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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A quantitative lab examination of floc fractal property considering influences of turbulence, salinity and sediment concentration 期刊论文 Guo Chao;Manning Andrew J.;Bass Sarah;Guo Leicheng;He Qing
2 Decadal morphological evolution of the mouth zone of the Yangtze Estuary in response to human interventions 期刊论文 Zhu Chunyan;Guo Leicheng;van Maren Dirk Sebastiaan;Tian Bo;Wang Xianye;He Qing;Wang Zheng Bing
3 Changes in suspended sediments in the Yangtze River Estuary from 1984 to 2020: Responses to basin and estuarine engineering constructions 期刊论文 Luo W;Shen F;He Q;Cao F;Zhao HY;Li MY
4 Regime shifts in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary: The role of concentrated benthic suspensions 期刊论文 Lin Jianliang;van Prooijen Bram C.;Guo Leicheng;Zhu Chunyan;He Qing;Wang Zheng Bing
5 2020年特大洪水作用下长江口南槽水沙输移特征 期刊论文 吴增斌;郭磊城;吴雪枫;何青
6 The alteration of lateral circulation under the influence of human activities in a multiple channel system, Changjiang Estuary 期刊论文 Chen Yu;He Qing;Shen Jian;Du Jiabi
7 Mapping coastal salt marshes in China using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR 期刊论文 Yuekai Hu;Bo Tian;Lin Yuan;Xiuzhen Li;Ying Huang;Runhe Shi;Xiaoyi Jiang;lihua Wang;Chao Sun
8 Modulation of sediment load recovery downstream of Three Gorges Dam in the Yangtze River 期刊论文 Chunyan Zhu;Yuning Zhang;D.S. van Maren;Weiming Xie;Leicheng Guo;Xianye Wang;Qing He
9 Strong Inland Propagation of Low-Frequency Long Waves in River Estuaries 期刊论文 Guo Leicheng;Zhu Chunyan;Wu Xuefeng;Wan Yuanyang;Jay David A.;Townend Ian;Wang Zheng Bing;He Qing
10 Particle Dynamics in a Managed Navigation Channel Under Different Tidal Conditions as Determined Using Multiple Radionuclide Tracers 期刊论文 Wang Jinlong;Huang Dekun;Xie Weiming;He Qing;Du Jinzhou
11 Quantifying delta channel network changes with Landsat time-series data 期刊论文 Chen Chunpeng;Tian Bo;Schwarz Christian;Zhang Ce;Guo Leicheng;Xu Fan;Zhou Yunxuan;He Qing
12 Accurate mapping of Chinese coastal aquaculture ponds using biophysical parameters based on Sentinel-2 time series images 期刊论文 Ya Peng;Dhritiraj Sengupta;Yuanqiang Duan;Chunpeng Chen;Bo Tian
13 远区台风“三巴”对长江口波浪动力场的作用机制 期刊论文 任剑波;何青;沈健;徐凡;郭磊城;谢卫明;朱磊
14 长江河口潮波特征的年内变化分析 期刊论文 冯宇泽;郭磊城;马慧晨
15 粒度与含水率对泥沙流变特性影响的试验研究 期刊论文 陈沁泽;王宪业;赵中豪;何青
16 Mapping three-dimensional morphological characteristics of tidal salt-marsh channels using UAV structure-from-motion photogrammetry 期刊论文 Chunpeng Chen;Ce Zhang;Christian Schwarz;Bo Tian;Wenhao Jiang;Wenting Wu;Rahul Garg;Pradeep Garg;Chusov Aleksandr;Shilin Mikhail;Yunxuan Zhou
17 Sentinel-1时序后向散射特征的海岸带盐沼植被分类--以长江口为例 期刊论文 赵欣怡;田波;牛莹;陈春鹏;周云轩
18 河口航道治理中导堤丁坝工程措施的影响探讨 期刊论文 郭磊城;朱磊;陈语;何青
19 Response of stratification processes to tidal current alteration due to channel narrowing and deepening 期刊论文 Lei Zhu;Qing He;Jian Shen
20 长江口浑浊带核心区北槽水动力特征研究 期刊论文 蒋杰;何青;朱磊;林建良
21 On the Morphodynamic Equilibrium of a Short Tidal Channel 期刊论文 Xu Fan;Coco Giovanni;Tao Jianfeng;Zhou Zeng;Zhang Changkuan;Lanzoni Stefano;D'Alpaos Andrea
22 The role of algae in fine sediment flocculation: In-situ and laboratory measurements 期刊论文 Deng Zhirui;He Qing;Safar Zeinab;Chassagne Claire
23 用于三维激光扫描系统的定位标靶装置 专利 谢卫明;何青;王宪业;郭磊城;顾靖华;张迨
