
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 CloudBM: 云数据管理系统测试基准 期刊论文 刘兵兵, 孟小峰, 史英杰|
2 国民经济动员管理决策与仿真演练方法、技术及其应用 专著 王红卫、王剑、陈曦|
3 Transient and sustained neural responses to death related linguistic cues 期刊论文 Shi, Z. & Han, S|
4 挑战-阻断性压力作用比较:工作与家庭领域 会议论文 陈颖|高颖|陆昌勤|
5 不确定性情境下员工的心理与行为:以工作不安全感研究为例 会议论文 陆昌勤|
6 A Study of Space Reclamation on Flash-Based Append-only Storage Management 会议论文 Y. Fan, W. Cao, X. Meng|
7 Misbinding of color and motion in human V2 revealed by color-contingent motion adaptation 会议论文 Fang F|
8 A Temporal HTN Planning Paradigm and its Application in Flood Controlling 会议论文 Pan Tang|
9 应急平台体系关键技术研究的理论与实践 专著 袁宏永,黄全义,苏国锋,范维澄,钟少波,等|
10 Uncertain Random Programming with Applications 期刊论文 Yuhan Liu|
11 Differential Private Set-Valued Data Release aganist Incremental Updates 会议论文 X. Zhang, X. Meng, R. Chen|
12 轨迹隐私保护技术研究 期刊论文 霍峥, 孟小峰|
13 COLA: A Cloud-based System for Online Aggregation (Demonstration) 会议论文 Y. Gan, X. Meng, Y. Shi|
14 Framework design for operational scenario-based emergency response system 会议论文 Ma, Y.F., Yuan, S.C., Zhang, H., Liu, Yi|
15 基于火灾监控视频的人员疏散行为统计分析 会议论文 吴秀敏|唐志伟|张辉|
16 Improvement of the thermal design in the SiC PVT growth process 会议论文 Yan, J. Y., Chen, Q. S.,Jiang, Y. N.,and Zhang, H|
17 Leader-follower congruence in proactive personality and work outcomes: The mediating role of leader-member exchange 期刊论文 Zhang, Z., Wang, M., & Shi, J.|
18 Fire risk mapping based assessment method applied in performance based design 期刊论文 Yao, W., H. Huang, S. Shen, L. Qiao, W. Wang, and|
19 专业保障队伍抽组模型和算法初探 会议论文 江翼、王红卫、陈曦、王喆|
20 LB-Logging: A Highly Efficient Recovery Technique for Flash-Based Database 会议论文 Z. Lu, X. Qi, W. Cao, X. Meng|
21 Thermal annealing system and process design to improve quality of large size glasses 期刊论文 Yefeng Ma|Nan Wu|Hui Zhang|Song Zhang|Lili Zheng|
22 Moving Objects Management: Models, Techniques and Applications, 2nd Edidtion 专著 Xiaofeng Meng, Zhiming Ding, Jiajie Xu|
23 COLA: 云环境下的在线聚集系统(Demo) 期刊论文 干艳桃, 史英杰, 孟小峰|
24 Connectedness Index of Uncertainty Graphs 期刊论文 Xiulian Gao, Yuan Gao|
25 职业自我效能感与绩效的关系:压力环境强度的作用 会议论文 张璞楠,杜丹阳,陆昌勤|
26 How to Identify Mechanisms of Cultural Influences on Human Brain Functions 期刊论文 Han, S|
27 三峡区域综合防洪应急态势研究 会议论文 伍建涛、王红卫、祁超|
28 ST-HBase: A Scalable Data Management System for Massive Geo-tagged Objects 会议论文 Youzhong Ma, Yu Zhang,|Xiaofeng Meng|
29 Entropy of Function of Uncertain Variables 期刊论文 Wei Dai, Xiaowei Chen|
30 A Random Walk Model for Item Recommendation in Social Tagging Systems 期刊论文 Zhang zhu|
31 ScholarSpace: 面向计算机领域的学术空间 期刊论文 陈威, 王仲远, 杨森, 张鹏, 孟小峰|
32 有向图上的广义可达性查询处理方法 期刊论文 富丽贞,孟小峰|
33 基于HLA的团队仿真训练功能框架研究 期刊论文 王剑、王红卫|
34 Anytime heuristic search in temporal HTN planning for developing incident action plans 期刊论文 Pan Tang, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi, Jian Wang.|
35 Traffic Flow Data Mining and Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Techniques 期刊论文 Hu Chunchun|Luo Nianxue|Yan Xiaohong|et al.|
36 Accessible cultural mind-set modulates default mode activity: Evidence for the culturally situated brain 期刊论文 Wang, C., Oyserman, D., Liu, Q., Li, H., & Han, S.|
37 Maximum Entropy Principle for Uncertain Variables 期刊论文 Xiaowei Chen, Wei Dai|
38 Design Next Generation Emergency Platform System based on Cloud Computing 会议论文 Liu, Y., Ma, Y. F., Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Yang, R.,|
39 基于CMMS的团队仿真训练形式化概念建模 期刊论文 王剑、王红卫|
40 A belief-rule-based inference method for aggregate production planning under uncertainty 期刊论文 Bin Li, Hongwei Wang, Jianbo Yang, Min Guo, Chao Q|
