propagation properties and radiation forces of the chirped Pearcey Gaussian vortex beam in a medium with a parabolic refractive index 期刊论文 Lin Zejia;Wu You;Qiu Huixin;Fu Xinming;Chen Kaihui;Deng Dongmei
119 Paraxial propagation of the first-order chirped Airy vortex beams in a chiral medium 期刊论文 Xie Jintao;Zhang Jianbin;Ye Junran;Liu Haowei;Liang Zhuoying;Long Shangjie;Zhou Kangzhu;Deng Dongmei
120 Spatiotemporal self-accelerating Airy-Hermite-Gaussian and Airy-helical-Hermite-Gaussian wave packets in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media 期刊论文 Huang Zhengzhong;Zhu Wenzheng;Feng Yucheng;Deng Dongmei
121 Propagation properties and radiation force of circular Airy Gaussian vortex beams in strongly nonlocal nonlinear medium 期刊论文 Liu Xinyu;Sun Chao;Deng Dongmei