
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A hybrid cellular automaton/bidirectional evolutionary optimization algorithm for topological optimization of crashworthiness 期刊论文 Gan Ning;Yao Song
2 轨道车辆转向架防脱轨装置及轨道车辆转向架 专利 高广军
3 耦合乘员行为检测的轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;姚松;姚曙光;谢素超;彭勇;张健;张健
4 Design and analysis of a composite energy-absorbing structure for use on railway vehicles 期刊论文 Xie Suchao;Liang Xifeng
5 Crashworthiness analysis of multi-cell square tubes under axial loads 期刊论文 Suchao Xie;Weilin Yang;Weilin Yang
6 恒定内压金属圆管受轴向冲击的吸能特性研究 期刊论文 郭星星;姚松
7 一种轨道车辆用防爬器 专利 高广军
8 高速列车多边形多胞吸能管耐撞性分析与优化 期刊论文 邹翔;高广军
9 Study on the energy absorption of the expanding–splitting circulartube by experimental investigations and numerical simulations 期刊论文 Jian Li;Guangjun Gao;Haipeng Dong;Suchao Xie;Weiyuan Guan
10 Study on the collision performance of a composite energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles 期刊论文 Peng Yong;Deng Wenyuan
11 一种轨道车辆用碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军;关维元
12 Crashworthiness analysis and structural optimisation of multi-cell square tubes under axial and oblique loads 期刊论文 Zou Xiang;Gao Guangjun;Dong Haipeng
13 Crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of bitubular hexagonal columns with ribs 期刊论文 zouxiang;gaoguangjun
14 一种隔板插销式串联多孔固体元件的撞击吸能装置 专利 高广军
15 空气炮碰撞实验台的发射过程数值模拟 期刊论文 肖程欢;鲁寨军
16 Comparative analyses of bicyclists and motorcyclists in vehicle collisions focusing on head impact responses 期刊论文 Wang Xinghua;Wang Xinghua
17 轨道车辆转向架防脱轨装置及轨道车辆转向架 专利 高广军
18 A numerical study on the energy absorption of a bending-straightening energy absorber with large stroke 期刊论文 YaoYu;GuangjunGao
19 Deformation mode evolutional mechanism of honeycomb structure when undergoing a shallow inclined load 期刊论文 wang zhonggang
20 载液铁路罐车超速连挂冲击过程研究 期刊论文 林建军;姚曙光
21 气动发射式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;刘国伟;梁习锋;高广军;鲁寨军;姚松;王中钢
22 Green material selection for sustainability: A hybrid MCDM approach. 期刊论文 Zhang Honghao;Peng Yong
23 离散精细时程积分的自适应求积算法研究 期刊论文 李健;高广军;张洁
24 Composite energy-absorbing structures combining thin-walled metal and honeycomb structures 期刊论文 Zhou Hui;Xu Ping;Xie Suchao
25 一种缓冲吸能装置 专利 高广军;关维元
26 Crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of a cutting aluminium tube absorber for railway vehicles under quasi-static loading 期刊论文 Weiyuan Guan;Guangjun Gao
27 Scaled tests and numerical simulations of rail vehicle collisions for various train sets 期刊论文 Li Rui
28 高速列车前端多胞吸能结构的耐撞性优化 期刊论文 张秧聪;许平
29 Improved Multibody Dynamics for Investigating Energy Dissipation in Train Collisions Based on Scaling Laws 期刊论文 Shao Heng;Xu Ping
30 基于遗传算法的客运电力机车耐撞性优化设计 期刊论文 张凯;许平
31 Crashworthiness analysis and optimization of a cutting-style energy absorbing structure for subway vehicles 期刊论文 Peng Yong;Wang Shiming;Yao Song
32 Experimental investigation of an active–passive integration energy absorber for railway vehicles 期刊论文 Guangjun Gao;Weiyuan Guan;Jian Li
33 A modified Johnson–Cook model for 7N01 aluminum alloy under dynamic condition 期刊论文 张一犇;姚松;姚松;王中钢
34 Contrastive analysis and crashworthiness optimization of two composite thin-walled structures 期刊论文 Xie Suchao;Zhou Hui
35 基于OptiStruct的设备舱底板刚度优化 期刊论文 林建军;姚曙光
36 一种乘员碰撞损伤的预测方法 专利 谢素超;田红旗;许平;姚松;高广军;姚曙光
37 Experimental and numerical investigations on the energy absorption of shrink circular tube under quasi-static loading 期刊论文 Li Jian;Gao Guangjun
38 用于轨道车辆的防倾覆装置及操作方法、轨道车辆转向架 专利 高广军
39 高速列车串行铝蜂窝吸能结构的轴向冲击动力学响应 期刊论文 丁叁叁;田爱琴
40 列车司机室操控台系统结构和布局参数的优化设计 期刊论文 姚曙光;邢艺
41 切削式吸能的惯性效应 期刊论文 刘国伟;夏茜
42 动车组密接式车钩动力学性能碰撞试验研究 期刊论文 邵恒;许平
43 中国专利金奖 奖励 田红旗;梁习峰;刘国伟;许平;鲁寨军;高广军;王中钢
44 密接式车钩连挂特性影响因素分析 期刊论文 谢俊;刘国伟
45 Crashworthiness analysis and multiobjective optimization for circular tubes with functionally graded thickness under multiple loading angles 期刊论文 Yang Shuguang;Xing Yi