41 Study on Integrated Risk Analysis Method and System Development with GIS Platform 会议论文 Liu, Y., Zhong, S.O., Zhang, H., Yang, R., Zheng,|
42 Individual differences in visual psychophysics and brain imaging 会议论文 Fang F.|
43 Feel Free to Check In: Privacy Alert against Hidden Location Inference Attacks in GeoSN 会议论文 Z. Huo, X. Meng, R. Zhang|
44 HTN规划中的资源缺项识别方法 期刊论文 李晶晶、王红卫、 祁超、王剑、 王喆|
45 应急资源多目标优化调度模型与多蚁群优化算法研究 期刊论文 文仁强、钟少波、袁宏永、黄全义|
46 Protecting Location Privacy Against Location-dependent Attacks in Mobile Services 期刊论文 X. Pan, J. Xu, X. Meng|
47 考虑资源分配的HTN规划方法及其在应急决策中的应用 期刊论文 王喆、王红卫、祁超|
48 The Chinese emergency management system (part III): the Counterpart Assistance in post-catastrophe reconstruction 期刊论文 Xiaoli Lu|Kaibin Zhong|
49 A Preliminary Research on Incident Chain Modeling and Analysis 期刊论文 Shaobo Zhong, GuoFeng Su, Fei Wang, Jianguo Chen,|
50 Misbinding of color and motion in human V2 revealed by color-contingent motion adaptation 会议论文 Fang F.|
51 Efficient Processing of Updates in Dynamic Graph-Structured XML Data 会议论文 L. Fu, X. Meng|
52 Simulation of Surface-tension-driven Interfacial Flow with Smoothed ParticleHydrodynamics Method 期刊论文 Zhang, M, Zhang, S., Zhang, H., Zheng, L.L.|
53 No-Arbitrage Determinant Theorems on Mean-Reverting Stock Model in Uncertain Market 期刊论文 Kai Yao|
54 Can't get it out of my mind: Employee rumination after customer mistreatment and negative mood in the next morning. 期刊论文 Wang, M., Gong, Y., Liao, H.,Shi,J.,& Kammeyer-Mue|
55 A Temporal Bayesian Network Based on Uncertain Time Interval 会议论文 Jian Wang、Chuanfei Tu、Hongwei Wang|
56 Efficient Query Processing for XML Keyword Queries based on the IDList Index 期刊论文 Junfeng Zhou, Zhifeng Bao, WeiWang, Jinjia Zhao,|
57 非常规突发事件应急响应组织结构及运行模式研究 期刊论文 唐攀|
58 基于“情景-应对”的国家应急平台体系基础科学问题与集成平台研究 期刊论文 张辉,刘奕|
59 Service chaining architectures for spatial risk assessment of disaster chains 会议论文 Zhao Qianshen;Luo Nianxue;|
60 neural correlates of self-reflection: Effects of sensory experience, cultural context and genetic make-up 会议论文 Han, S.H|
61 Oxytocin effects on neural correlates of self-referential processing 期刊论文 Liu, Y., Sheng, F., Kate A. Woodcock,K.,|Han,S|
62 Desktop Maneuver Software Technologies to Demonstrate and Testify the Emergency Plan 会议论文 Wang Fei, Zhong Shaobo|
63 基于多主体的交通疏散仿真驾驶行为元模型架构研究 会议论文 苑盛成|刘奕|王刚桥|刘艺|张辉|
64 Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment. 期刊论文 Zhou, L., Wang, M., Chen, G., & Shi, J|
65 Reconfiguring networked infrastructures by adding wireless communication capabilities to selected nodes 期刊论文 Wang, H., Zhao, Q., Guan, X.,|Jia, Q.-S.|
66 中国管理学青年奖 奖励 曾大军|
67 Tuning in Action 会议论文 D. SHASHA, W. CAO|
68 XML关键字查询处理研究 期刊论文 周军锋,孟小峰|
69 Preserving Privacy on the Searchable Internet 会议论文 R. Ma, X. Meng, Z. Wang|
70 AppSleuth: a Tool for Database Tuning at the Application Level 会议论文 W. CAO, D. SHASHA|
71 三峡区域综合防洪应急态势研究 会议论文 伍建涛、王红卫、祁超|
72 云计算中面向隐私保护的查询处理技术研究 期刊论文 霍峥, 孟小峰, 徐建良|
73 Protecting Location Privacy Against Location-dependent Attacks in Mobile Services 期刊论文 X. Pan, J. Xu, X. Meng|
74 An Efficient Approach for Continuous Density Queries 期刊论文 J. Wen, X. Meng, X. Hao and J. Xu|
75 Fast Multi-fields Query Processing in Bigtable Based Cloud Systems 会议论文 Haiping Wang, Xiang Ci,|Xiaofeng Meng|
76 200起重特大火灾聚类及其相关性分析 期刊论文 姜连瑞|
77 Normalized Dispersion Prediction Model for Toxic Release under Variable Wind Conditions 会议论文 REN L, CHEN J, DU Z|
78 A Flash-Based Decomposition Storage Model 会议论文 Q. Cao, Z. Liang, Y. Fan, X. Meng|
