
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 高速列车头车主型线变化对列车周围流场影响研究 期刊论文 何侃;侯亚捷;高广军;张洁;谢菲;张琰;张亚妮
2 A real-time posture monitoring method for rail vehicle bodies based on machine vision 期刊论文 Liu Dongrun;Lu Zhaijun;Cao Tianpei;Li Tian
3 一种减小大风环境下列车气动载荷的铁路桥梁挡风屏障 专利 刘堂红;梁习锋;刘斌;李明;熊小慧;顾厚煜;孙成名;陈争卫
4 Oblique tunnel portal effects on train and tunnel aerodynamics based on moving model tests 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Yang Ming zhi;Liang Xi feng;Zhang Jian
5 Moving model tests on transient pressure and micro-pressure wave distribution induced by train passing through tunnel 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Yang Ming zhi;Niu Ji qiang;Liang Xi feng;Zhang Jian
6 风机特性多点压力同步测量测试系统 专利 梁习锋;刘堂红;周丹;熊小慧;孙博;谢素超;李颢豪
7 高速列车制动夹钳积雪结冰数值仿真研究 期刊论文 黄照伟;冯永华;高广军;王家斌;张琰
8 Comparison of two new intelligent wind speed forecasting approaches based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition, Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise and Artificial Neural Networks 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Mi Xiwei;Li Yanfei
9 一种高速铁路沿线风速多点多层耦合预测方法 专利 刘辉;李燕飞
10 Numerical simulation of the Reynolds number effect on the aerodynamic pressure in tunnels 期刊论文 Niu Ji qiang;Zhou Dan;Liang Xi feng;Liu Scarlett;Liu Tang hong
11 Impact of ambient wind on aerodynamic performance when two trains intersect inside a tunnel 期刊论文 Chen Zhengwei;Liu Tanghong;Zhou Xisai;Niu Jiqiang
12 一种用于铁路沿线的移动式测风装置 专利 刘堂红;熊小慧;崔涛;梁习锋;于淼;周伟;孙博;甘宁
13 Momentary discomfort of high-speed trains passing through complex terrain sections under strong wind conditions 期刊论文 Liu Dongrun;Zhou Wei;Zhang Lei;Wang Qianxuan;Zhong Mu;Lu Zhaijun
14 Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a train subjected to different ground conditions 期刊论文 Ji qiang Niu;Xi feng Liang;Dan Zhou;Yue ming Wang
15 一种大风环境下风区铁路防风设施通用优化方法 专利 梁习锋;周丹;刘堂红;高广军;钟睦;张洁;张雷;陈争卫
16 Measurements of car-body lateral vibration induced by high-speed trains negotiating complex terrain sections under strong wind conditions 期刊论文 Liu Dongrun;Lu Zhaijun;Zhong Mu;Cao Tianpei;Chen Dong;Xiong Yupu
17 Detached eddy simulation of flow characteristics around railway embankments and the layout of anemometers 期刊论文 Zhang Jie;Wang Jiabin;Tan Xiaoming;Gao Guangjun;Xiong Xiaohui
18 轨道车辆防倾覆装置及轨道车辆转向架 专利 高广军;王帅;关维元
19 Detached-eddy simulation of flow around high-speed train on a bridge under cross winds 期刊论文 Chen Jing-wen;Gao Guang-jun;Zhu Chun-li
20 一种大风环境下风区铁路挡风墙过渡段结构 专利 梁习锋;周丹;刘堂红;高广军;周伟;熊小慧;张洁;陈争卫
21 列车车体瞬态剧烈振动致振动舒适性的评估方法及系统 专利 田红旗;刘东润;钟睦;鲁寨军;周伟;王田天
22 Anti-snow performance of snow shields designed for brake calipers of a high-speed train 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Gao Guangjun;Zhang Yan;He Kan;Zhang Jie
23 Wind speed forecasting method based on deep learning strategy using empirical wavelet transform, long short term memory neural network and Elman neural network 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Mi Xi Wei;Li Yan Fei
24 Comparative analysis of the effect of different nose lengths on train aerodynamic performance under crosswind 期刊论文 Chen Zhengwei;Liu Tanghong;Jiang Zhenhua;Guo Zijian;Zhang Jie
25 Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of high-speed trains of different lengths under crosswind with or without windbreaks 期刊论文 Niu Jiqiang;Zhou Dan;Liang Xifeng
26 Effect of wind speed variation on the dynamics of a high-speed train 期刊论文 Liu Dongrun;Wang Qianxuan;Zhong Mu;Lu Zhaijun;Wang Jiabin;Wang Tianjun;Lv Siyu
27 大风环境下铁路行车安全关键技术及应用 奖励 刘堂红;梁习锋;熊小慧;周伟;潘新先;谯泽诊;葛盛昌;周丹;刘辉;伍钒;闫宏凯;刘斌;李鲲;张雷;张洁
28 Performance of a turbine driven by train-induced wind in a tunnel 期刊论文 He Kan;Gao Guang-jun;Wang Jia-bin;Fu Min;Miao Xiu-juan;Zhang Jie
29 Numerical Simulation with a DES Approach for a High-Speed Train Subjected to the Crosswind 期刊论文 Zhang J.;He K.;Xiong X.;Wang J.;Gao G.
