
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Comparative analysis of compositions between calcium phosphate calculi and urinary nanocrystallites in the stone-formers. 期刊论文 Zhu W-Y,|Xu Meng, Wang Fen-Xing,|Ouyang J-M*.|
2 Property changes of urinary nanocrystallites and urine of uric acid stone formers after taking potassium citrate 期刊论文 Guang-Na Zhang|Jian-Ming Ouyang*|Jun-Fa Xue|Yun-Feng Shang|
3 Nucleation, Growth, and Aggregation of Nanocrystallites in Urine of Calcium Oxalate Stone Patients as well as Kidney Stone Formation 期刊论文 Ouyang Jianming|Zhang Guangna|Wang Fengxin|Li Junjun|
4 尿液中不同尺寸微晶的聚集过程 期刊论文 姚秀琼|欧阳健明|
5 结石患者和健康对照者尿微晶生长、聚集过程的比较研究. 期刊论文 柳一鸣|欧阳健明|夏志月|
6 Formationmechanism of magnesium ammonium phosphate stones: A component analysis ofurinary nanocrystallites 期刊论文 欧阳健明|
7 Inhibition of Urinary Macromolecule Heparin on Aggregation of Nano-COM and Nano-COD Crystals 期刊论文 Ou yan|欧阳健明|
8 Preparation of nanoparticles of calcium oxalate dihydrate 期刊论文 Liang W-B, Zhu W-Y, Wang F-X, Ouyang J-M*|
9 Changes in urinary nanocrystallites in calcium oxalate stone formers before and after potassium citrate intake 期刊论文 Zhang, Guang-Na|Gui, Bao-Song|Xue, Jun-Fa|Ouyang, Jian-Ming|
10 草酸钙的结晶动力学及不同种类羧酸盐的影响 期刊论文 李君君|欧阳健明|
11 Washing method, an accurate detection method of urinary nanocrystallites to eliminate interference of soluble components in urine. 期刊论文 Shang Y-F*, Kuan L, Zhu W-Y, Ouyang J-M*|
12 zeta Potential, Autocorrelation Curve and Agglomeration of Urinary Crystallites with Different Size 期刊论文 Hou Shan-Hua|He Jie-Yu|Xia Zhi-Yue|Ouyang Jian-Ming|
13 Nanocrystallites in urine and their relationship with the formation of kidney stones 期刊论文 Ouyang, Jian-Ming|Xia, Zhi-Yue|Zhang, Guang-Na|Chen, He-Qun|
14 尿液中的纳米微晶及其与尿石症形成的关系 期刊论文 欧阳健明|侯善华| 李君君|
15 Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Nano- and Microsized Crystals in the Urine of Calcium Oxalate Stone Patients and Control Subjects 期刊论文 Xu, Meng|Gui, Bao-Song|Wang, Feng-Xin|Ouyang, Jian-Ming|
16 Inhibition of potassium citrate on aggregation of nano calcium oxalate crystal in four different systems. 会议论文
17 肾结石病理矿化的发展状况. 会议论文
18 Depressions of urinary crystallites—a direct proof of citric acid dissolving calcium oxalate stones in vivo. 期刊论文 Yi-Min DING|Zhi-Yue XIA|Guang-Na ZHANG|欧阳健明|
19 Comparison of urinary crystallites from patients with renal calculi with that from healthy subjects. 期刊论文 Xia Z-Y, Ding Y-M, Ouyang J-M*|
20 尿液中的纳米晶体组分及其对草酸钙结石形成的影响 期刊论文 李玉宝|欧阳健明|
21 Comparative analysis of compositions between calcium phosphate calculi and urinary nanocrystallites in the stone-formers. 会议论文
22 Zeta potential of different size of urinary crystallites in lithogenic patients and healthy subjects. 会议论文
23 Washing method, an accurate detection method of urinary nanocrystallites to eliminate interference of soluble components in urine. 会议论文
24 Property Change of Urine Crystallites and Urine Compositions of Calcium Oxalate Stone Patients before and after Taking Potassium Citrate 期刊论文 Li Jun-Jun|Hou Shan-Hua|Xia Zhi-Yue|Ouyang Jian-Ming|
25 Aggregation of Urinary Microcrystallines with Different Sizes 期刊论文 He Jie-Yu|Yang Jin|Hou Shan-Hua|Ouyang Jian-Ming|
26 Study on nano- and microcrystallites in urines of uric acid stone patients. 期刊论文 Zhang G-N, Xia Z-Y, Ouyang J-M*, Kuan L.|
27 Relationship between components of urinary crystallites and formation of calcium oxalate stones---an investigation of 275 cases of patients with calcium oxalate stones. 会议论文
