
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Dependence of plasma responses to an externally applied perturbation field on MHD oscillation frequency on the J-TEXT tokamak 期刊论文 Wang, Z. J.|Chen, Z. Y.|Zhuang, G.|J-TEXT Team|
2 Phenomena of non-thermal electrons from the X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer on J-TEXT tokamak 期刊论文 S.Y.Wang|Y.N.Wei|T.K.Ma|G.Zhang|
3 Measurement of the electron and ion temperatures by the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer on joint Texas experimental tokamak 期刊论文 S.Y.Wang|Y.N.Wei|T.K.Ma|G.Zhuang|
4 The behavior of runaway current in massive gas injection fast shutdown plasmas in J-TEXT 期刊论文 R.H.Tong|S.Y.Wang|Y.N.Wei|X.H.Wang|
5 Enhancement of runaway production by resonant magnetic perturbation on J-TEXT 期刊论文 D.W.Huang|V.A.Lzzo|R.H.Tong|Q.M.Hu|
6 Characteristic of slide away discharges in the KSTAR tokamak 期刊论文 Yoo, J. W.|Oh, Y. K.|Kwak, J. G.|Kwon, M.|
7 Upgraded high time-resolved x-ray imaging crystal spectroscopy system for J-TEXT ohmic plasmas 期刊论文 Yang, Z. J.|Rao, B.|Ding, Y. H.|Zhuang, G.|
8 Measurement of the internal magnetic fluctuation by the transport of runaways on J-TEXT 期刊论文 X.Q.Zhang|Z.P.Chen|Z.J.Yang|G.Zhang|
9 Study of runaway current generation following disruptions in KSTAR 期刊论文 K. D. Lee|Y. K. Oh|J. G. Kwak|M. Kwon|
10 Wavelength calibration of x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer on Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak 期刊论文 Zhang, X. Q.|Lee, S. G.|Shi, Y. J.|Zhuang, G.|
11 Simulation of runaway electrons, transport affected by J-TEXT resonant magnetic perturbation 期刊论文 D.W.Huang|X.F.Sun|T.Xu|G.Zhuang|
12 Hard X-ray spatial array diagnostics on Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak 期刊论文 Tong, R. H.|Yan, W.|Jin, W.|Zhuang, G.|
13 Designing of the massive gas injection valve for the joint Texas experimental tokamak 期刊论文 Y. H. Luo, Z. Y. Chen,a) Y. Tang, S. Y. Wang, W. G|
14 Observation of the penetration of massive gas jet by fast frame camera on J-TEXT 期刊论文 Tong, R. H.|Yan, W.|Ba, W. G.|Zhuang, G.|
15 Prediction of density limit disruptions on the J-TEXT tokamak 期刊论文 Y.N.Wei|T.K.Ma|M.Zhang|G.Zhuang|
16 Observation of runaway electrons by infrared camera in J-TEXT 期刊论文 M.Zhang|D.W.Hang|W.Yan|G.Zhang|
17 Transport of runaway electrons in sawtooth active plasmas in the HT-7 tokamak 期刊论文 Chen, Zhong Yong|Jin, Wei|Zhang, Yang|
18 Experimental study of the runaway current in the J-TEXT Tokamak 期刊论文 Li, J. C.|Tong, R. H.|Yan, W.|Zhuang, G.|
19 Experimental study of the cold front propagation in the plasma shut-down experiment in the J-TEXT tokamak 期刊论文 Jin, Wei|Xiao, Jinshui|Yang, Zhoujun|Chen, Zhongyong|