79 You can stop early with COLA: Online processing of aggregate queries in the cloud 会议论文 Y. Shi, X. Meng, F. Wang, Y. Gan|
80 Staying?engaged?through?job?crafting:?the?role?of?job insecurity. 会议论文 Siu, O. L., Wang, H. J.,|Lu, C. Q.|
81 Handling Multi-objective in an HTN Planner for Emergency Decision-making 会议论文 Minglei Li, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi|
82 建筑物结构对城区洪水演进影响的数值研究 期刊论文 吴建松|张辉|杨锐|
83 移动应用集成:柜架、技术与挑战 期刊论文 马友忠|孟小峰|姜大昕|
84 国民经济动员仿真演练情景生成与调度 期刊论文 许钢焱、王剑、王红卫、刘本旭、李晶晶|
85 大规模社会网络敏感链接推理方法 期刊论文 王淼, 张啸剑, 孟小峰|
86 损人还是利他?组织公平对员工应对工作不安全感的作用. 会议论文 杜丹阳|陆昌勤.|
87 Uncertain Random Variables: A Mixture of Uncertainty and Randomness 期刊论文 Yuhan Liu|
88 Leader-follower congruence in proactive personality and work outcomes: The mediating role of leader-member exchange 期刊论文 Zhang, Z., Wang, M.,|Shi, J.|
89 A Note on Truth Value in Uncertain Logic 期刊论文 Xiaowei Chen, Dan A. Ralescu|
90 Simulation of Pedestrian Flow based on Cellular Automata: A Case of Pedestrian crossing Street at Section in China 期刊论文 Feng, S., Ding, N., Chen, T., Zhang, H.|
91 Halt or Continue: Estimating Progress of Queries in the Cloud 会议论文 Y. Shi, X. Meng, B. Liu|
92 HEDC: A Histogram Estimator for Data in the Cloud 会议论文 Y. Shi, X. Meng, F. Wang, Y. Gan|
93 Building energy management: Integrated control of active and passive heating, cooling, lighting, shading and ventilation systems 期刊论文 Sun, B., Luh, P. B., Jia, Q.-S., Jiang, Z., Wang,|Song, C.|
94 有向图上的广义可达性查询处理方法 期刊论文 富丽贞,孟小峰|
95 基于知识的团队仿真训练框架 期刊论文 曾凡,王红卫,陈曦|
96 建筑物空调系统可燃制冷剂泄漏浓度场分布 期刊论文 刘全义|张辉|刘奕|李志鹏|
97 大规模社会网络敏感链接推理方法 期刊论文 王淼, 张啸剑, 孟小峰|
98 Modeling the effects of social impact on epidemic spreading in complex networks 期刊论文 Shunjiang Ni , Wenguo Weng, Hui Zhang|
99 Multi-factor Risk Analysis in a Building Fire by Two Step Cluster 期刊论文 Chu, Y. Y., Liang, D., Zhang, H.|
100 Simulation of surface-tension-driven interfacial flow with smoothed particle hydrodynamics method 期刊论文 Zhang, Mingyu|Zhang, Shudao|Zhang, Hui|Zheng, Lili|
101 Uncertain Random Variables: A Mixture of Uncertainty and Randomness 期刊论文 Yuhan Liu|
102 'Traffic Flow Data Mining and Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Techniques 期刊论文 Hu Chunchun; Luo Nianxue; Yan Xiaohong; et al.|
103 一种应急预案本体模型及其应用研究 期刊论文 唐攀、王红卫、王喆、刘丹|
104 New Inverse Model for Detecting Fire Source Location and Intensity 期刊论文 Guo, S. D., Yang, R., Zhang, H., Zhang, X.|
105 The moderating effects of job crafting on the relationship between challenge-hindrance stressors and job performance 会议论文 Wang, H.J., Siu, O.L., Lu, C.Q. |
106 Thermal System Design and Optimization of an Industrial Silicon Directional Solidification Processs. 会议论文 Ma, X., Zheng, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, B., Wang, C.,|
107 移动Web搜索研究 期刊论文 张金增, 孟小峰|
108 危险度图方法及其在建筑火灾安全设计中的应用 期刊论文 姚卫, 张辉, 王婉娣, 乔利锋与杨锐|
109 ST-HBase: A Scalable Data Management System for Massive Geo-tagged Objects 会议论文 Youzhong Ma, Yu Zhang, and Xiaofeng Meng|
110 中国自动化学会科学技术进步奖(情报与安全信息学关键技术研发及应用) 奖励 曾大军|
111 数据库大师访谈录 专著 孟小峰等|
112 Modeling the Effects of Social Impact on Epidemic Spreading in Complex Networks 期刊论文 Ni, S. J.|Weng, W. G.|Zhang, H.|
113 You can stop early with COLA: Online processing of aggregate queries in the cloud 会议论文 Y. Shi, X. Meng, F. Wang, Y. Gan|
114 论我国政府与社会组织应急管理合作伙伴关系的建构 期刊论文 陶鹏|薛澜|
115 Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence of Chinese individuals 期刊论文 Huang, Y., Shi, J.,|Wang, L.|
116 基于固态硬盘内部并行的数据库表扫描与聚集 期刊论文 范玉雷, 赖文豫, 孟小峰|
117 Tuning in Action 会议论文 D. SHASHA, W. CAO|
118 基于模糊聚类技术的交通流数据挖掘与评价方法 期刊论文 Hu Chunchun|Luo Nianxue|Yan Xiaohong|et al.|
