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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) System Impact on Fatality and Injury Reduction in China 期刊论文 Tan Hong;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Liu Zongwei;Amer Amer Ahmad;Babiker Hassan
2 未来汽车人才特征图谱及变化趋势研究 期刊论文 刘宗巍;丁超凡;赵福全
3 汽车产业安全理论研究及其在重大产业政策制定中的应用 奖励 刘宗巍;赵福全;郝瀚;陈康达;王悦
4 基于深度强化学习的可变车道及交通信号协同控制方法 专利 丁川;聂午阳;鹿应荣;鲁光泉
5 Optimization and evaluation for autonomous taxi ride-sharing schedule and depot location from the perspective of energy consumption 期刊论文 Dai Rongjian;Ding Chuan;Gao Jian;Wu Xinkai;Yu Bin
6 A Bayesian inference based adaptive lane change prediction model 期刊论文 Zhao Zhang;Jinghua Wang;Guangquan Lu
7 Estimate of safety impact of lane keeping assistant system on fatalities and injuries reduction for China: Scenarios through 2030 期刊论文 Tan Hong;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Liu Zongwei
8 An overview of the latest progress and core challenge of autonomous vehicle technologies 会议论文 Liu Zongwei;Jiang Hao;Tan Hong;Zhao Fuquan
9 Analysis of Key Issues on Man-Control to System-Control Leap in Autonomous Driving 会议论文 Liu Zongwei;Tan Hong;Hao Han;Zhao Fuquan
10 Built environment effects on fuel consumption of driving to work: Insights from on-board diagnostics data of personal vehicles 期刊论文 Zhu Wanjing;Ding Chuan;Cao Xinyu
11 汽车48 V系统的节能效果、应用成本与实施策略 期刊论文 史天泽;赵福全;郝瀚;刘宗巍
12 V2X关键技术应用与发展综述 期刊论文 刘宗巍;匡旭;赵福全
13 Assessing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in China: A Cost-Benefit Analysis 期刊论文 Kuang Xu;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Liu Zongwei
14 The Negative Impact of Vehicular Intelligence on Energy Consumption 期刊论文 Zongwei Liu;Hong Tan;Xu Kuang;Han Hao;Fuquan Zhao
15 微型短途电动汽车产品电池类型选择的成本量化对比研究 期刊论文 刘宗巍;马雨晴;郝瀚;赵福全
16 车辆灯光控制系统及车辆灯光控制方法 专利 王升华;罗逍;赵德芳
17 汽车技术创新 专著 赵福全;刘宗巍;杨克铨;马青竹
18 中国建设汽车强国的差距分析与发展战略优秀成果奖 奖励 赵福全;刘宗巍
19 Traffic Volume Estimate Based on Low Penetration Connected Vehicle Data at Signalized Intersections: A Bayesian Deduction Approach 期刊论文 Zhang Zhao;Zhang Siyao;Mo Lei;Guo Mengdi;Liu Feng;Qi Xin
20 Spatial Interpolation of Missing Annual Average Daily Traffic Data Using Copula-Based Model 期刊论文 Ma Xiaolei;Ding Chuan;Wang Yunpeng;Luan Sen;Liu Haode
21 A Speed Control Method at Successive Signalized Intersections Under Connected Vehicles Environment 期刊论文 Lu Yingrong;Xu Xiaotong;Lu Guangquan;Ding Chuan
22 Evaluation of the Cost of Intelligent Upgrades of Transportation Infrastructure for Intelligent Connected Vehicles 期刊论文 Liu Zongwei;Song Haokun;Zhao Fuquan
23 综合交通运输工程科技中长期发展战略研究 奖励 鲁光泉;褚春超;丁川;卞雪航;陈鹏;王莉;袁裕鹏;蔡开泉;罗凯;费文鹏;石磊;刘晓雷;熊才启;张晓利;杨雪英
24 Analysis of the Business Models of the Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Industry 会议论文 Zhao Fuquan;Tan Hong;Liu Zongwei
25 车路协同环境下交叉口可变导向车道功能变换方法 专利 鹿应荣;范越;丁川;王云鹏;鲁光泉;陈鹏
26 From NEDC to WLTP: Effect on the Energy Consumption, NEV Credits, and Subsidies Policies of PHEV in the Chinese Market 期刊论文 Liu Xinglong;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Chen Kangda;Liu Zongwei;Babiker Hassan;Amer Amer Ahmad