24 生态空心块体水沙动力效应研究 期刊论文 侯仲荃;何青;王宪业;谢卫明;徐凡
25 Reclamation of tidal flats within tidal basins alters centennial morphodynamic adaptation to sea‐level rise 期刊论文 Leicheng Guo;Chunyan Zhu;Fan Xu;Weiming Xie;Mick van der Wegen;Ian Townend;Zheng Bing Wang;Qing He
26 紊动对黏性细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降影响的试验研究 期刊论文 郭超;何青;郭磊城;王宪业
27 Fusion of Landsat-8/OLI and GOCI Data for Hourly Mapping of Suspended Particulate Matter at High Spatial Resolution: A Case Study in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary 期刊论文 Yanqun Pan;Fang Shen;Xiaodao Wei
28 Exploration of Decadal Tidal Evolution in Response to Morphological and Sedimentary Changes in the Yangtze Estuary 期刊论文 Zhu Chunyan;Guo Leicheng;Maren D. S.;Wang Zheng Bing;He Qing
29 An integrated optic and acoustic (IOA) approach for measuring suspended sediment concentration in highly turbid environments 期刊论文 Lin Jianliang;He Qing;Guo Leicheng;van Prooijen Bram C.;Wang Zheng Bing
30 大坝影响下长江干流悬沙粒度变化特征 期刊论文 张雨宁;郭磊城;于海升;何青
31 A Morphodynamic Modeling Study on the Formation of the Large‐Scale Radial Sand Ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea 期刊论文 Jianfeng Tao;Zheng Bing Wang;Zeng Zhou;Fan Xu;Changkuan Zhang;Marcel J.F. Stive
32 A Universal Form of Power Law Relationships for River and Stream Channels 期刊论文 Fan Xu;Giovanni Coco;Zeng Zhou;Ian Townend;Leicheng Guo;Qing He
33 From the headwater to the delta: A synthesis of the basin-scale sediment load regime in the Changjiang River 期刊论文 Guo Leicheng;Su Ni;Townend Ian;Wang Zheng Bing;Zhu Chunyan;Wang Xianye;Zhang Yuning;He Qing
34 Tidal asymmetry and residual sediment transport in a short tidal basin under sea level rise 期刊论文 Leicheng Guo;Matthew W. Brand;Brett F. Sanders;Efi Foufoula-Georgiou;Eric D. Stein
35 盐沼植被缓流能力观测研究———以崇明东滩海三棱藨草盐沼区为例 期刊论文 谢泽昊;史本伟;田波;陈倩;张文祥;顾靖华
36 Multi-source high-resolution satellite products in Yangtze Estuary: cross-comparisons and impacts of signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution 期刊论文 Rugang Tang;Fang Shen;Yanqun Pan;Kevin Ruddick;Pei Shang
37 Impacts of Human Modifications and Natural Variations on Short-Term Morphological Changes in Estuarine Tidal Flats 期刊论文 Xie Weiming;He Qing;Zhang Keqi;Guo Leicheng;Wang Xianye;Shen Jian
38 Cross-comparison of ocean color products derived from Tiangong-2/WIS and GOCI in the Yangtze estuary, China 会议论文 Tang Rugang;Shen Fang;Pan Yanqun;Liu Kang;Li Mengyu;Gao Wenli;Zang Chuankai
39 三峡工程后长江口徐六泾入海水沙特征变化研究 期刊论文 陈嘉民;何青;谢卫明;郭磊城
40 Sediment Pickup Rate in Bare and Vegetated Channels 期刊论文 Yuan Xu;Danxun Li;Heidi Nepf
41 黏性泥沙絮凝研究综述与展望 期刊论文 郭超;何青
42 The role of a remote tropical cyclone in sediment resuspension over the subaqueous delta front in the Changjiang Estuary, China 期刊论文 Ren Jianbo;Xu Fan;He Qing;Shen Jian;Guo Leicheng;Xie Weiming;Zhu Lei
43 长江口表层沉积物起动试验研究 期刊论文 乔宇;何青;王宪业
44 空心块体水沙动力及泥沙淤积特性研究 期刊论文 侯仲荃;石进;王宪业;郭磊城;谢卫明;徐凡;黄明毅;何青
45 上海城市水体富营养化关键参量的遥感反演与时序分析 期刊论文 李嘉皓;田波;曹芳;胡越凯;段元强;谢泽昊;彭亚;姜文浩;范惠芳
46 Detection of seasonal changes in vegetation and morphology on coastal salt marshes using terrestrial laser scanning 期刊论文 Xie Weiming;Guo Leicheng;Wang Xianye;He Qing;Dou Shentang;Yu Xin
47 Simple methods for satellite identification of algal blooms and species using 10-year time series data from the East China Sea 期刊论文 Fang Shen;Rugang Tang;Xuerong Sun;Lingxin Chen
