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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Optimization of the medium composition of a biphasic production system for mycelial growth and spore production of Aschersonia placenta using response surface methodology 期刊论文 Feifei Song|Yunfeng Qiu|Xiaoxia Li|Xiong Guan|
2 Extraction, identification and antimicrobial activity of a new furanone, grifolaone A, from Grifola frondosa 期刊论文 Nemat O. Keyhani|Lindan Yao|邱君志(Junzhi Qiu)|Xiong Guan|
3 一种从粉虱座壳孢菌代谢物中提取抑菌剂的方法 专利 邱君志; 毛丽慧; 郭庆丰; 李小霞; 涂洁; 关雄; 邱云锋; 宋飞飞
4 Udeniomyces kanasensis sp. nov., a ballistoconidium-forming yeast species in the Cystofilobasidiales 期刊论文 Han Pei-Jie|Qiu Jun-Zhi|Wang Qi-Ming|Bai Feng-Yan|
5 Naumovozyma baii sp. nov., an ascomycetous yeast species isolated from rotten wood in a tropic forest 期刊论文 Wan-Qiu Liu|Pei-Jie han|Jun-Zhi Qiu|Qi-Ming Wang|
6 油茶黑胶粉虱及扁座壳孢对其自然控制作用 期刊论文 何学友, 邱君志, 蔡守平, 丁珌, 熊瑜|
7 Development of a transformation system for Hirsutella spp. and visualization of the mode of nematode infection by GFP-labeled H. minnesotensis 期刊论文 Seogchan Kang|Xingzhong Liu|邱君志(Junzhi Qiu)|Meichun Xiang|
8 一种座壳孢菌油剂及其与烯啶虫胺的复配杀虫剂 专利 邱君志; 宋飞飞; 邱云锋; 谢小聪; 关雄; 李小霞; 涂洁
9 一种扁座壳孢菌半合成培养基 专利 邱君志; 关雄; 邱云锋; 谢小聪; 宋飞飞; 苏玉斌
10 扁座壳孢Jos009胞外代谢产物15α,22-二羟何帕烷的抗菌活性 期刊论文 潘洁茹|张鸿声|关雄|邱君志|
11 A new azaphilone from the entomopathogenic fungus Hypocrella sp. 期刊论文 Lindan Yao|Liping Cao|邱君志(Junzhi Qiu)|Xiong Guan|
12 Aschersonia conica sp. nov. (Clavicipitaceae) from Hainan Province, China 期刊论文 Jun-Zhi Qiu|Yu-Bin Su|Chong-Shuang Weng|Xiong Guan|
13 Parasitism of secondary-stage juvenile of Heterodera glycines and four larva stages of Caenorhabditis elegans by Hirsutella spp 期刊论文 Xie, Hongyan|Qiu, Junzhi|Liu, Xingzhong|Xiang, Meichun|
14 一种从赭色小莫勒菌提取杜斯塔宁的方法 专利 邱君志; 毛丽慧; 宋飞飞; 邱云锋; 关雄; 涂洁; 张伟; 谢小聪
15 Proteomic analysis of proteins differentially expressed in conidia and mycelium of the entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia placenta 期刊论文 Ivan Gelbic|Yunfeng Qiu|Xiaocong Xie|Xiong Guan|
16 Proteins differentially expressed in conidia and mycelia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae sensu stricto 期刊论文 Liping Cao|Dong Dong|Junzhi Qiu|Xiong Guan|
17 microRNA-143 Protects Cells from DNA Damage-Induced Killing by Downregulating FHIT Expression 期刊论文 N Gao|J-P Sheng|J-Z Qiu|B-C Hu|
18 Time–dose–mortality data and modeling for the entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia placenta against the whitefly Bemisia tabaci 期刊论文 Feifei Song|Lihui Mao|Jie Tu|Xiong Guan|
19 生物杀虫剂座壳孢菌新资源及其创新研究与应用 奖励 关雄|何学友|宋飞飞|苏玉斌|
20 生物杀虫剂座壳孢菌新资源及其创新研究与应用 奖励
21 粉虱类害虫综合防治途径的研究现状 期刊论文 宋飞飞|苏伟德|
22 Optimization of the medium composition of a biphasic production system for mycelial growth and spore production of Aschersonia placenta using response surface methodology 期刊论文 Song, Feifei|Qiu, Yunfeng|Li, Xiaoxia|Guan, Xiong|
23 一种扁座壳孢菌大量产孢培养基 专利