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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 杨梅河流域“海绵型”综合管廊水文效应模拟 期刊论文 李珊珊;王兆礼;赖成光;吴旭树;陈晓宏;林广思;赵俊维
2 Spatial Error Distribution and Error Cause Analysis of TMPA-3B42V7 Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Mainland China 期刊论文 Deng Zifeng;Wang Zhaoli;Lai Chengguang
3 A novel spatial optimization approach for the cost-effectiveness improvement of LID practices based on SWMM-FTC 期刊论文 Shanshan Li;Zhaoli Wang;Xushu Wu;Zhaoyang Zeng;Ping Shen;Chengguang Lai
4 Dimming in the Pearl River Delta of China and the major influencing factors 期刊论文 Liao Yaoxing;Wang Zhaoli;Xiong Jinghua;Lai Chengguang
5 Flood Risk Assessment and Regionalization from Past and Future Perspectives at Basin Scale 期刊论文 Lai Chengguang;Chen Xiaohong;Wang Zhaoli;Yu Haijun;Bai Xiaoyan
6 基于TELEMAC-2D和SWMM模型的城市内涝数值模拟 期刊论文 王兆礼;陈昱宏;赖成光
7 Reservoir-Induced Hydrological Alterations Using Ecologically Related Hydrologic Metrics: Case Study in the Beijiang River, China 期刊论文 Du Jiakai;Wu Xushu;Wang Zhaoli;Li Jun;Chen Xiaohong
8 Effects of different cropping systems on ammonia nitrogen load in a typical agricultural watershed of South China 期刊论文 Jie Jiang;Jun Li;Zhaoli Wang;Xushu Wu;Chengguang Lai;Xiaohong Chen
9 Quantitative assessment of the relative impacts of climate change and human activity on flood susceptibility based on a cloud model 期刊论文 Li Shanshan;Wang Zhaoli;Lai Chengguang;Lin Guangsi
10 Implication of climate variable selections on the uncertainty of reference crop evapotranspiration projections propagated from climate variables projections under climate change 期刊论文 Chengguang Lai;Xiaohong Chen;Ruida Zhong;Zhaoli Wang
11 Reexamination of the Xie model and spatiotemporal variability in rainfall erosivity in mainland China from 1960 to 2018 期刊论文 Chen Yuhong;Xu Menghua;Wang Zhaoli;Chen Wenjie;Lai Chengguang
12 Assessment of the vulnerability of road networks to urban waterlogging based on a coupled hydrodynamic model 期刊论文 张明亮;徐梦华;王兆礼;赖成光
13 基于机器学习的多层次防洪调度方案综合评价研究 期刊论文 高玮志;高华勇;王兆礼;赖成光
14 Strengthened tropical cyclones and higher flood risk under compound effect of climate change and urbanization across China's Greater Bay Area 期刊论文 Zifeng Deng;Zhaoli Wang;Xushu Wu;Chengguang Lai;Zhaoyang Zeng
15 无管网资料地区城市雨洪过程模拟研究 期刊论文 杜佳锴;徐梦华;陈昱宏;蒋智弘;肖素芬;王兆礼
16 Impact of spatial discretization resolution on the hydrological performance of layout optimization of LID practices 期刊论文 Zhaoli Wang;Shanshan Li;Xiaoqing Wu;Guangsi Lin;Chengguang Lai
17 Accuracy evaluation of GPM multi-satellite precipitation products in the hydrological application over alpine and gorge regions with sparse rain gauge network 期刊论文 Jiachao Chen;Zhaoli Wang
18 一种替换SWMM模型输送模块计算出水口流量的方法 专利 李珊珊;王兆礼;赖成光;吴旭树;林广思
19 一种基于多输出机器学习算法的城市内涝快速预报方法 专利 赖成光;廖耀星;王兆礼
20 蓝灰绿设施融合的城市雨水系统构建与评估关键技术研究及应用 奖励 黄国如;林广思;彭涛;王兆礼;邓军;赵军华;闾邱杰;陈文杰;雷新财;曹景怡;曾家俊;麦叶鹏;陈梦芸;曾照洋;李佳玥
21 Spatiotemporal variability of event‐based rainstorm: The perspective of rainfall pattern and concentration 期刊论文 Sijing He;Zhaoli Wang;Dagang Wang;Weilin Liao;Xushu Wu;Chengguang Lai
22 Changes in Extreme Precipitation across 30 Global River Basins 期刊论文 Feng Xin;Wang Zhaoli;Wu Xushu;Yin Jiabo;Qian Shuni;Zhan Jie
23 Simulation Performance Evaluation and Uncertainty Analysis on a Coupled Inundation Model Combining SWMM and WCA2D 期刊论文 Zeng Zhaoyang;Wang Zhaoli;Lai Chengguang
24 基于 ANUGA 和 SWMM 耦合模型的城市内涝模拟分析 期刊论文 雷向东;王兆礼;曾照洋
25 耦合SWMM模型和GDE3算法的LID设施空间优化布局方法 专利 李珊珊;王兆礼;赖成光;吴旭树;林广思
26 海绵型综合管廊水文效应评估方法 专利 赖成光;王兆礼;李珊珊
27 LID改造对城市内涝与面源污染的影响 期刊论文 雷向东;赖成光;王兆礼;曾照洋;林广思;赵俊维
28 Evaluation of TMPA 3B42-V7 Product on Extreme Precipitation Estimates 期刊论文 Chen Jiachao;Wang Zhaoli;Wu Xushu;Lai Chengguang;Chen Xiaohong
29 Intensity and spatial heterogeneity of design rainstorm under nonstationarity and stationarity hypothesis across mainland China 期刊论文 Zeng Z;Lai C;Wang Z;Chen X;Zhang Z;Cheng X
30 Applicability of two satellite-based precipitation products for assessing rainfall erosivity in China 期刊论文 Chen Yuhong;Xu Menghua;Wang Zhaoli;Gao Ping;Lai Chengguang
31 城市化对流域水文过程的影响模拟与预测研究 期刊论文 陈佩琪;王兆礼;曾照洋;陈晓宏
32 不同暴雨雨型条件下的城市内涝响应特征分析 期刊论文 赖成光;廖耀星;王兆礼
33 一种暴雨内涝影响下城市道路通行效率评估方法 专利 赖成光;张明亮;王兆礼;徐梦华
34 洪水危险性的区划和时空演变规律的研究方法 专利 王兆礼;李珊珊;赖成光