48 Laboratory Experiments of Bank Collapse: The Role of Bank Height and Near‐Bank Water Depth 期刊论文 Kun Zhao;Zheng Gong;Kaili Zhang;Keyu Wang;Chuang Jin;Zeng Zhou;Fan Xu;Giovanni Coco
49 Role of mudflat-creek sediment exchanges in intertidal sedimentary processes 期刊论文 Xie Weiming;He Qing;Wang Xianye;Guo Leicheng;Zhang Keqi
50 长江口最大浑浊带悬沙粒度对流域减沙的响应研究 期刊论文 于上;何青;陈语;邓智瑞
51 A historical review of sediment export–import shift in the North Branch of Changjiang Estuary 期刊论文 Leicheng Guo;Weiming Xie;Fan Xu;Xianye Wang;Chunyan Zhu;Yi Meng;Weiguo Zhang;Qing He
52 Quantifying seasonal variations in microphytobenthos biomass on estuarine tidal flats using Sentinel-1/2 data 期刊论文 Ting Zhang;Bo Tian;Yujue Wang;Dongyan Liu;Saisai Sun;Yuanqiang Duan;Yunxuan Zhou
53 河口潮滩地貌和沉积物对人类工程的响应特征 期刊论文 谢卫明;何青;张迨;朱磊;郭磊城;王宪业
54 Sediment dynamics in the mudbank of the Yangtze River Estuary under regime shift of source and sink 期刊论文 Dai Zhang;Weiming Xie;Jian Shen;Leicheng Guo;Yu Chen;Qing He
55 杭州湾北岸多年水沙特性变化及原因探讨 期刊论文 吴雪枫;何青;郭磊城;王宪业;张迨
56 Impacts of a storm on the erosion process of a tidal wetland in the Yellow River Delta 期刊论文 Xie Weiming;Wang Xianye;Guo Leicheng;He Qing;Dou Shentang;Yu Xin
57 Morphodynamic adaptation of a tidal basin to centennial sea-level rise: The importance of lateral expansion 期刊论文 Guo Leicheng;Xu Fan;van der Wegen Mick;Townend Ian;Wang Zheng Bing;He Qing
58 Feedback effects of sediment suspensions on transport mechanisms in an estuarine turbidity maximum 期刊论文 Chunyan Zhu;Leicheng Guo;Qing He;Zheng Bing Wang
59 黄河口潮滩泥沙絮凝研究 期刊论文 于上;谢卫明;何青;王宪业;赵中豪;郭磊城;徐凡
60 Investigating typhoon impact on SSC through hourly satellite and real-time field observations: A case study of the Yangtze Estuary 期刊论文 Rugang Tang;Fang Shen;Jianzhong Ge;Shilun Yang;Wenli Gao
61 近15年来长江口控制站徐六泾悬沙变化特征研究 期刊论文 刘帅;何青;谢卫明;郭磊城;沈芳
62 On the cumulative dam impact in the upper Changjiang River: Streamflow and sediment load changes 期刊论文 Chao Guo;Jin Zhongwu;Leicheng Guo;Jinyou Lu;Shi Ren;Zhou Yinjun
63 How have the river discharges and sediment loads changed in the Changjiang River basin downstream of the Three Gorges Dam? 期刊论文 Guo Leicheng;Su Ni;Zhu Chunyan;He Qing
64 Effects of Sediment-Induced Density Gradients on the Estuarine Turbidity Maximum in the Yangtze Estuary 期刊论文 Zhu Chunyan;van Maren Dirk Sebastiaan;Guo Leicheng;Lin Jianliang;He Qing;Wang Zheng Bing
65 粉砂淤泥质潮滩表层沉积物可侵蚀性研究 期刊论文 陈思明;王宪业;孙健伟;何青
66 远区台风“三巴”对河口波浪增水和波生流影响数值模拟研究 期刊论文 任剑波;何青;沈健;郭磊城;徐凡
67 Rationalizing the Differences Among Hydraulic Relationships Using a Process-Based Model 期刊论文 Xu Fan;Coco Giovanni;Townend Ian;Guo Leicheng;He Qing;Zhao Kun;Zhou Zeng
68 Tracking changes in aquaculture ponds on the China coast using 30years of Landsat images 期刊论文 Yuanqiang Duan;Bo Tian;Xing Li;Dongyan Liu;Dhritiraj Sengupta;Yujue Wang;Ya Peng
69 Effects of river discharge and tidal meandering on morphological changes in a meso tidal creek 期刊论文 Xianye Wang;Jianwei Sun;Zhonghao Zhao
70 Quantification of Tidal Asymmetry and Its Nonstationary Variations 期刊论文 Guo Leicheng;Wang Zheng Bing;Townend Ian;He Qing
71 Distribution of Pu isotopes and 210Pb in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Implications for provenance and transportation 期刊论文 Jinlong Wang;Jinzhou Du;Jianguo Qu;Qianqian Bi