119 Uncertain Inference Control for Balancing an Inverted Pendulum 期刊论文 Yuan Gao|
120 Handling Multi-objective in an HTN Planner for Emergency Decision-making 会议论文 Minglei Li, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi|
121 移动Web搜索研究 期刊论文 张金增, 孟小峰|
122 Connectedness Index of Uncertainty Graphs 期刊论文 Xiulian Gao, Yuan Gao|
123 建筑物空调系统可燃制冷剂泄漏浓度场分布 期刊论文 刘全义,张辉,刘奕,李志鹏|
124 An Efficient Index for Massive IOT Data in Cloud Environment 会议论文 Y. Ma, J. Rao, W. Hu, X. Meng, X. Han, Y. Zhang, Y|
125 Modeling on n-heptane pool fire behavior in an altitude chamber 会议论文 Liu, Quanyi|Yao, Wei|Yin, Jiusheng|Yang, Rui|Zhang, Hui|
126 Leader-follower congruence in proactive personality and work outcomes: The mediating role of leader-member exchange 期刊论文 Zhang, Z., Wang, M., & Shi, J.|
127 无吊顶或镂空吊顶空间排烟设计的优化 期刊论文 王婉娣|张辉|姚卫|杨锐|李引擎|
128 MixSL: An Efficient Transaction Recovery Model in Flash-Based DBMS 会议论文 Yulei Fan|Xiaofeng Meng|
129 非集中式建筑火灾火源位置及强度的估计方法 期刊论文 Nan Wu, Rui Yang, Hui Zhang and Lifeng Qiao|
130 An Efficient Approach for Continuous Density Queries 期刊论文 J. Wen, X. Meng, X. Hao|J. Xu|
131 Experimental study of large-scale fire behavior under low pressure at high altitude 期刊论文 Yao, W., X. Hu, J. Rong, J. Wang, and H. Zhang|
132 专业保障队伍抽组模型和算法初探 会议论文 江翼、王红卫、陈曦、王喆|
133 考虑资源分配的HTN规划方法及其在应急决策中的应用 期刊论文 王喆、王红卫、祁超|
134 Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence of Chinese individuals 期刊论文 Huang, Y., Shi, J., & Wang, L.|
135 危险度图方法在建筑工程消防性能化设计评估中的应用 期刊论文 姚卫|王婉娣|张辉|乔利锋|杨锐|
136 非常规突发事件应急指挥组织结构研究 期刊论文 刘丹、王红卫、祁超、唐攀、李明磊|
137 基于局部信息的建筑火灾火源参数反演研究 期刊论文 吴楠, 杨锐, 张辉|
138 Halt or Continue: Estimating Progress of Queries in the Cloud 会议论文 Y. Shi, X. Meng, B. Liu|
139 A Framework of Emergency Management Platform in China 会议论文 Pan Tang, Weiqing Lin, Jian Zhou|
140 雷电灾害对储罐影响的定量风险评估方法研究* 期刊论文 盖程程,翁文国,袁宏永|
141 Object-based attention guided by an invisible object 期刊论文 Zhang, X.|Fang, F|
142 Culture modulates brain activity during empathy with anger 期刊论文 de Greck, M., Shi, Z., Wang, G., Zuo, X., Yang, X.|
143 On Co-occurrence Pattern Discovery from Spatio-temporal Event Stream 会议论文 Jiangtao Huo, Jinzeng Zhang, and Xiaofeng Meng|
144 工作要求与绩效:工作安全感和投入的有中介的调节作用 会议论文 杜丹阳|张瑞芳|陆昌勤|
145 200起重特大火灾事故统计分析及灭火对策 期刊论文 姜连瑞|
146 Manipulations of cognitive strategies and intergroup relationships reduce the racial bias in empathic neural responses 期刊论文 Sheng, F.& Han, S|
147 A novel approach for multiple mobile objects path planning: Parametrization method and conflict resolution strategy 期刊论文 Yong Ma, Hongwei Wang, M. Zamirian|
148 Culture modulates brain activity during empathy with anger 期刊论文 de Greck, M., Shi, Z., Wang, G., Zuo, X., Yang, X|Han, S|
149 HTN规划中资源缺项的识别方法研究 会议论文 李晶晶、王红卫、祁超、王剑|
150 Manipulations of cognitive strategies and intergroup relationships reduce the racial bias in empathic neural responses 期刊论文 Sheng, F. and Han, S.|
151 Service chaining architectures for spatial risk assessment of disaster chains 会议论文 Zhao Qiansheng,Luo Nianxue Sun Haiyan Hu Chunchun|
152 Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self reflection 期刊论文 Ma,Y., Bang,D., Wang, C.,Allen, M., Frith, C., Roe|
153 网络与移动数据管理研究 奖励 孟小峰|
154 LB-Logging: A Highly Efficient Recovery Technique for Flash-Based Database 会议论文 Z. Lu, X. Qi, W. Cao, X. Men|
155 Transient?and?sustained?neural?responses?to?death related?linguistic?cues 期刊论文 Shi, Z.|Han, S|
156 Some Stability Theorems of Uncertain Differential Equation 期刊论文 Kai Yao, Jinwu Gao, Yuan Gao|
157 Efficient computing budget allocation for finding simplest good designs 期刊论文 Jia, Q.-S., Zhou, E., and Chen, C.-H.|
