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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Synchronous circuits with self-adaptive mechanical switches of viscous material: a parameter study 期刊论文 Zhongxin Yuan;Weiqun Liu;Wendi Tian;Yao Huang;Zixiang Zhao
2 High-energy orbit attainment of a nonlinear beam generator by adjusting the buckling level 期刊论文 Yao Huang;Weiqun Liu;Yanping Yuan;Zutao Zhang
3 Analysis on the power and bandwidth improvement of a frequency-tuning optimized SECE circuit 期刊论文 Wendi Tian;Zixiang Zhao;Weiqun Liu;Qiao Zhu;Zutao Zhang;Yanping Yuan
4 Cost-effective and scalable rectifier design for multiple piezoelectric power sources with improved performance 期刊论文 Yucheng Zhang;Kan Bian;Yuhan Gu;Mengqi Ye;Wendi Tian;Weiqun Liu
5 基于振动能量发电的自适应机械同步开关 期刊论文 黄瑶;万小丹;刘伟群
6 Design strategy for optimizing the bandwidth of the hardening vibration generator with customized response 期刊论文 Heng Huang;Zhongxin Yuan;Weiqun Liu
7 Self-adaptive memory foam switches for piezoelectric synchronous harvesting circuits 期刊论文 Weiqun Liu;Gang Qin;Qiao Zhu;Guangdi Hu
8 A mapping method of dynamic response and stiffness characteristics for realizing a customized nonlinear oscillator 期刊论文 Zhongxin Yuan;Weiqun Liu;Mengqi Ye
9 Low-frequency vibration energy harvesting: a comprehensive review of frequency up- conversion approaches 期刊论文 Hao TANG;Chunrong HUA;Heng HUANG;Weiqun LIU;Zhengbao Yang;Yanping Yuan;Zutao Zhang
10 Systematic adjustment strategy of a nonlinear beam generator for high-energy orbit 期刊论文 Yao Huang;Zelong Zhao;Weiqun Liu
11 Synchronous extraction circuit with self-adaptive peak-detection mechanical switches design for piezoelectric energy harvesting 期刊论文 Weiqun Liu;Gang Qin;Qiao Zhu;Guangdi Hu
12 Bandwidth broadening through stiffness merging using the nonlinear cantilever generator 期刊论文 Zhongxin Yuan;Weiqun Liu;Shuang Zhang;Qiao Zhu;Guangdi Hu
13 一种平面多方向的低频电磁式振动能量收集装置 专利 刘伟群;顾雨涵
14 快速轨道交通环境振动长效控制关键技术及应用 奖励 赵才友;王平;刘林芽;刘文武;刘伟群;张法明
15 Energy Current Analysis of an Improved Self-Adaptive Mechatronic Approach for P-SSHI 期刊论文 Weiqun Liu;Yao Huang;Jindong Wang;Gang Qin
16 通过车外流场改善进行能量收集的汽车尾翼及汽车 专利 刘伟群;卢汉;周新博;刘峻玮;罗璞娴;郑植;付佳彤
17 集成粘滞阻尼材料的自适应机械开关同步回收装置 专利 刘伟群;黄瑶;秦刚
18 Enhanced broadband generator of dual buckled beams with simultaneous translational and torsional coupling 期刊论文 Weiqun Liu;Zhongxin Yuan;Shuang Zhang;Qiao Zhu
19 A goblet-like non-linear electromagnetic generator for planar multi-directional vibration energy harvesting 期刊论文 Yuhan Gu;Weiqun Liu;Caiyou Zhao;Ping Wang
20 Self-Adaptive Pendulum-Ball Switches for Piezoelectric Synchronous-Extraction Circuits 期刊论文 Yao Huang;Gang Qin;Weiqun Liu
21 一种具备自适应机械振幅检波结构的拾振器 专利 刘伟群;秦刚;袁忠鑫;张爽;祝乔