
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The design of the mechanical heart valve by using the parametric method 期刊论文 Zhang Yong|Wu Liangliang|Zhou Feng|You Tianxue|Wan Guojiang|Huang Nan|
2 表面电化学电荷转移n型掺杂Ti-O薄膜及其抗凝血性能研究 会议论文 王令|万国江|黄楠|杨苹|孙鸿|吕博|
3 Deformation and corrosion behaviors of Ti-O film deposited 316L stainless steel by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition 期刊论文 Xie, Dong|Wan, Guojiang|Maitz, Manfred F.|Sun, Hong|Huang, Nan|
4 Anti-thrombogenic Behavior and Electrochemical Investigation of Ti-O Film 会议论文 B. Lv|G.J. Wan|N. Huang|J.Zh. Zhou|Y.X. Leng|
5 Finite element analysis of a mechanical heart valve in assembly 会议论文 Wu, Liangliang|Wan, Guojiang|Zhou, Feng|Yang, Jie|Huang, Nan|
6 Characterization and mechanical investigation of Ti–O2-x film prepared by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition for cardiovascular stents surface modification 期刊论文 Dong Xie|Guojiang Wan *|Manfred F. Maitz|Yifeng Lei|Nan Huang|Hong Sun|
7 Dynamic curvature control of rolled-up metal nanomembranes activated by magnesium 期刊论文 Wan, Guojiang|Solovev, Alexander A.|Huang, G. S.|Maitz, Manfred F.|Huang, Nan|Mei, Y. F.|
8 Responsive surface charge transfer doping effect of reductive bio-molecules (glucose, fucoidan, and heparin) contacting on semiconducting titanium oxide films 期刊论文 Guojiang Wan|Ping Li|Xia Xiang|Jianzhang Zhou|Nan Huang|
9 Electrochemical Behavior of Redox Proteins on ZnO Nanorod-Modified Electrodes Prepared by Electrodeposition 期刊论文 Han Nan-Nan|Wang Hui|Li Na|Zhou Jian-Zhang|Lin Zhong-Hua|Wu Di|Wan Guo-Jiang|
10 纤维蛋白原吸附与构象变化响应在血液相容性中的研究 期刊论文 金健|陈俊英|侯明勇|万国江|赵安莎|雷跃昌|杨滢|黄楠|吴熹|杨萍|冷永祥|
11 Corrosion susceptibility investigation of Ti-O film modified cobalt-chromium alloy (L-605) vascular stents by cyclic potentiodynamic polarization measurement 期刊论文 Liu, Hengquan|Leng, Y. X.|Wan, Guojiang|Huang, Nan|
12 A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully-biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: toward better biofunction, biodegradation, and biocompatibilit. 期刊论文 Juan Wang|Yonghui He|Manfred F. Maitz|Boyce Collins|Kaiqin Xiong|Lisha Guo|Yeoheung Yun|Guojiang Wan|Nan Huang|
13 新型半导体表面技术---表面电荷转移掺杂(撰写中) 专著 万国江|
14 电沉积制备ZnO纳米棒修饰电极上氧化还原蛋白的电化学行为 期刊论文 韩楠楠|王慧|栗娜|周剑章|林仲华|吴迪|万国江|
15 四川省青年科技联合会理事 奖励 万国江|
16 血小板影响内皮细胞在心血管植入物表面生长增殖的实验研究 期刊论文 李鸿雁|沈振亚|黄楠|吴熹|陈俊英|万国江|陈诚|
17 四川省杰出青年学术与技术带头人 奖励 万国江|
18 Electrochemical In Situ and Biological In Vitro Investigation of Biomaterials-related Thrombosis on Graphite 会议论文 G.S. Jin|G.J. Wan|M.F. Maitza|N. Huang|B. Lv|
19 国际研讨会分会主持主席 奖励 Guojiang Wan|
20 Wettability and bloodcompatibility of a-C:N:H films deposited by PIII-D 期刊论文 Yang, Ping|Huang, Nan|Leng, Yongxiang|Chen, Junying|Wang, Jin|Sun, Hong|Wan, Guojiang|Zhao, Ansha|
21 Degradable behaviour and blood compatibility of surface eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coated biomedical magnesium alloy 会议论文 Juan Wang|Yonghui He|Lisha Guo|Jialong Chen|Yuancong Zhao|Jianhui Li|Kaiqing Xiong|Nan Huang|Guojiang Wan|
22 Direct Correlation of Electrochemical Behaviors with Anti-thrombogenicity of Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films 期刊论文 Guojiang Wan|Bo Lv|Guoshou Jin|Manfred Maitz|Jianzhang Zhou|Nan Huang|
23 316L不锈钢血管支架材料的电化学抛光工艺(英文) 期刊论文 季士委|黄楠|万国江|王凯|Ji Shi-wei1, Huang Nan2, Wan Guo-jiang2, Wang Kai2|2Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materi|
24 氧缺位对金红石型TiO2电子结构和血液相容性影响的理论计算与实验研究 期刊论文 雷祎凤|冷永祥|杨苹|万国江|黄楠|
25 QMS质量管理内审员资格 奖励 万国江|