
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The magnetic properties of the two-dimensional square lattice mixed-spin anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet with a transverse magnetic field 期刊论文 Ai-Yuan Hu|Yuan Chen|Qin Wang|
2 Ground-State Energy of the Electron Gas with the Modified Coulomb Potential 期刊论文 Liangjie Fu|Yuan Chen|
3 Topological superfluid transition induced by a periodically driven optical lattice 期刊论文 Guocai Liu|Ningning Hao|Shi-Liang Zhu|W. M. Liu|
4 The magnetic properties of one-dimensional spin-1 ferromagnetic Heisenberg model in a magnetic field within Callen approximation 期刊论文 Ming-Wei Liu|Yuan Chen|Chuang-Chuang Song|You Wu|Hai-Ling Ding|
5 Ground-State Energy of the Electron Gas with the Modified Coulomb Potential 期刊论文 Liangjie Fu|Yuan Chen|
6 Macroscopic Klein tunneling in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates 期刊论文 Zheng-Yuan Xue|Hui Yan|Z. D. Wang|Shi-Liang Zhu|
7 Anomalous Temperature Effects of the Entanglement of Two Coupled Qubits in Independent Environments 期刊论文 Shan Chuan-Jia|Cao Shuai|Xue Zheng-Yuan|Zhu Shi-Liang|
8 Implementation of local and high-fidelity quantum conditional phase gates in a scalable two-dimensional ion trap 期刊论文 Zou Ping|Xu Jian|Song Wei|Zhu Shi-Liang|
9 Probing a half-odd topological number sequence with cold atoms in a non-Abelian optical lattice 期刊论文 Feng Mei|Xun-Li Feng|Shi-Liang Zhu|Zhi-Ming Zhang|C. H. Oh|
10 Simulation of the spin-boson model with superconducting phase qubit coupled to a transmission line 期刊论文 Tong Ning-Hua|Xue ZhengYuan|Wang Zi-Dan|Zhu Shi-Liang|
11 Three-dimensional Dirac-like fermions in an optical lattice 期刊论文 M.Yang|Shi-Liang Zhu|
12 Josephson dynamics of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential 期刊论文 Dan-Wei Zhang | Li-Bin Fu|Z. D. Wang|Shi-Liang Zhu|
13 Proposal for a rotation-sensing interferometer with spin-orbit-coupled atoms 期刊论文 Hui Yan|Dan-Wei Zhang|Chuan-Jia Shan|Shi-Liang Zhu|
14 Transverse ferromagnetic resonance of Heisenberg ferromagnets with exchange anisotropy 期刊论文 Ying Xiang|Jun-Sheng Feng|Xin Luo|Yuan Chen|
15 Simulating Z2 topological insulators with cold atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice 期刊论文 Shi-Liang Zhu|Zhi-Ming Zhang| C. H. Oh|N. Goldman|
16 Optical quantum computation with cavities in the intermediate coupling region 期刊论文 Mei, F.|Yu, Y. F.|Feng, X. L.|Zhu, Shi-Liang|Zhang, Z. M.|
17 Proposal for a rotation-sensing interferometer with spin-orbit-coupled atoms 期刊论文 Hui Yan|Dan-Wei Zhang|Chuan-Jia Shan|Shi-Liang Zhu|
18 Critical aging properties of the two-dimensional spherical model with the long-range interaction 期刊论文 Chen Yuan|Liang Hong-Dong|
19 Simulating and detecting the quantum spin Hall effect in the kagome optical lattice 期刊论文 Liu, Guocai|Zhu Shi-Liang|Jiang, Shaojian|Sun, Fadi|Liu, W. M.|
20 Probing Non-Abelian Statistics of Majorana Fermions in Ultracold Atomic Superfluid 期刊论文 Shi-Liang Zhu|L.-B.Shao|Z. D. Wang|L. M. Duan|
21 An experimental proposal to test dynamic quantum non-locality with single-atom interferometry 期刊论文 Zhu Shi-Liang|Xue ZhengYuan|Zhang Danwei|Duan LuMing|
22 Particle-number fractionalization of a one-dimensional atomic Fermi gas with synthetic spin-orbit coupling 期刊论文 Zheng-Yuan Xue| Hui Yan|Z. D. Wang|Shi-Liang Zhu|
23 Relativistic quantum effects of Dirac particles simulated by ultracold atoms 期刊论文 Zhang Dan-wei|Wang Zi-dan|Zhu Shi-liang|
24 Inelastic transport detection of spin quantum tunneling and spin relaxation in single-molecule magnets in the absence of a magnetic field 期刊论文 Rui-Qiang Wang|R. Shen|Shi-Liang Zhu|Baigeng Wang|D. Y. Xing|
25 Implementing multi-qubit entanglement of two-level systems inside a superconducting phase qubit 期刊论文 Yu LongBao|Xue ZhengYuan|Wang Zi-Dan|Yu Yang|Zhu Shi-Liang|
26 Efficient Phase-Encoding Quantum Key Generation with Narrow-Band Single Photons 期刊论文 Yan Hui|Zhu Shi-Liang|Du ShengWang|