158 工作不安全感的应对:公平的作用 会议论文 陆昌勤|
159 Experimental Study of Evacuation from a 4-storey Building 会议论文 Chen, T., Pan, L. L., Zhang, H., Narahanan, S., So|
160 基于本体的HTN规划领域描述方法及应用 会议论文 刘匡宇、王红卫、王剑、祁超|
161 A belief-rule-based inventory control method under nonstationary and uncertain demand 期刊论文 Bin Li, Hongwei Wang, Jianbo Yang, Min Guo, Chao|
162 The effects of work engagement trends on job performance: The role of general self-efficacy. 会议论文 Wang, H. J., Siu, O. L.,|Lu, C. Q.|
163 非常规突发事件应急管理关键科学问题与跨学科集成方法研究 期刊论文 刘奕|刘艺|张辉|
164 典型娱乐场所火灾期间人员行为分析 期刊论文 吴秀敏,刘全义,张辉,杨锐|
165 Mechanism and Modeling of Silicon Carbide Formation and Engulfment in Industrial Silicon Directional Solidification Growth 会议论文 Zheng, L., Ma, X., Hu, D. L., Zhang, H., Zhang, T.|
166 Extreme Value Theorems of Uncertain Process with Application to Insurance Risk Model 期刊论文 Baoding Liu|
167 A belief-rule-based inference method for aggregate production planning under uncertainty 期刊论文 Bin Li, Hongwei Wang, Jianbo Yang, Min Guo, Chao|
168 Supply demand coordination for building energy saving 会议论文 Xu, Z., Jia, Q.-S.,|Guan, X.|
169 Smart management of multiple energy systems in automotive painting shop 期刊论文 Xu, Z., Jia, Q.-S., Guan, X.,|Shen, J.|
170 人格心理学 专著 方方(副主编)|
171 ORECOS: An open and rational emergency command organization structure under extreme natural disasters based on China’s national conditions 期刊论文 Dan Liu, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi,Jian Wang|
172 Neural representations of close others in collectivistic brains 期刊论文 Wang, G., Mao, L., Ma, Y., Yang, X., Cao, J., Liu|
173 Scan and Join Optimization by Exploiting Internal Parallelism of Flash-Based 会议论文 Wenyu Lai, Yulei Fan, and Xiaofeng Meng|
174 Experimental study of n-Heptane pool fire behavior in an altitude chamber 期刊论文 Yin, J., W. Yao, Q. Liu, Z. Zhou, N. Wu, H. Zhang|
175 Traffic Flow Data Mining and Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Techniques. 期刊论文 Hu Chunchun, Luo Nianxue|
176 Effects of Gas Flow Rates on Silica Glass Synthesis in Hydrogen Diffusion Flame 会议论文 Huang, Y. S., Zheng, L. L., Ren, Z. Y., Zhang, H.|
177 Study of Emergency Management Information System for Hydropower Project 会议论文 Chen Jianguo, Su Guofeng, Zhao Quanlai|
178 Accessible cultural mind-set modulates default mode activity: Evidence for the culturally situated brain 期刊论文 Wang, C., Oyserman, D., Liu, Q., Li, H.,|Han, S.|
179 Linking subordinate political skill to supervisor dependence and reward recommendations: A moderated mediation model 期刊论文 Shi, J., Johnson, R. E., Liu, Y.,|Wang, M|
180 Supply demand coordination for building energy saving 会议论文 Xu, Z., Jia, Q.-S., and Guan, X.|
181 云计算中面向隐私保护的查询处理技术研究 期刊论文 霍峥, 孟小峰, 徐建良|
182 非常规突发事件应急决策方法研究 期刊论文 李明磊、王红卫、祁超、刘丹、王剑、王喆、周超|
183 Culture modulates brain activity during empathy with anger 期刊论文 de Greck, M., Shi, Z., Wang, G., Zuo, X., Yang, X.|
184 Differentially Private Top-k Query over Map-Reduce 会议论文 X. Han, M. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Meng|
185 Co-spatial Searcher: Efficient Tag-Based Collaborative Spatial Search on Geo-social Network 会议论文 J. Zhang, X. Meng, X. Zhou, D. Liu|
186 基于固态硬盘内部并行的数据库表扫描与聚集 期刊论文 范玉雷, 赖文豫, 孟小峰|
187 A cultural neuroscience approach to the biosocial nature of the human brain 期刊论文 Han, S., Northoff, G., Vogeley, K., Wexler, B. E.|Varnum, M. E. W.|
188 COLA: 云环境下的在线聚集系统(Demo) 期刊论文 干艳桃, 史英杰, 孟小峰|
189 Efficient computing budget allocation for simulation-based optimization with stochastic simulation time 期刊论文 Jia, Q.-S.|