30 Experimental study on the effect of wind angles on pressure distribution of train streamlined zone and train aerodynamic forces 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Yang Ming Zhi;Liang Xi Feng
31 中南大学轨道交通空气动力与碰撞安全技术创新团队 奖励 田红旗;梁习锋;许 平;高广军;姚 松;鲁寨军;杨明智;刘堂红;姚曙光;周 丹;熊小慧;周 伟;彭 勇;王中钢;刘 辉
32 Study of Snow Accumulation on a High-Speed Train's Bogies Based on the Discrete Phase Model 期刊论文 Xie F.;Zhang J.;Gao G.;He K.;Zhang Y.;Wang J.;Zhang Y.
33 一种铁路沿线异物侵限无人机智能辨识和预警方法及系统 专利 刘辉;李燕飞;熊若鑫
34 轨道车辆内部压力与车体气密性、外部压力的关系 期刊论文 王前选;胡哲龙;梁习锋;黄尊地
35 高速列车过车站受电弓气动冲击载荷研究 期刊论文 牛纪强;梁习锋;周丹
36 A CFD analysis of the aerodynamics of a high-speed train passing through a windbreak transition under crosswind 期刊论文 Liu Tanghong;Chen Zhengwei;Zhou Xisai;Zhang Jie
37 A study of snow accumulating on the bogie and the effects of deflectors on the de-icing performance in the bogie region of a high-speed train 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Zhang Jie;Xie Fei;Zhang Yan;Gao Guangjun
38 车体侧滚对列车气动性能和运行稳定性的影响 期刊论文 丁畅;钟睦;杨明智;梁习锋
39 Numerical study of snow accumulation on the bogies of a high-speed train using URANS coupled with discrete phase model 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Gao Guangjun;Liu Mingyang;Xie Fei;Zhang Jie
40 导流装置对受电弓非定常气动特性的影响 期刊论文 牛纪强;周丹;梁习锋;贾丽荣
41 The effect of bogie fairings on the slipstream and wake flow of a high-speed train. An IDDES study 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Minelli Guglielmo;Dong Tianyun;Chen Guang;Krajnovic Sinisa
42 Impact of rotation of wheels and bogie cavity shapes on snow accumulating on the bogies of high-speed trains 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Zhang Jie;Zhang Yan;Liang Xifeng;Krajnovic Sinisa;Gao Guangjun
43 基于离散相的高速动车组转向架区域积雪问题研究 期刊论文 韩俊臣;宋春元;徐芳;高广军;张琰;田振
44 A numerical study of snow accumulation on the bogies of high-speed trains based on coupling improved delayed detached eddy simulation and discrete phase model 期刊论文 Liu Mingyang;Wang Jiabin;Zhu Huifen;Krajnovic Sinisa;Gao Guangjun
45 一种铁道车辆底架承载式吸能结构及其碰撞性能模拟方法 专利 谢素超;田红旗;高广军;姚松;许平;鲁寨军;王中钢
46 A measurement method for the overturning coefficient of high-speed trains passing through complex terrain sections under strong wind conditions 期刊论文 Lu Zhaijun;Huang Weijia;Zhong Mu;Liu Dongrun;Li Tian;Zhan Huan
47 Effect of bogie fairings on the snow reduction of a high-speed train bogie under crosswinds using a discrete phase method 期刊论文 Gao Guangjun;Zhang Yani;Zhang Jie;Xie Fei;Zhang Yan;Wang Jiabin
48 高速列车转向架区域积雪形成原因及防积雪研究 期刊论文 苗秀娟;何侃
49 Impact of bogie cavity shapes and operational environment on snow accumulating on the bogies of high-speed trains 期刊论文 Wang Jiabin;Zhang Jie;Zhang Yan;Xie Fei;Krajnovic Sinisa;Gao Guangjun
50 Numerical study for the aerodynamic performance of double unit train under crosswind 期刊论文 Guo Zijian;Liu Tanghong;Yu Miao;Chen Zhengwei;Li Wenhui;Huo Xiaoshuai;Liu Hongkang
51 Multi-step wind speed forecasting using EWT decomposition, LSTM principal computing, RELM subordinate computing and IEWT reconstruction 期刊论文 Li Yanfei;Wu Haiping;Liu Hui
52 大风环境下高速列车加速运行气动特性研究 期刊论文 刘智超;周丹;梁习锋;牛纪强
53 Correlation of car-body vibration and train overturning under strong wind conditions 期刊论文 Dongrun Liu;Gisella Marita Tomasini;Daniele Rocchi;Federico Cheli;Zhaijun Lu;Mu Zhong
