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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological Interventions among Chinese Adults with Prediabetes: A Protocol for Network Meta-Analysis and CHIME-Modeled Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 期刊论文 Yin Yue;Tu Yusi;Zhao Mingye;Tang Wenxi
2 我国紧密型医联体医保支付方式设计及效果述评 期刊论文 刘泽瑶;唐文熙
3 Evolutionary Trends in Integrated Care in 2000-2020 in China: A Scientometric Review Using CiteSpace 期刊论文 Ke X;Zhang L;Tang W
4 Inequality in health service utilization among migrant and local children: a cross-sectional survey of children aged 0–14 years in Shenzhen, China 期刊论文 Ke Xiatong;Zhang Liang;Li Zhong;Tang Wenxi
5 Cost-effectiveness analysis of posaconazole versus voriconazole for the prophylaxis of invasive fungal disease in China 会议论文 唐文熙
6 Patient Choice and Willingness towards Gatekeepers as First-contact Medical Institutions in Chinese Tiered Health Care Delivery System: A Cross-sectional Study 期刊论文 Xia Li;Liang Zhang;Zhong Li;Wenxi Tang
7 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Non-drug Therapy Among Community-Dwelling Adults With Hypertension in China: A Protocol for Network Meta-Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 期刊论文 Shao Taihang;Li Xia;Zhou Chengchao;Zang Xiao;Malone Daniel C.;Zhang Liang;Zhou Jifang;Tang Wenxi
8 新时代下的健康需要, 卫生服务需求与利用: 一个新的分析框架 期刊论文 李忠;张亮
9 宜昌市城乡多重慢性病患者健康相关生命质量及其影响因素分析 期刊论文 潘子晶;吴悦;张亮
10 中国城乡慢性病患者健康相关生命质量及其影响因素分析 期刊论文 方肖肖;许婉纯;卢珊;张驰;张亮;张翔
11 合成控制模型在卫生政策评估中的应用-以公立医院医药价格综合改革为例 会议论文 唐文熙
12 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖 奖励 邓朝华
13 泊沙康唑肠溶片与伏立康唑片预防侵袭性真菌病的成本-效果分析 会议论文 唐文熙
14 中国人乳头瘤病毒感染终身治疗成本估计:基于真实世界数据 会议论文 唐文熙
15 Association between service scope of primary care facilities and prevalence of high-cost population: a retrospective study in rural Guizhou, China 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Li Yixun;Ding Ziqin;Tao Yunxi;Zhang Liang;He Ruibo
16 基于场域理论的空巢家庭健康服务需求一致性实证研究 期刊论文 程雪艳;吴悦;张亮
17 基层医疗卫生服务供给有效治理的国际经验及启示 期刊论文 李忠;贺睿博;张亮;陈城
18 育龄妇女选择分娩机构与产后康复机构现状及其影响因素 期刊论文 刘畅畅;高红霞;张研
19 Association between direct government subsidies and service scope of primary care facilities: a cross-sectional study in China 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Hung Peiyin;He Ruibo;Zhang Liang
20 The effects of poverty reduction policy on health services utilization among the rural poor: a quasi-experimental study in central and western rural China 期刊论文 Zou Qi;He Xiaoqun;Li Zhong;Xu Wanchun;Zhang Liang
21 Association between service scope of primary care facilities and patient outcomes: a retrospective study in rural Guizhou, China 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Shi Meng;He Ruibo;Zhang Mei;Zhang Chi;Xiong Xinyu;Zhang Liang;Li Boyang
22 Research in Integrated Health Care and Publication Trends from the Perspective of Global Informatics 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Zhang Liang;Pan Zijin;Zhang Yan
23 Frequency of Online Health Information Seeking and Types of Information Sought Among the General Chinese Population: Cross-sectional Study 期刊论文 Xiong Zihui;Zhang Liang;Li Zhong;Xu Wanchun;Zhang Yan;Ye Ting
24 Community health workers’ mobility in China: Evidence from 2008 to 2017 期刊论文 Zou Qi;He Xiaoqun;Zhang Liang
25 DRG实施背景下公立医院高质量发展路径研究 期刊论文 贺睿博;张亮;殷晓露
26 广州市老城区慢性病患者健康促进生活方式及影响因素研究 期刊论文 陈爱云;张亮
27 新时期居民健康服务需要发展与演化分析 期刊论文 张研;林施晴;刘雪娇;张亮
28 Health Service Needs from a Household Perspective: An Empirical Study in Rural Empty Nest Families in Sinan and Dangyang, China 期刊论文 Cheng Xueyan;Zhang Liang
29 Disparities in end-of-life care, expenditures, and place of death by health insurance among cancer patients in China: a population-based, retrospective study 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Hung Peiyin;He Ruibo;Tu Xiaoming;Li Xiaoming;Xu Chengzhong;Lu Fangfang;Zhang Pei;Zhang Liang
30 卫生服务体系发展不充分不平衡与有效治理:一个理论分析框架 期刊论文 李忠;李伯阳;贺睿博;张亮
31 More public health service providers are experiencing job burnout than clinical care providers in primary care facilities in China 期刊论文 Lu Shan;Zhang Liang;Klazinga Niek;Kringos Dionne
32 合成控制模型在卫生政策评估中的应用 会议论文 唐文熙
33 健康宜昌视域下网格管理对慢病管理的作用路径研究 期刊论文 吴悦;张亮;张培;徐承中;吴周志;鲁芳芳;徐英
34 基层医疗卫生机构服务的均衡供给与有效治理 期刊论文 赵盼盼;贺睿博;唐文熙;冯伟燕;李忠;张亮
