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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 On-demand ride-hailing platforms in competition with the taxi industry: pricing strategies and government supervision 期刊论文 Zhong Yuanguang;Yang Tong;Cao Bin;Cheng T. C. Edwin
2 Pricing and product-bundling strategies for e-commerce patforms with competition 期刊论文 Lin Xiaogang;Zhou Yong-Wu;Xie Wei;Zhong Yuanguang;Cao Bin
3 Inventory and financial strategies with capital constraints and limited joint liability 奖励 Cao Bin;Chen Xin;Cheng T. C. Edwin;Zhong Yuanguang;Zhou Yong-Wu
4 Matching supply and demand on ride-sharing platforms with permanent agents and competition 期刊论文 Yuanguang Zhong;Zhaozhan Lin;Panos M. Pardalos;T.C.E. Cheng;Xiaogang Lin
5 The Role of Ambiguity Aversion in Contract-farming Supply Chains: A Distributionally Robust Approach 期刊论文 Yuanguang Zhong;Ju Liu;Yong-Wu Zhou;Bin Cao;Xueliang Zheng
6 Robust contract design and coordination under consignment contract with revenue sharing 期刊论文 Yuanguang Zhong;Ju Liu;Yong-Wu Zhou;Bin Cao;T.C. Edwin Cheng
7 竞争型零售商的公平关切行为对供应链绩效的影响 期刊论文 钟远光;邢国敏;曹彬;张玲
8 Dynamic pricing and cross-channel fulfillment for omnichannel retailing industry: An approximation policy and implications 期刊论文 Zhou Yongwu;Zhang Xiong;Zhong Yuanguang;Cao Bin;Cheng T.C.Edwin
9 Impacts of the minimum quantity contract on an online retail platform 期刊论文 Yujing Chen;Yuanguang Zhong;T.C.E. Cheng
10 Optimal cooperative advertising and ordering policies for a two-echelon supply chain 期刊论文 Xiao Dan;Zhou Yong-Wu;Zhong Yuanguang;Xie Wei
11 The role of surcharge policy on a ride-hailing service platform with long-distance drivers 期刊论文 Yuanguang Zhong;Jiazi Yang;Yong-Wu Zhou;Bin Cao
12 Pricing and quality strategies for an on-demand housekeeping platform with customer-intensive services 期刊论文 Jianjun Yu;Yanli Fang;Yuanguang Zhong;Xiong Zhang;Ruijie Zhang
13 考虑公平关切行为下竞争零售商的最优联合购买策略研究 期刊论文 周永务;杨丽芳;曹彬;钟远光
14 The allocation optimization of promotion budget and traffic volume for an online flash-sales platform 期刊论文 Zhou Yong-Wu;Chen Chuanying;Zhong Yuanguang;Cao Bin
15 Distributionally robust revenue-sharing contracts design under yield and demand uncertainty 奖励 Liu Ju;Zhong Yuanguang;Cao Bin;Zhou Yong-Wu
16 Stochastic knapsack revisited: the service level perspective 期刊论文 Lyu Guodong;Chou Mabel C.;Teo Chung Piaw;Zheng Zhichao;Zhong Yuanguang
17 Impacts of pre-sales service and delivery lead time on dual-channel supply chain design 期刊论文 Guo Jinsen;Cao Bin;Xie Wei;Zhong Yuanguang;Zhou Yong-Wu
18 Newsvendor model with voucher sales: a distributionally robust approach 期刊论文 Yuanguang Zhong;Xinhong Jiang;Xiong Zhang;Jie Min;T.C. Edwin Cheng
19 订单转保理融资模式下考虑零售商竞争的融资和库存决策研究 期刊论文 杨睿琳;曾小燕;钟远光;周永务
20 双源供应下损失厌恶零售商的订货及补贴策略 期刊论文 余建军;朱丹;钟远光;谢维
21 Capacity Allocation in Flexible Production Networks: Theory and Applications 期刊论文 Guodong Lyu;Wang-Chi Cheung;Mabel C.Chou;Chung-Piaw Teo;Zhichao Zheng;Yuanguang Zhong
22 基于CVaR准则的资金约束供应链回购契约协调策略 期刊论文 陈建新;周永务;钟远光
23 Pricing and wage strategy for an on-demand service platform with heterogeneous congestion-sensitive customers 期刊论文 Zhong Yuanguang;Pan Qi;Xie Wei;Cheng T.C.E.
24 Equilibrium analysis and coalition stability in R&D cooperation with spillovers 期刊论文 Li Changwen;Zhou Yong-Wu;Cao Bin;Zhong Yuanguang
25 The role of government regulatory policies in financing capital-constrained retailers under competition 期刊论文 Zhong Yuanguang;Yang Tong;Stefan Zillmann;Cao Bin
26 Mitigating supply risk with limited information: Emergency supply and responsive pricing 期刊论文 Guomin Xing;Zhi Chen;Yuanguang Zhong;Yong‐Wu Zhou
27 Resilience of Long Chain under Disruption 期刊论文 Napat Rujeerapaiboon;Yuanguang Zhong;Dan Zhu
28 Warranty Reserve Management: Demand Learning and Funds Pooling 期刊论文 Xiaolin Wang;Yuanguang Zhong;Lishuai Li;Wei Xie;Zhi-Sheng Ye