46 Theoretical assessment methodology on axial compressed hexagonal honeycomb's energy absorption capability 期刊论文 Wang Zhonggang
47 Crushing analysis and multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of bitubular polygonal tubes with internal walls 期刊论文 Jian Li;Guang-jun Gao
48 Crushing analysis of splitting–bending steel plate energy absorber under axial loading 期刊论文 Hai-pengDong;Guang-junGao
49 Flow and fracture behavior of aluminum alloy 6082-T6 at different tensile strain rates and triaxialities. 期刊论文 Chen Xuanzhen
50 Numerical and experimental study on the design strategy of a new collapse zone structure for railway vehicles 期刊论文 Lu Zhaijun
51 Energy-absorption optimisation of locomotives and scaled equivalent model validation 期刊论文 Yao Shuguang;Yan Kaibo
52 液压节流式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;梁习锋;刘国伟;许平;高广军;谢素超;彭勇
53 一种列车碰撞防护方法及系统 专利 高广军;关维元
54 一种轨道车辆用碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军
55 伸缩式轨道车辆碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军
56 伸缩式轨道车辆碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军
57 Energy absorption characteristics of multi-frusta configurations under axial impact loading 期刊论文 Gan Ning;Yao Song
58 压力摩擦板制动式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;刘国伟;梁习锋;许平;彭勇;姚曙光;王中钢
59 Crashworthiness optimisation of the front-end structure of the lead car of a high-speed train 期刊论文 Suchao Xie;Xifeng Liang
60 Crash performance and multi-objective optimization of a gradual energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles 期刊论文 Xuping
61 Experimental and numerical investigations of a splitting-bending steel plate energy absorber 期刊论文 Xiaoxue Chen;Guangjun Gao;Haipeng Dong;Jian Li
62 Impact characteristics and crashworthiness of multi-cell, square, thin-walled, structures under axial loads 期刊论文 Suchao Xie;Suchao Xie
63 Analysis of longitudinal forces of coupler devices in the emergency braking process for heavy haul trains 期刊论文 Gao Guangjun;Chen Wei
64 一种复合式吸能结构及车辆底架结构 专利 谢素超;梁习锋;周辉;许平;姚松;高广军;姚曙光
65 Matching effect of honeycomb-filled thin-walled square tube-Experiment and simulation 期刊论文 Wang Zhonggang
66 Collision performance of bitubular tubes with diaphragms 期刊论文 Dong Hai-peng;Gao Guang-jun;Xie Su-chao;Li Jian
67 不同诱导结构对折叠式压溃管动态吸能影响 期刊论文 梁玉;姚松
68 Experimental and numerical investigations of a new U-shaped thin plate energy absorber subjected to bending and friction 期刊论文 Guowei Liu;Jun Xie;Suchao Xie
69 Cut-out grooves optimization to improve crashworthiness of a gradual energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles 期刊论文 Xu Ping;YangChengxing
70 切削式吸能热力耦合研究 期刊论文 刘国伟;夏茜
71 一种铁道车辆底架承载式吸能结构及其碰撞性能模拟方 法 专利 谢素超;田红旗;高广军;姚松;许平;鲁寨军;王中钢
72 轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;刘国伟;刘国伟;许平;鲁寨军;高广军;王中钢
73 串联蜂窝防失稳导向隔板设计研究 期刊论文 陈冬;鲁寨军;熊玉璞
74 列车碰撞试验系统及安全评估技术 奖励 田红旗;许平;梁习峰;彭勇;高广军;姚松
75 一种轨道车辆用碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军;关维元
76 Analysis and optimisation of parameters influencing the out-of-plane energy absorption of an aluminium honeycomb 期刊论文 Xie Suchao
77 双滚筒制动式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;梁习锋;许平;鲁寨军;高广军;张健;谢素超
78 Crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of a railway vehicle driver's cab 期刊论文 lijian;GaoGuangjun;DongHaipeng
79 A comparative crashworthiness analysis of multi-cell polygonal tubes under axial and oblique loads 期刊论文 zouxiang;gaoguangjun
80 带隔板薄壁方管的耐撞性研究 期刊论文 李健;高广军;董海鹏;张洁
81 Crashing analysis and multi-objective optimisation of duplex energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicle 期刊论文 Peng Yong
82 Investigation of the train driver injuries and the optimization design of driver workspace during a collision 期刊论文 Peng Yong
83 气动发射式低噪轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统 专利 田红旗;梁习锋;许平;刘国伟;姚松;张健;周伟
84 安全带对列车驾驶员的碰撞损伤防护研究 期刊论文 林建军;姚曙光
85 一种轨道车辆用碰撞吸能装置 专利 高广军;关维元
86 高速列车前端吸能结构理论预测与数值模拟 期刊论文 张秧聪;许平