35 Prevalence and associated factors of self-treatment behaviour among different elder subgroups in rural China: a cross-sectional study 期刊论文 Xu Wanchun;Li Zhong;Pan Zijing;He Ruibo;Zhang Liang
36 Cost-effectiveness analysis of colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical testing for colorectal cancer screening in China 期刊论文 Ren Yinan;Zhao Mingye;Zhou Dachuang;Xing Qian;Gong Fangfang;Tang Wenxi
37 End-of-life cost and its determinants for cancer patients in urban China: a population-based retrospective study 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Pan Zijing;Zhang Liang;He Ruibo;Jiang Shan;Xu Chengzhong;Lu Fangfang;Zhang Pei;Li Boyang
38 Job Burnout Among Primary Healthcare Workers in Rural China: A Multilevel Analysis 期刊论文 Xu Wanchun;Pan Zijing;Li Zhong;Lu Shan;Zhang Liang
39 Trajectories of Outpatient Service Utilisation of Hypertensive Patients in Tertiary Hospitals in China 期刊论文 Pan Zijing;Xu Wanchun;Li Zhong;Xu Chengzhong;Lu Fangfang;Zhang Pei;Zhang Liang;Ye Ting
40 The lifetime cost estimation of human papillomavirus-related diseases in China: a modeling study 期刊论文 Wenpei Ding;Yue Ma;Chao Ma;Daniel C Malone;Aixia Ma;Wenxi Tang;Lei Si
41 Trajectories of Hospitalization Cost Among Patients of End-Stage Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Study in China 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Jiang Shan;He Ruibo;Dong Yihan;Pan Zijin;Xu Chengzhong;Lu Fangfang;Zhang Pei;Zhang Liang
42 推进基于基本卫生保健的全面健康管理 会议论文 张朝阳
43 互联网环境下基于交互过程的医患信任构建机制研究 奖励 邓朝华
44 “疫苗有效但不够好”背景下新冠肺炎疫苗加强针接种经济学评价:基于传播动力学模型 会议论文 唐文熙
45 Unmet needs as indicator of improving chronic care delivery system in China 期刊论文 Xia-Tong Ke;Chun-LuWang;Jack Warren Salmon;Wen-Xi Tang
46 Measuring the effect of health on the income of people living in extreme poverty: A comparative cross-sectional analysis 期刊论文 Liu Xuejiao;Zhang Liang;He Ruibo;Li Zhong;Wu Yue;Li Boyang
47 我国中西部农村不同收入人群健康相关生命质量及影响因素研究 期刊论文 张驰;程雪艳;邹啟
48 基层卫生服务能力重塑——突破发展困境 专著 卢珊
49 基层卫生服务治理:中国的实践与经验 专著 李忠
50 Prescription drugs prices and source of payments in the US from 1997 to 2015 会议论文 唐文熙
51 基于平衡理论的中医药服务体系运行优化研究综述 期刊论文 吴悦;刘爽;潘子晶;余海洋;张亮;贺睿博
52 Regional Heterogeneity of Application and Effect of Telemedicine in the Primary Care Centres in Rural China 期刊论文 Xu Wanchun;Pan Zijing;Lu Shan;Zhang Liang
53 宜昌市城乡老年人卫生服务需求与利用分析 期刊论文 丁文裴;李忠;唐文熙;张亮
54 基于基本卫生保健的重点疾病人群健康管理模型构建 会议论文 张朝阳
55 基于场域理论的家庭健康服务需求概念模型构建研究 期刊论文 程雪艳;吴悦;张亮
56 Poverty and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study in rural China 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Zhang Liang
57 Characterizing Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations of High-Cost Patients in Rural China 期刊论文 Lu Shan;Zhang Yan;Zhang Liang;Klazinga Niek S;Kringos Dionne S
58 Challenges for the surgical capacity building of township hospitals among the Central China: a retrospective study 期刊论文 Li Zhong;Yang Jian;Wu Yue;Pan Zijin;He Xiaoqun;Li Boyang;Zhang Liang
59 Economic evaluation of the screening for Alzheimer's disease in China 期刊论文 Ren Yinan;Zhou Dachuang;Xing Qian;Gong Fangfang; 2 Zhou DC 1 2 Xing
60 Evolution of the Output–Workforce Relationship in Primary Care Facilities in China from 2009 to 2017 期刊论文 Lu Shan;Zhang Liang;Klazinga Niek;Kringos Dionne
61 Cost-Utility Analysis of the Integrated Care Models for the Management of Hypertension Patients: A Quasi-Experiment in Southwest Rural China 期刊论文 Ke Xiatong;Zhang Liang;Tang Wenxi
62 The Impact of Health Insurance Policy on the Fertility Intention of Rural Floating Population in China: Empirical Evidence from Cross-Sectional Data 期刊论文 Xing Yiqing;Tarimo Clifford Silver;Ren Weicun;Zhang Liang
63 中西部农村两县高血压和2型糖尿病患者健康相关生命质量状况及其影响因素 期刊论文 张冬儿;李忠;唐文熙;张亮
64 数据-方法-思路:以公立医院医药价格综合改革效果评估为例 会议论文 唐文熙
65 社会学类专业学生创新创业教育途径与效果 奖励 丁建定
66 卫生管理学 专著 张亮;胡志
67 东中西部三省居民健康行为及其影响因素分析 期刊论文 邹啟;何小群;张驰;李忠;张亮
68 A bibliometrics analysis of cost-consequences analysis used in economical evaluations 会议论文 唐文熙
69 城市公立医院医药价格综合改革效果评价:南京市和江苏省实证研究 会议论文 唐文熙
70 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Five Systemic Treatments for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma in China: An Economic Evaluation Based on Network Meta-Analysis 期刊论文 Zhao Mingye;Pan Xingming;Yin Yue;Hu Hongfei;Wei Jifu;Bai Zhaoshi;Tang Wenxi