
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The cells of the affine Weyl group Cn in a certain quasi-split case, 期刊论文 JIanyi Shi|
2 Irreducible representations of q-Schur superalgebras at a root of unity 期刊论文 Du, Jie|Gu, Haixia|Wang, Jianpan|
3 Cluster automorphism groups of cluster algebras with coefficients 期刊论文 Chang, Wen|Zhu, Bin|
4 The rank of fusion systems 期刊论文 Wang, Baoshan|Zhang, Jiping|
5 The reduced expressions in a Coxeter system with a strictly complete Coxeter graph 期刊论文 Shi, Jian-yi|
6 Remarks on Hall algebras of triangulated categories 期刊论文 Xiao, Jie|Xu, Fan|
7 The cells in the weighted Coxeter group ((C)over-tilde(n), (l)over-tilde(m)) 期刊论文 Shi, Jian-yi|
8 Cluster automorphism groups of cluster algebras of finite type 期刊论文 Chang, Wen|Zhu, Bin|
9 BGP-reflection functors and Lusztig's symmetries of modified quantized enveloping algebras 期刊论文 Xiao, Jie|Zhao, Ming Hui|
10 Krull-Schmidt decomposition of some tensor products of costandard modules for SL3(k) 期刊论文 Chen, Xiaoyu|Wang, Jianpan|
11 A Parameterization of the Canonical Bases of Affine Modified Quantized Enveloping Algebras 期刊论文 Xiao, Jie|Zhao, Minghui|
12 Orbital characters and their applications 期刊论文 Lizhong Wang, Jiping Zhang,|
13 Cluster algebras arising from cluster tubes 期刊论文 Zhou, Yu|Zhu, Bin|
14 Saturated fusion systems over -groups 期刊论文 Liao, Jun|Zhang, Jiping|
15 Bamboo-like carbon nanotubes containing sulfur for high performance supercapacitors 期刊论文 Tang, Yakun|Zhang, Yang|Jia, Dianzeng|Kong, Lingbing|
16 A Note on the p-Deficiency Class of a Finite Group 期刊论文 Tianze Li, Weigang Xu, Jiping Zhang|
17 A realisation of the quantum supergroup U(gl(m vertical bar n)) 期刊论文 Du, Jie|Gu, Haixia|
18 Extending Endo-monomial Modules 期刊论文 Z. Lu, Jiping Zhang|
19 On support tau-tilting modules over endomorphism algebras of rigid objects 期刊论文 Chang, Wen|Zhang, Jie|Zhu, Bin|
20 Maximal rigid subcategories in 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated categories 期刊论文 Yu Zhou, Bin Zhu|
21 Triangulated quotient categories 期刊论文 Liu, Yu|Zhu, Bin|
22 On rooted cluster morphisms and cluster structures in 2-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories 期刊论文 Chang, Wen|Zhu, Bin|
23 The weighted universal Coxeter group and some related conjectures of Lusztig 期刊论文 Shi, Jian-yi|Yang, Gao|
24 On a discrete version of alexandrov's projection theorem 期刊论文 Xiong, Huan|
25 Cotorsion pairs in the cluster category of a marked surface 期刊论文 Zhang, Jie|Zhou, Yu|Zhu, Bin|
26 上海市优秀博士论文 奖励 顾海霞|
27 Special Blocks of Finite Groups 期刊论文 Zhang, Ji Ping|
28 Nilpotent fusion systems 期刊论文 Liao, Jun|Zhang, Jiping|
29 有限秩的幂零π-群的自同构 期刊论文 刘合国|张继平|徐涛|
30 The cells of the affine Weyl group C-n in a certain quasi-split case 期刊论文 Shi, Jian-yi|
31 The boundedness of the weighted coxeter group with complete graph 期刊论文 Shi, Jian-Yi|Yang, Gao|
32 Double-partition quantum cluster algebras 期刊论文 H. Jakobsen, Hechun Zhang,|
33 The Hall algebra approach to Drinfeld’s presentation of quantum loop algebras 期刊论文 Rujing Dou, Yong Jiang, Jie Xiao|
34 无限循环群被有限生成Abel群的中心扩张 期刊论文 吴佐慧|张继平|徐行忠|廖军|