
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Seed coat-specifically expressing an auxin biosynthesis relative gene, iaaM, improves the yield and quality of cotton fibre 会议论文 Xue-lian Zheng, Yan Pei et. al.|
2 Functional characterization of a cotton late embryogenesis-abundant D113 gene promoter in transgenic tobacco 期刊论文 Keming Luo, Guofang Zhang and Yan Pei et. al.|
3 The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter sequence alters the level and patterns of activity of adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoters 期刊论文 Xuelian Zheng, Wei Deng,Yan Pei et. al.|
4 Clonging and Expression Profiling of Cotton GID1 Homologous Genes 会议论文 Jing Dong, Yuehua Xiao, Yan Pei et. al.|
5 棉花4个GL2同源基因的序列比较及表达分析 期刊论文 李德谋|张国芳|杨霞|侯磊|肖月华|裴炎|
6 Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of GhCYP51G1 Gene, a Homologue of Obtusifoliol-14Alpha-Demethylase Gene from Upland Cotton 期刊论文 TAN Kun-Ling, PEI Yan, and LUO Ming et. al.|
7 一个具有棉花纤维细胞特异性的启动子SCFP 期刊论文 刘灏|罗明|杨霞|侯磊|李家宝|杨光伟|裴炎|宋水清|肖月华|
8 Spatial-temporal manipulation of auxin levels in cotton ovule epidermal cells enhances fiber yield and quality significantly 期刊论文 Mi Zhang, Xuelian Zheng and Yan Pei et. al.|
9 Improvement of Fibre Yield and Fibre Fineness by Expressing the iaaM gene in cotton Seed Coat 会议论文 PEI Yan, ZHENG xue-lian et. al.|
10 棉花ADP-ribosylation factor基因(GhARF1)的克隆与表达分析 期刊论文 侯磊|李家宝|肖月华|罗小英|罗明|王文锋|裴炎|
11 棉花油菜素类固醇合成酶基因GhDWF1的克隆和表达分析 期刊论文 罗明|侯磊|李先碧|裴炎|肖忠意|周建平|肖月华|
12 GhDET2, a steroid 5a-reductase, plays an important role in cotton fiber cell initiation and elongation 期刊论文 Ming Luo, Yan Pei et. al.|
13 棉花赤霉素不敏感矮化GID1同源基因的克隆和表达分析 期刊论文 赵娟|裴炎|杨帆|董静|覃珊|罗明|肖月华|尹梦回|侯磊|
14 Clonging and Function Charactreization of GAI/RGA Proteins from Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 会议论文 Mingyu Hu, Ming Luo, Yan Pei et. al.|
15 利用多模板Y形接头延伸法进行相邻序列的连续扩增(英文) 期刊论文 裴炎|罗明|侯磊|肖月华|彭祎|李德谋|
16 ‘GM-gene-deletor’ fused loxP-FRT recognition sequences dramatically improve the efficiency of FLP or CRE recombinase on transgene excision from pollen and seed of tobacco plants 期刊论文 Keming Luo, Hui Duan and Yan Pei et. al.|
17 Characterization of GhYUC in cotton Fibre Development 会议论文 Demou Li , Yan Pei et. al.|
18 棉花赤霉素氧化酶同源基因GhGA20ox1在烟草中的功能表达(英文) 期刊论文 裴炎|肖月华|李德谋|叶应福|罗明|罗小英|侯磊|冯怡|李先碧|
19 GA 20-Oxidase promotes the initiation and elongation of cotton fiber by regulating GA biosynthesis 期刊论文 Xiao Y. -H., Li D.M., and Pei Y. et. al.|
20 Overxepression and Antisense Suppression of a Cotton Gibberellin 20-Oxidase gene, GhGA20ox1, Alter Fibre Initiation and Elongation in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 会议论文 Yue-Hua Xiao, Yan Pei et. al.|
21 A cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase gene from cotton: cloning and heterologous expression in tobacco 会议论文 Qi-wei Zeng, Yan Pei et. al.|