28 The Property Changes of Urine Crystallites of Calcium Oxalate Stone Formers before and after Taking Medicine 期刊论文 Li Jun-jun|Hou Shan-hua|Xia Zhi-yue|Ouyang Jian-ming|
29 服用柠檬酸钾前后草酸钙结石患者的尿微晶和尿液性质变化 期刊论文 欧阳健明|李君君|
30 Effect of Unitary, Binary and Ternary Carboxylates on Crystallization Kinetics of Calcium Oxalate in Artificial Urine 期刊论文 Li, Jun-Jun|Xue, Jun-Fa|Xu, Meng|Ouyang, Jian-Ming|
31 泌尿系结石成因基础研究思路 会议论文
32 XRD, FTIR and Thermoluminescence Spectra of Different Types of Urinary Stones 期刊论文 Yang Jin|He Jie-yu|Ouyang Jian-ming|
33 Comparison of urinary crystallites from patients with renal calculi with that from healthy subjects 期刊论文 Zhi-Yue XIA|Yi-Ming DING|欧阳健明|
34 Comparison of growth kinetic of urinary crystallites from patients with renal calculi with that from healthy subjects. 期刊论文 Shang Y-F*, Kuan L, Xue J-F, Ouyang J-M*|
35 Stabilization of sub-micron calcium oxalate suspension by chondroitin sulfate C may be an efficient protection from stone formation. 期刊论文 Li J-J, Xue J-F, Ouyang J-M*|
36 Morphology, size distribution, aggregation, and crystal phase of nanocrystallites in urines of healthy persons and lithogenic patients 期刊论文 Jie-Yu HE|Sui-Ping DENG|欧阳健明|
37 Component change of Nano- and Microsized urine crystallites in the patients of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate and uric acid calculi. 会议论文
38 Crystallization Kinetics of CaOxa and the Influence of Different Carboxylic Acid Salt 期刊论文 Li Jun-Jun|Yang Jin|Xia Zhi-Yue|Ouyang Jian-Ming|
39 草酸钙结石患者尿液中纳米微晶的成核、生长、聚集及其与结石形成的关系 期刊论文 欧阳健明|张广娜|王凤新|李君君|
40 Early prediction of urolithiasis occurrence—an analyzer based on nanotechnology. 期刊论文 Xue J-F, Tan C-Y, Deng L-Q, Ouyang J-M*|
41 Concave urinary crystallines—direct evidence of calcium oxalate crystals dissolving by citrate in vivo. 期刊论文 Shang Y-F*, Xu M, Zhang G-N, Ouyang J-M*|
42 Component analyses of urinary nanocrystallites of uric acid stone formers by combination of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, fast Fourier transformation, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform i 期刊论文 Sun X-Y, Xue J-F, Xia Z-Y, Ouyang J-M*|
43 Nanouric acid or nanocalcium phosphate as central nidus to induce calcium oxalate stone formation: a high resolution transmission electron microscopy study on urinary nanocrystallites. 期刊论文 Gao J|欧阳健明|Gui B-S|Xue J-F|
44 泌尿系结石类型的纳米技术诊断. 会议论文
45 Nanouric acid or nanocalcium phosphate as central nidus to induce calcium oxalate stone formation: a high-resolution transmission electron microscopy study on urinary nanocrystallites 期刊论文 Xu, Meng|Gui, Bao-Song|Wang, Feng-Xin|Ouyang, Jian-Ming|
46 Influence of chondroitin sulfate A on Zeta potential, aggregation and sedimentation of nano COM and nano COD crystallites. 期刊论文 Deng L-Q, Xue J-F, Tang C-Y, Xie Y-S, Ouyang J-M*|
47 Components of urinary crystallites in 56 cases of patients with magnesium ammonium phosphate stones. 会议论文
48 Influence of chondroitin sulfate A on Zeta potential, aggregation and sedimentation of nano COM and nano COD crystallites. 会议论文
49 磷酸铵镁结石患者尿微晶组分分析及其与结石形成的关系 期刊论文 杨锦|黄志杰|侯善华|欧阳健明|
50 Preparation of nanoparticles of calcium oxalate dehydrate. 会议论文
51 结石患者和健康对照者尿微晶生长、聚集过程的比较研究 期刊论文 柳一鸣|欧阳健明|
52 Aggregation of nano- and micro-crystallites in urine of uric acid stone formers and healthy controls. 期刊论文 Tan C-Y, Gan Q-Z, Xue J-F, Ouyang J-M*.|