
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Rigidity of complete manifolds with parallel Cotton tensor 期刊论文 Yawei Chu;Shouwen Fang
2 On quasi-umbilical locally strongly convex homogeneous affine hypersurfaces 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Cece Li;Chuanjing Zhang
3 Characterization of the Generalized Calabi Composition of Affine Hyperspheres 期刊论文 Miroslava Antic;Zejnu Hu;Cece Li;Luc Vrancken
4 On generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds with constant Ricci curvatures 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Dehe Li;Shujie Zhai
5 On generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds with constant scalar curvature 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Dehe Li;Jing Xu
6 An optimal inequality on locally strongly convex centroaffine hypersurfaces 期刊论文 Xiuxiu Cheng;Zejun Hu
7 On the isolation phenomena of Einstein manifolds --- submanifolds versions 期刊论文 Xiuxiu Cheng;Zejun Hu;An-Min Li;Haizhong Li
8 Lagrangian submanifolds in the 6-dimensional nearly Kahler manifolds with parallel second fundamental form 期刊论文 Zhang Y.;Dioos B.;Hu Z.;Vrancken L.;Wang X.
9 Rigidity of the almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kahler S-3 x S-3 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Yinshan Zhang
10 On submanifolds with parallel Moebius second fundamental form in the unit sphere 期刊论文 Shujie Zhai;Zejun Hu;Changping Wang
11 On four-dimensional Einstein affine hyperspheres 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Haizhong Li;Luc Vrancken
12 Global Affine Differential Geometry of Hypersurfaces 专著 李安民;Udo SIMON;赵国松;胡泽军
13 Isotropic Lagrangian submanifolds in the homogeneous nearly Kahler S-3 x S-3 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Yinshan Zhang
14 On some hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler ^^ 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Zeke Yao;Yinshan Zhang
15 On 3-dimensional homogeneous generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Dehe Li
16 Noncompact complete manifolds with cyclic parallel Ricci curvature 期刊论文 Yawei Chu
17 On rigidity phenomena of compact surfaces in homogeneous 3-manifolds 期刊论文 Zejun Hu;Dongliang Lyu;Jing Wang
18 Classification of complete generic shrinking Ricci solitons with pointwise pinched curvature 期刊论文 Yawei Chu;Rui Huang;Wenwen Li
19 Rigidity of complete generic shrinking Ricci solitons 期刊论文 Yawei Chu;Jundong Zhou;Xue Wang
20 Classification of the Locally Strongly Convex Centroaffine Hypersurfaces with Parallel Cubic Form 期刊论文 Xiuxiu Cheng;Zejun Hu;Marilena Moruz
21 Rigidity of compact surfaces in homogeneous 3-manifolds with constant mean curvature 期刊论文 Jing Wang;Yinshan Zhang
22 On the parallel and totally umbilical hypersurfaces of the Euclidean ellipsoid 期刊论文 Yinshan Zhang