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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Cytoplasmic m1A reader YTHDF3 inhibits trophoblast invasion by downregulation of m1A methylated IGF1R. 期刊论文 Qingliang Zheng;Haili Gan;Fenglian Yang;Yongli Yao;Fan Hao;Ling Hong;Liping Jin
2 Physiological function of the dynamic oxygen signaling pathway at the maternal-fetal interface 期刊论文 Jingwen Mao;Qingliang Zheng;Liping Jin
3 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate prevents pregnancy loss by inducing decidual COX-2(+) macrophage differentiation. 期刊论文 Zhou Wen-Jie;Yang Hui-Li;Mei Jie;Chang Kai-Kai;Lu Han;Lai Zhen-Zhen;Shi Jia-Wei;Wang Xiao-Hui;Wu Ke;Zhang Tao;Wang Jian;Sun Jian-Song;Ye Jiang-Feng;Li Da-Jin;Zhao Jian-Yuan;Jin Li-Ping;Li Ming-Qing
4 Downregulation of lysyl oxidase and lysyl oxidase-like protein 2 suppressed the migration and invasion of trophoblasts by activating TGF-β/collagen pathway in preeclampsia. 期刊论文 Xiang-Hong Xu;Yuanhui Jia;Xinyao Zhou;DandanXie;Xiaojie Huang;Linyan Jia;Qian Zhou;Qingliang Zheng;Xiangyu Zhou;Kai Wang;Li-Ping Jin
5 Serum uric acid in early pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: A cohort study of 85,609 pregnant women 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Kechen Fan;Liping Jin
6 种靶向作用Syntenin蛋白PDZ结构域的多肽及其二聚体 专利 于永生;刘佳慧;夏江;冯茜;金莉萍;王凯;周倩
7 组氨酸在诊断或治疗自然流产中的应用 专利 金莉萍;唐林晨;徐向红;魏之昀
8 用于捕获胎儿特有DNA甲基化修饰结合蛋白的探针及方法 专利 郑青亮;金莉萍
9 Dynamic Function and Composition Changes of Immune Cells During Normal and Pathological Pregnancy at the Maternal-Fetal Interface 期刊论文 Fenglian Yang;Qingliang Zheng;Liping Jin
10 Iron Metabolism and Ferroptosis in Physiological and Pathological Pregnancy. 期刊论文 Yijun Zhang;Yun Lu;Liping Jin
11 Hypoxia Induced ALKBH5 Prevents Spontaneous Abortion by Mediating M6a-Demethylation of SMAD1/5 mRNAs 期刊论文 Qingliang Zheng;Fenglian Yang;Haili Gan;Liping Jin
12 Decreased nitric oxide content mediated by asymmetrical dimethylarginine and protein l-arginine methyltransferase 3 in macrophages induces trophoblast apoptosis: a potential cause of recurrent miscarriage. 期刊论文 Hao Fan;Tang Lin-Chen;Sun Jia-Xue;Li Wen-Xuan;Zhao Yongbo;Xu Xiang-Hong;Jin Li-Ping
13 Natural Killer Cells: Functional Differences in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion 期刊论文 Fan Hao;Xiangyu Zhou;Liping Jin
14 Upregulation of miR-29a suppressed the migration and invasion of trophoblasts by directly targeting LOXL2 in preeclampsia 期刊论文 Xu Xiang-Hong;Tang Lin-Chen;Hao Fan;Jin Li-Ping
15 琥珀酸在诊断或治疗自然流产中的应用 专利 金莉萍;赵健元;王晓辉;许沙
16 1,6-二磷酸果糖在制备自然流产保胎药物中的应用 专利 李明清;周文洁;金莉萍
17 一种用于捕获RNAm1A修饰结合蛋白的探针设计及方法 专利 金莉萍;郑青亮
18 PRMT3在诊断或治疗复发性自然流产中的应用 专利 金莉萍;徐向红;郝璠;唐林晨
19 Association of inactivated COVID-19 vaccination with in vitro fertilization and early pregnancy outcomes. 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Ai Ai;Liping Jin
20 Association of COVID‐19 vaccination before conception with maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy: A single‐center study in China 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Yijun Zhang;Mengyuan Li;Xin Su;Yicheng Zhou;Ziyi Zhang;Liping Jin
21 Molecular characteristics and possible functions of innate lymphoid cells in the uterus and gut. 期刊论文 Tang Lin-Chen;Xu Xiang-Hong;Jin Li-Ping
22 MicroRNA-184 promotes apoptosis of trophoblast cells via targeting WIG1 and induces early spontaneous abortion. 期刊论文 Zhang Yuan;Zhou Ji;Li Ming qing;Xu Jie;Zhang Jin ping;Jin Li ping
23 Inactivated COVID-19 vaccination and maternal renal function during early pregnancy: A retrospective cohort study of 6397 Chinese pregnant women 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Yicheng Zhou;Ziyi Zhang;Yijun Zhang;Mengyuan Li;Xin Su;Liping Jin
24 The role of B7 family molecules in Maternal-Fetal immunity 期刊论文 Zhao Yongbo;Zheng Qingliang;Jin Liping
25 Gestational exposure to BDE-209 induces placental injury via the endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated PERK/ATF4/CHOP signaling pathway 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Kechen Fan;Yan Zhu;Jing Cai;Liping Jin
26 Novel Homozygous PADI6 Variants in Infertile Females with Early Embryonic Arrest 期刊论文 Yao Xu;Rongxiang Wang;Zhi Pang;Zhiyun Wei;Lihua Sun;Sa Li;Guanghua Wang;Yu Liu;Yiwen Zhou;Hongjuan Ye;Liping Jin;Songguo Xue
27 Downregulation of HDAC8 expression decreases CD163 levels and promotes the apoptosis of macrophages by activating the ERK signaling pathway in recurrent spontaneous miscarriage 期刊论文 Yongli Yao;Fan Hao;Lin-Chen Tang;Xiang-Hong Xu;Liping Jin
28 Regulation of the innate immune cells during pregnancy: An immune checkpoint perspective 期刊论文 Wen‐Xuan Li;Xiang‐Hong Xu;Li‐Ping Jin
29 Association of COVID-19 vaccination before conception with maternal liver function during early pregnancy: a cohort study of 7745 Chinese pregnant women 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Mengyuan Li;Yicheng Zhou;Yijun Zhang;Xin Su;Ziyi Zhang;Liping Jin
30 Association of History of Spontaneous or Induced Abortion With Subsequent Risk of Gestational Diabetes 期刊论文 Yan Zhao;Yongbo Zhao;Kechen Fan;Liping Jin
31 Low chorionic villous succinate accumulation associates with recurrent spontaneous abortion risk. 期刊论文 Wang Xiao-Hui;Xu Sha;Zhou Xiang-Yu;Zhao Rui;Lin Yan;Cao Jing;Zang Wei-Dong;Tao Hui;Xu Wei;Li Ming-Qing;Zhao Shi-Min;Jin Li-Ping;Zhao Jian-Yuan
32 Effects of Metabolism on Macrophage Polarization Under Different Disease Backgrounds 期刊论文 Jia-Xue Sun;Xiang-Hong Xu;Liping Jin
33 Macrophage Polarization in Physiological and Pathological Pregnancy 期刊论文 Yongli Yao;Xiang-Hong Xu;Liping Jin
34 谷氨酸-α-酮戊二酸轴在诊断治疗蜕膜化受损导致复发性自然流产的应用 专利 金莉萍;徐向红;唐林晨
35 一种集成学习结合孕前血清代谢组预测自然流产的方法 专利 金莉萍;唐林晨;徐向红;魏之昀