54 A novel ensemble model of different mother wavelets for wind speed multi-step forecasting 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Duan Zhu;Li Yanfei;Lu Haibo
55 横风环境下列车交会对25T型客车动力学性能影响 期刊论文 葛钰;姚松
56 Numerical study on the anti-snow performance of deflectors in the bogie region of a high-speed train using the discrete phase model 期刊论文 Gao Guangjun;Zhang Yan;Xie Fei;Zhang Jie;He Kan;Wang Jiabin;Zhang Yani
57 确定大风环境下铁路机车车辆防溜设施的方法及系统 专利 刘堂红;田红旗;梁习锋;周细赛;孙成名
58 磁力计阵列监测车体相对钢轨位移的方法研究 期刊论文 詹欢;鲁寨军;刘应龙;李田
59 Numerical Simulation of Flow around a High-Speed Train Subjected to Different Windbreak Walls and Yaw Angles 期刊论文 Zhang J;He K;Wang J;Liu T;Liang X;Gao G
60 Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Sand Collision on the Aerodynamic Behaviour of a High-Speed Train Subjected to Yaw Angles 期刊论文 Wang J;Liu D;Gao G;Zhang Y;Zhang J
61 一种融合多测风站实测数据的铁路沿线风速预测方法 专利 刘辉;李燕飞;米希伟
62 Numerical study on the aerodynamic pressure of a metro train running between two adjacent platforms 期刊论文 Jiqiang Niu;Dan Zhou;Xifeng Liang;Tanghong Liu;Scarlett Liu
63 Big multi-step wind speed forecasting model based on secondary decomposition, ensemble method and error correction algorithm 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Duan Zhu;Han Feng ze;Li Yan fei
64 Smart deep learning based wind speed prediction model using wavelet packet decomposition, convolutional neural network and convolutional long short term memory network 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Mi Xiwei;Li Yanfei
65 An experimental investigation of three new hybrid wind speed forecasting models using multi-decomposing strategy and ELM algorithm 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Mi Xiwei;Li Yanfei
66 Handbook of railway vehicle dynamics 专著 田红旗
67 一种用于铁路沿线的移动式测风杆 专利 刘堂红;熊小慧;于淼;梁习锋;崔涛;周伟;孙博;顾厚煜
68 Influence of the geometry of equal-transect oblique tunnel portal on compression wave and micro-pressure wave generated by high-speed trains entering tunnels 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Thurow Kerstin;Stoll Norbert;Liu Hui
69 风车路网墙耦合铁路行车安全阈值确定及提升技术研究与应用 奖励 梁习锋;李荧;刘堂红;潘新先;熊小慧;谯泽诊;葛盛昌;姚松;周伟;闫宏凯;杨明智;周丹;刘辉;黄文江;杨志刚;宋志刚;钮新春;尹鹏飞;李鲲;伍钒
70 一种基于车身表面风速无人机实时测量的列车监测方法与系统 专利 刘辉;李燕飞
71 Numerical simulation of aerodynamic performance of a couple multiple units high-speed train 期刊论文 Niu Ji-qiang;Zhou Dan;Liu Tang-hong;Liang Xi-feng
72 一种强风高速铁路沿线风速自适应分解预测方法 专利 李燕飞;刘辉;米希伟
73 一种用于高速铁路桥梁的半刚性护栏 专利 高广军;关维元;于尧
74 A sharp-interface immersed smoothed finite element method for interactions between incompressible flows and large deformation solids 期刊论文 Jiang Chen;Yao Jian Yao;Zhang Zhi Qian;Gao Guang Jun;Liu G R
75 一种强风高速铁路沿线风速空间网络构造预测方法 专利 刘辉;李燕飞;米希伟
76 一种基于无人机群智能续航控制的铁路沿线风速测量方法与控制系统 专利 刘辉;李燕飞;李昌泽
77 Smart wind speed forecasting using EWT decomposition, GWO evolutionary optimization, RELM learning and IEWT reconstruction 期刊论文 Liu Hui;Wu Haiping;Li Yanfei
78 一种多模型多特征融合的高速铁路沿线风速预测方法 专利 刘辉;李燕飞
79 客车振动舒适性评价方法在瞬变风环境下的应用 期刊论文 曹天培;鲁寨军;钟睦;刘东润
80 Numerical simulation of the effects of obstacle deflectors on the aerodynamic performance of stationary high-speed trains at two yaw angles 期刊论文 Niu Ji qiang;Zhou Dan;Liang Xi feng
81 横风下普速客车与动车组在挡风墙后交会气动性能 期刊论文 周志鹏;姚松;刘凯;梁玉
82 Influence of tunnel aerodynamic effects by slope of equal-transect ring oblique tunnel portal 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Liu Hui;Stoll Norbert;Thurow Kerstin