27 How does the built environment at residential and work locations affect car ownership? An application of cross-classified multilevel model 期刊论文 Ding Chuan;Cao Xinyu
28 A geographically and temporally weighted regression model to explore the spatiotemporal influence of built environment on transit ridership 期刊论文 Ma Xiaolei;Zhang Jiyu;Ding Chuan;Wang Yunpeng
29 智能网联环境下交叉口混行车队通行模型构建 期刊论文 刘天天;莫磊;陈思祺;陈思祺;张钊;丁川
30 Research on the Critical Issues for Power Battery Reusing of New Energy Vehicles in China 期刊论文 Liu Zongwei;Liu Xinglong;Hao Han;Zhao Fuquan;Amer Amer Ahmad;Babiker Hassan
31 连续信号交叉口网联自动驾驶车速控制 期刊论文 鹿应荣;许晓彤;丁川;鲁光泉
32 建成环境与交通出行耦合机理及协同规划关键技术 奖励 丁川;龙瀛;刘好德;鲁光泉;张宇;彭虓;陈鹏;郑猛;吴忠宜;路熙;于滨;吴新开;赵海宾;李香静;周康
33 A simulation-based approach to investigate the driver route choice behavior under the connected vehicle environment 期刊论文 Rongjian Dai;Yingrong Lu;Chuan Ding;Guangquan Lu;Yunpeng Wang
34 Safety Development Trend of the Intelligent and Connected Vehicle 会议论文 Zhao Fuquan;Tan Hong;Liu Zongwei
35 Influences of Single-Lane Automatic Driving Systems on Traffic Efficiency and CO2 Emissions on China’s Motorways 期刊论文 Song Haokun;Zhao Fuquan;Liu Zongwei
36 自动驾驶环境下车辆轨迹及交通信号协同控制 期刊论文 戴荣健;丁川;鹿应荣;赵福全
37 Collaborative control of traffic signal and variable guiding lane for insolated intersection under connected and automated vehicle environment 期刊论文 Ding Chuan;Dai Rongjian;Fan Yue;Zhang Zhao;Wu Xin
38 Evidence for the Crash Avoidance Effectiveness of Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Technologies 期刊论文 Tan Hong;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Liu Zongwei
39 Non-linear associations between zonal built environment attributes and transit commuting mode choice accounting for spatial heterogeneity 期刊论文 Xinyu Cao;Chuan Ding;Bin Yu;Yang Ju
40 Synergistic effects of the built environment and commuting programs on commute mode choice 期刊论文 Ding Chuan;Cao Xinyu;Wang Yunpeng
41 Smart Cockpit Development Trend and Smartphone-Head Unit Relationship 会议论文 Zhao Fuquan;Song Haokun;Liu Zongwei
42 Driving as a commuting travel mode choice of car owners in urban China: Roles of the built environment 期刊论文 Liya Yang;Chuan Ding;Bin Yu;Yang Ju
43 一种车载实时道路横向坡度测量装置及其测量方法 专利 罗逍;王玺;刘斌;王超
44 节能与新能源汽车技术路线图研究 奖励 侯福深;李开国;吴志新;王贺武;李克强;肖成伟;黄学杰;王登峰;蔡蔚;贡俊;邵浙海;邹恒琪;张晓胜;公维洁;冯静;刘宗巍;张晓艳;冯锦山;赵立金;郑亚莉;王立刚;胡尊严;胡新意
45 Impact of adaptive cruise control (ACC) system on fatality and injury reduction in China 期刊论文 Tan Hong;Liu Zongwei;Zhao Fuquan
46 Basic Principles of Technology Transformation in Long Value Chain in the Manufacturing Industry and Key Technology Innovation Issues in China-A Case Study of the Automotive Industry 会议论文 Liu Zongwei;Zhao Fuquan;Zhao Shijia
47 车路协同环境下交叉口可变导向车道、信号灯及车辆轨迹协同优化方法 专利 鹿应荣;范越;丁川;王云鹏;鲁光泉;陈鹏
48 Cost analysis of road traffic crashes in China 期刊论文 Tan Hong;Zhao Fuquan;Hao Han;Liu Zongwei
49 一种完全信息下无信号交叉口车辆驾驶行为预测模型 专利 张钊;王京华;鲁光泉
50 汽车大数据的战略价值、全面影响及应用前景 期刊论文 刘宗巍;张保磊;赵福全
51 汽车产业变革的特征、趋势与机遇 期刊论文 赵福全;刘宗巍;郝瀚;史天泽
52 Joint Analysis of the Commuting Departure Time and Travel Mode Choice: Role of the Built Environment 期刊论文 Ma Xiaolei;Yang Jie;Ding Chuan;Liu Jianfeng;Zhu Quan
53 中国V2G关键技术及其发展对策研究 期刊论文 赵世佳;刘宗巍;郝瀚;赵福全