190 Cross-Entropy Measure of Uncertain Variables 期刊论文 Xiaowei Chen, Samarjit Kar, Dan A. Ralescu|
191 Uncertain Alternating Renewal Process and its Application 期刊论文 Kai Yao, Xiang Li|
192 Influencing factors of flammable refrigerants leaking in building air-conditioning system 会议论文 Liu, Q., H. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Huang, X. Zhang, Z.|
193 Recovery, strain and workload: An intervention study in Hong Kong teachers. 会议论文 Siu, O. N., Siu, O. L., Wang, H. J.,|Lu, C. Q.|
194 考虑资源分配的HTN规划方法及其在应急决策中的应用 会议论文 王喆、王红卫、唐攀、祁超|
195 轨迹隐私保护技术研究 期刊论文 霍峥, 孟小峰|
196 Influencing Factors of Flammable Refrigerants Leaking in Building Air-Conditioning System 会议论文 Quanyi Liu,Hui Zhang,Yi Liu,Hong,Huang,Xiaole Zhan|
197 History Trajectory Privacy-preserving through Graph Partition 会议论文 Z. Huo, Y. Huang, X. Meng|
198 A cross-reasoning method for scenario awareness and decision-making support in earthquake emergency response 会议论文 Qian J.|Liu Y.|Wang G.|Yang N.|Zhang H.|
199 System Design and Hot Zone Optimization of Monocrystalline Silicon Directional Solidification Furnace for PV Application 会议论文 Ma, X., Zheng, L. L., Zhang, H.|
200 Linking subordinate political skill to supervisor dependence and reward recommendations: A moderated mediation model 期刊论文 Shi, J., Johnson, R. E., Liu, Y., & Wang, M|
201 The moderating effects of job crafting on the relationship between challenge-hindrance stressors and job performance 会议论文 Wang, H.J., Siu, O.L., Lu, C.Q.|
202 DiffR-Tree: A Differentially Private Spatial Index for OLAP Query 会议论文 Miao Wang, Xiaojian Zhang,|Xiaofeng Meng|
203 Transient and sustained neural responses to death related linguistic cues 期刊论文 Shi, Z. and Han, S.|
204 <span><span>ScholarSpace: 面向计算机领域的学术空间</span></span> 期刊论文 陈威, 王仲远, 杨森, 张鹏, 孟小峰|
205 HTN Planning based Emergency Response Action Plan DevelopmentAction Plan Development 会议论文 Chao Qi, Hongwei Wang|
206 A multi-agent coordinated planning approach for deadline required emergency response tasks 期刊论文 Chao Zhou, Hongwei Wang, Hankz Hankui Zhuo|
207 Efficient computing budget allocation for finding simplest good designs 期刊论文 Jia, Q.-S., Zhou, E.,|Chen, C.-H.|
208 A new pruning method for resolving conflicts in actionable behavioral rules 会议论文 Su Peng|
209 Object-based attention guided by an invisible object 期刊论文 Zhang X. and Fang F.|
210 An integrative weighted path loss and extreme learning machine approach to RFID based indoor positioning 会议论文 Zou, H., Xie, L., Jia, Q.-S., and Wang, H.|
211 Heterogeneous and Stochastic Agent-Based Models for Characteristic Analysis of Super Spreaders in Infectious Diseases 期刊论文 Wei Duan|
212 中国应急管理研究报告(2012-2013):应急准备文化建设 专著 彭宗超|陶鹏|
213 基于云模型的应急决策方法研究 期刊论文 夏登友|
214 A New decision model for Handling Asynchronous Incident Objectives with Priorities in Emergency Response. 期刊论文 Pan Tang, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi|
215 A cultural neuroscience approach to the biosocial nature of the human brain 期刊论文 Han, S., Northoff, G., Vogeley, K., Wexler, B. E.,|
216 Extreme Value Theorems of Uncertain Process with Application to Insurance Risk Model 期刊论文 Baoding Liu|
217 An ACP Approach to Public Health Emergency Management: Using a Campus Outbreak of H1N1 Influenza as a Case Study 期刊论文 Wei Duan|
218 A belief-rule-based inventory control method under nonstationary and uncertain demand 期刊论文 Bin Li, Hongwei Wang, Jianbo Yang, Min Guo, Chao Q|
219 Uncertain Models for Single Facility Location Problems on Networks 期刊论文 Yuan Gao|
