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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Terahertz generation from laser-driven ultrafast current propagation along a wire target 期刊论文 H. B. Zhuo;S. J. Zhang;X. H. Li;H. Y. Zhou;X. Z. Li;D. B. Zou;M. Y. Yu;H. C. Wu;Z. M. Sheng;C. T. Zhou
2 Enhanced laser-radiation-pressure-driven proton acceleration by moving focusing electric-fields in a foil-in-cone target 期刊论文 Zou D. B.;Zhuo H. B.;Yu T. P.;Wu H. C.;Yang X. H.;Shao F. Q.;Ma Y. Y.;Yin Y.;Ge Z. Y.
3 Enhancement of laser to x-ray conversion by a double-foil gold target 期刊论文 Ge Z. Y.;Ramis R.;Yang X. H.;Yu T. P.;Xu B. B.;Zhao Y.;Zhuo H. B.;Ma Y. Y.;Yu W.;Peng X. J.
4 Influence of field ionization effect on the divergence of laser-driven fast electrons 期刊论文 Y. Lang;X. H. Yang;H. Xu;Z. Jin;H. B. Zhuo
5 Model of high-order harmonic generation from laser interaction with a plasma grating 期刊论文 Zhang S. J.;Zhuo H. B.;Zou D. B.;Gan L. F.;Zhou H. Y.;Li X. Z.;Yu M. Y.;Yu W.
6 Control of target-normal-sheath-accelerated protons from a guiding cone 期刊论文 D. B. Zou;H. B. Zhuo;X. H. Yang;T. P. Yu;F. Q. Shao;A. Pukhov
7 超热电子在稠密等离子体中输运的混合粒子模拟方法 期刊论文 徐涵;卓红斌;杨晓虎;侯永;银燕;刘杰
8 Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration from Plasma Micro-Channel Targets 期刊论文 D. B. Zou;A. Pukhov;L. Q. Yi;H. B. Zhuo;T. P. Yu;Y. Yin;F. Q. Shao
9 Highly efficient terahertz radiation from a thin foil irradiated by a high-contrast laser pulse 期刊论文 Jin Z.;Zhuo H. B.;Nakazawa T.;Shin J. H.;Wakamatsu S.;Yugami N.;Hosokai T.;Zou D. B.;Yu M. Y.;Sheng Z. M.;Kodama R.
10 Numerical study of bandwidth effect on stimulated Raman backscattering in nonlinear regime 期刊论文 H. Y. Zhou;C. Z. Xiao;D. B. Zou;X. Z. Li;Y. Yin;F. Q. Shao;H. B. Zhuo
11 Dense electron-positron plasmas and gamma-ray bursts generation by counterpropagating quantum electrodynamics-strong laser interaction with solid targets 期刊论文 Wen Luo; Yi-Bo Zhu; Hong-Bin Zhuo; Yan-Yun Ma; Ying-Ming Song; Zhi-Chao Zhu; Xiao-Dong Wang
12 Plasma polarization grating for circularly polarized high-order harmonic generation 期刊论文 Duan Xie;Weimin Ye;Jinlong Jiao;Shijie Zhang;Na Zhao;Hongyu Zhou;Hongbin Zhuo
13 High-Order-Harmonic Generation from a Relativistic Circularly Polarized Laser Interacting with Over-Dense Plasma Grating 期刊论文 Li Xia-Zhi;Zhuo Hong-Bin;Zou De-Bin;Zhang Shi-Jie;Zhou Hong-Yu;Zhao Na;Lang Yue;Yu De-Yao
14 Effect of plasma grating roughness on high-order harmonic generation 期刊论文 Li Xia-Zhi;Zou De-Bin;Zhou Hong-Yu;Zhang Shi-Jie;Zhao Na;Yu De-Yao;Zhuo Hong-Bin
15 On the stimulated Raman sidescattering in inhomogeneous plasmas: revisit of linear theory and three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations 期刊论文 C Z Xiao;H B Zhuo;Y Yin;Z J Liu;C Y Zheng;Y Zhao;X T He
16 Tunable proton stopping power of deuterium-tritium by mixing heavy ion dopants for fast ignition 期刊论文 D. B. Zou;L.X. Hu;W.Q.Wang;X.H. Yang;T.P. Yu;G.B. Zhang;J.M. Ouyang;F.Q. Shao;H.B. Zhuo
17 Enhanced electron injection in laser-driven bubble acceleration by ultra-intense laser irradiating foil-gas targets 期刊论文 G. B. Zhang;Y. Y. Ma;H. Xu;H. Hafz;X. H. Yang;M. Chen;T. P. Yu;D. B. Zou;J. X. Liu;J. F. Yan;H. B. Zhuo