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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Decreased carboxylesterases expression and hydrolytic activity in type 2 diabetic mice through Akt/mTOR/HIF-1a/Stra13 pathway 期刊论文 Ruini Chen, Yuwen Wang, Rui Ning, Jinhua Hu, Wei|Jian Yang|
2 DEC1 binding to the proximal promoter of CYP3A4 ascribes to the downregulation of CYP3A4 expression by IL-6 in primary human hepatocytes 期刊论文 Ning R|Shang W|Yang J|Yan B|
3 Glucosedominates the regulation of carboxylesterases induced by lipopolysaccharide orinterleukin-6 in primary mouse hepatocytes. 期刊论文 8)Xiong J, Shang W, Wu L, Chen R, Liu W, Ning R, Hu G, Yang|
4 8-甲氧补骨脂素药理作用进展 期刊论文 杨俭|
5 8-Methoxypsoralen Induces Intrinsic Apoptosis in HepG2 Cells: Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and ERK1/2 Pathway Inhibition. 期刊论文 3)Yang H, Xiong J, Luo W, Yang J*, Xi T**|
6 Gambogic acid suppresses cytochrome P450 3A4 bydownregulating pregnane X receptor and up-regulating DEC1 in human hepatomaHepG2 cells 期刊论文 2)Wei Liu, Rui Ning, Rui-Ni Chen, Jin-Hua Hu, Hai-Yan Gui, Y|
7 Down regulation of differentiated embryonic chondrocytes 1 (DEC1) is involved in 8-methoxypsoralen-induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells 期刊论文 Ning R|Shang W|Hu G|Yang J|
8 Curcumin Protects against 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium Ion- and Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Cytotoxicities in the Mouse Mesencephalic Astrocyte via Inhibiting the Cytochrome P450 2E1 期刊论文 Liu, Wei|Xiong, Jing|Hu, Gang|Yang, Jian|
9 Fluoxetine reduces CES1, CES2, and CYP3A4 expression through decreasing PXR and increasing DEC1 in HepG2 cells 期刊论文 2)Shang W, Liu J, Chen R, Ning R, Xiong J, Liu W|
10 Glucose dominates the regulation of carboxylesterases induced by lipopolysaccharide or interleukin-6 in primary mouse hepatocytes. 期刊论文 Xiong J, Shang W, Wu L, Chen R, Liu W, Ning R, Hu G, Yang J*|
11 Fluoxetine Induces Hepatic Lipid Accumulation Via Both Promotion of the SREBP1c-Related Lipogenesis and Reduction of Lipolysis in Primary Mouse Hepatocytes. 期刊论文 Liu W|Chen RN|Hu G|Yang J|
12 Down Regulation of Differentiated Embryo-Chondrocyte Expressed Gene 1 is Related to the Decrease of Osteogenic Capacity 期刊论文 Hu JH, Mao Z, Shang W, Yue HT, Wang YW, Yang J|
13 单次给予氟西汀诱导小鼠肝脏甘油三酯积累的作用机制 期刊论文 彭妍|陈瑞妮|胡刚|杨俭|
14 Down Regulation of Differentiated Embryo-Chondrocyte Expressed Gene 1 is Related to the Decrease of Osteogenic Capacity 期刊论文 Wang Yuwen|Wu Lili|Liu Wei|Yang Jian|
15 Differentiated embryonic chondrocytes 1 expression of periodontal ligament tissue and gingival tissue in the patients with chronic periodontitis 期刊论文 Hu S, Shang W, Yue H, Chen R, Dong Z, Hu J, Mao Z|
16 Aspafilioside B Induces G2/M Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis by Up-Regulating H-Ras and N-Ras via ERK and p38 MAPK Signaling Pathways in Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells 期刊论文 Wei Liu, Rui Ning, Rui-Ni Chen, Xue-Feng Huang,|Hao Wang**|
17 Fluoxetine suppresses AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway to promote hepatic lipid accumulation in primary mouse hepatocytes. 期刊论文 Xiong J, Yang H, Wu L, Shang W, Shan E, Liu W, Hu G, Xi T, Ya|