220 Co-spatial Searcher: Efficient Tag-Based Collaborative Spatial Search on Geo-social Network 会议论文 J. Zhang, X. Meng, X. Zhou, D. Liu|
221 职业自我效能感与绩效的关系:压力环境强度的作用 会议论文 张璞楠|杜丹阳|陆昌勤|
222 Differentially Private Top-k Query over Map-Reduce 会议论文 Y. Fan, W. Cao, X. Meng|
223 Nucleation and bulk growth control for high efficiency silicon ingot casting. 会议论文 Zhang, H., Zheng, L., Ma, X., Zhao, B., Wang, C.,|
224 基于BDI Agent的三峡应急洪水调度会商过程的模拟 会议论文 李圆、祁超、刘丹、王红卫|
225 基于贝叶斯网络的团队仿真训练情景生成方法 期刊论文 王剑、王红卫|
226 Uncertain Calculus with Renewal Process 期刊论文 Kai Yao|
227 洪水诱发储罐失效的定量风险评估方法 期刊论文 盖程程,翁文国,袁宏永|
228 Preserving privacy on the searchable internet 期刊论文 R. Ma, X. Meng, Z. Wang|
229 工作与家庭冲突:压力的交叉传递效应 期刊论文 王贝, 陆婧晶, 陆昌勤|
230 Service chaining architectures for spatial risk assessment of disaster chains 会议论文 Zhao Qianshen|Luo Nianxue|
231 数据集成原理 专著 孟小峰等|
232 心理韧性与组织管理 期刊论文 郑芳|侯冉冉|施俊琦|
233 EDM:高效的微博事件检测算法 期刊论文 童薇, 陈威, 孟小峰|
234 Numerical Modeling of Liquid n-heptane Pool Fires based on Heat Feedback Equilibrium 期刊论文 Wei Yao|Jiusheng Yin|Xiaokang Hu|Jian Wang|Hui Zhang|
235 Effects of Operating Conditions on Plastic Strain and Temperature on Ultrasonic Vibration Process 会议论文 Yi, D. L., Zhang, H., Zheng, L. L.|
236 Emergency Logistics Distribution Plan Adjustment for Executive Exceptions 会议论文 Fang Wu, Hongwei Wang, Chao Qi, Jian Wang|
237 Experimental Study of Evacuation from a 4-storey Building 会议论文 Chen, T., Pan, L. L., Zhang, H., Narahanan, S., So|
238 Event-based sensor data scheduling: Trade-off between communication rate and estimation quality 期刊论文 Wu, J., Jia, Q.-S., Johansson, K. H., and Shi, L.|
239 基于相变存储器和闪存的数据库事务恢复模型 期刊论文 范玉雷, 孟小峰|
240 使用固态硬盘管理主存KV数据库的虚拟内存 期刊论文 韩旭,曹巍,孟小峰|
241 The crossover effects of work-family conflict among Chinese couples: The role of family identity salience 期刊论文 Lu, C. Q., Lu, J. J., Du, D.Y., & Brough, P|
242 通风强度对空调可燃制冷剂泄漏安全性的影响 期刊论文 刘全义|刘奕|张辉|杨锐|李志鹏|
243 HTN规划中资源缺项的识别方法研究 会议论文 李晶晶、王红卫、祁超、王剑|
244 Membership Functions and Operational Law of Uncertain Sets 期刊论文 Baoding Liu|
245 基于相变存储器和闪存的数据库事务恢复模型 期刊论文 范玉雷, 孟小峰|
246 CoPrivacy: 一种用户协作无匿名区域的位置隐私保护方法 期刊论文 黄毅, 霍峥, 孟小峰|
247 应急管理体系新挑战及其顶层设计 期刊论文 薛澜|刘冰|
248 Is the self always better than a friend? Self-face recognition in Christians and Atheists 期刊论文 Ma, Y., Han, S. |
249 Microstructure Evolution and Bond Formation at the Contact Interface during Ultrasonic Consolidation Process 会议论文 Zhang, S., Zheng, L. L., Zhang, H.|
250 Blind Chance: On Potential Trust Friends Query in Mobile Social Networks 会议论文 Jinzeng Zhang|Xiaofeng Meng|
251 Uncertain Random Programming with Applications 期刊论文 Yuhan Liu|
252 Neural oscillations dissociate between self-related attentional orienting versus evaluation. 期刊论文 Mu, Y. & Han, S|
253 Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment. 期刊论文 Zhou, L., Wang, M., Chen, G., & Shi, J|
254 一种应急预案本体模型及其应用研究 期刊论文 唐攀、王红卫、王喆、刘丹|
255 How to Identify Mechanisms of Cultural Influences on Human Brain Functions 期刊论文 Han, S|
256 200起重特大火灾事故统计分析及灭火对策 期刊论文 姜连瑞|
257 ork engagement, job crafting, and person-environment fit. 会议论文 Lu, J. J.|Lu, C.Q.|
258 EDM:高效的微博事件检测算法 期刊论文 童薇, 陈威, 孟小峰|
259 Effects of Solid Shield and Shroud on Plasma Jet Flame in APS Process 会议论文 Liu, T., Zheng, L. L., Zhang, G. Z., Zhang, H.|
260 Is the self always better than a friend? Self-face recognition in Christians and Atheists 期刊论文 Ma, Y.|Han, S|
261 挑战-阻断性压力作用比较:工作与家庭领域 会议论文 陈颖,高颖,陆昌勤|
262 使用固态硬盘管理主存KV数据库的虚拟内存 期刊论文 韩旭,曹巍,孟小峰|
263 Fast Multi-fields Query Processing in Bigtable Based Cloud Systems 会议论文 Haiping Wang, Xiang Ci, and Xiaofeng Meng|
264 Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence of Chinese individuals 期刊论文 Huang, Y., Shi, J., & Wang, L.|
265 HTN规划中的资源缺项识别方法 期刊论文 李晶晶、王红卫、 祁超、王剑、 王喆|
266 Hot Zone Design for Controlled Growth to Mitigate Cracking in Large Diameter Crystal Growth 会议论文 Zhang, H., Zheng, L. L., Fang, H. S.|
267 Preference-based top-k Spatial Keyword Queries 会议论文 J. Zhang, D. Liu, X. Meng|
268 Neural representations of close others in collectivistic brains 期刊论文 Wang, G., Mao, L., Ma, Y., Yang, X., Cao, J., Li|Han, S|
269 Efficient Processing of Updates in Dynamic Graph-Structured XML Data 会议论文 L. Fu, X. Meng|
270 An integrative weighted path loss and extreme learning machine approach to RFID based indoor positioning 会议论文 Zou, H., Xie, L., Jia, Q.-S.,|Wang, H.|
271 移动应用集成:柜架、技术与挑战 期刊论文 马友忠,孟小峰,姜大昕|
272 Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self reflection. 期刊论文 Ma, Y., Bang, D., Wang, C., Allen, M., Frith, C., |
273 基于预案模板的HTN规划知识建模方法及其应用 期刊论文 唐攀、王红卫、王哲|
274 Feel Free to Check In: Privacy Alert against Hidden Location Inference Attacks in GeoSN 会议论文 Z. Huo, X. Meng, R. Zhang|
275 建筑物结构对城区洪水演进影响的数值研究 期刊论文 吴建松,张辉,杨锐|
276 Uncertain Random Variables: A Mixture of Uncertainty and Randomness 期刊论文 Yuhan Liu|
277 A Temporal HTN Planning Paradigm and its Application in Flood Controlling 会议论文 Pan Tang|
278 An Urban Traffic Evacuation Model with Decision-making Capability 会议论文 Yuan, S.C., Ma, Y.F., Zhang, H., Liu, Y.|
279 A Study of Space Reclamation on Flash-Based Append-only Storage Management 会议论文 Y. Fan, W. Cao, X. Meng|
280 HTN Planning based Emergency Response Action Plan DevelopmentAction Plan Development 会议论文 Chao Qi, Hongwei Wang|
281 Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment. 期刊论文 Zhou, L., Wang, M., Chen, G.,|Shi, J|
282 Experimental study of N-Heptane pool fire behaviors under dynamic pressures in an altitude chamber 会议论文 Yin, J., W. Yao, Q. Liu, N. Wu, Z. Zhou, Y. Wu, an|
283 Keyword-based semantic analysis of microblog for public opinion study in online collective behaviors 会议论文 Ma, Yefeng|Deng, Qing|Wang, Xinzhi|Liu, Jiaqi|Zhang, Hui|
284 On Co-occurrence Pattern Discovery from Spatio-temporal Event Stream 会议论文 Jiangtao Huo, Jinzeng Zhang,|Xiaofeng Meng|
285 基于层次任务网络规划的应急响应决策理论与方法 专著 王红卫、祁超|
286 A Framework of Emergency Management Platform in China 会议论文 Pan Tang, Weiqing Lin, Jian Zhou|
287 非常规突发事件应急指挥组织结构研究 期刊论文 刘丹、王红卫、祁超、唐攀、李明磊|
288 Blind Chance: On Potential Trust Friends Query in Mobile Social Networks 会议论文 Jinzeng Zhang and Xiaofeng Meng|
289 灭火救援战例的情景化处理 期刊论文 康青春|
290 Related Axis: The Extension to XPath Towards Effective XML Search 期刊论文 周军锋, 林卓旺, 鲍芝峰, 孟小峰|
291 Experimental Study of N-Heptane Pool Fire Behaviors under Dynamic Pressures in an Altitude Chamber 期刊论文 Yin Jiusheng|Yao Wei|Liu Quanyi|Wu Nan|Zhou Zhihui|Wu Yi|Zhang Hui|
292 应急决策——理论与案例 专著 钟开斌|
293 基于动态贝叶斯网络的非常规突发灾害事故情景推演模型 期刊论文 夏登友|
294 Can't get it out of my mind: Employee rumination after customer mistreatment and negative mood in the next morning 期刊论文 Wang, M., Gong, Y., Liao, H., Shi, J.,|Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D|
295 基于本体的HTN规划领域描述方法及应用 会议论文 刘匡宇、王红卫、王剑、祁超|
296 非常规突发事件应急响应组织结构及运行模式研究 期刊论文 唐攀|
297 Multi-Objective Optimization of Post-disaster Emergency Resources Scheduling Using Multiple Ant Colony Systems Optimization Algorithm 会议论文 Wen Renqiang, Zhong Shaobo, Zhang Bin|
298 高层建筑外保温材料燃烧特性及火灾扑救研究 期刊论文 姜连瑞|
299 Object-based attention guided by an invisible object 期刊论文 Zhang, X. & Fang, F|
300 HEDC++:An Extended Histogram Estimator for Data in the Cloud 期刊论文 Ying-Jie Shi, Xiao-Feng Meng,Fusheng Wang,Yan-Tao|