
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Fractal scale-free networks resistant to disease spread 期刊论文
2 Scalable and visualization-oriented clustering for exploratory spatial analysis 期刊论文
3 Topologies and Laplacian spectra of a deterministic uniform recursive tree 期刊论文
4 A Peer-to-Peer Based Text Sharing and Retrieval System 会议论文
5 A Fast Subspace Clustering Algorithm Based on Pattern Similarity 会议论文
6 一种新的基于文本单元关联网络的自动文摘方法 期刊论文
7 An empirical study of an agglomeration network 期刊论文
8 Ontology-based Description and Discovery of GIS Services 期刊论文
9 Maximal planar scale-free Sierpinski networks with small-world effect and power-law strength-degree correlation 期刊论文
10 KEYNOTE: Keyword Search Using Nodes Selection for Text Retrieval on DHT-based P2P Networks 会议论文
11 无线传感器网络中数据存储与访问研究进展 期刊论文
12 Vertex labeling and routing in expanded Apollonian networks 期刊论文
13 Named Entity Translation Matching and Learning: With Application for Mining Unseen Translations 期刊论文
14 基于区间编码的GML索引与查询 期刊论文
15 Effects of accelerating growth on the evolution of weighted complex networks 期刊论文
16 Neighborhood Density Method for Selecting Initial Cluster Centers in K-means Clustering 会议论文
17 A Novel Method for Flux Distribution Computation in Metabolic Networks 会议论文
18 Dual clustering algorithm for spatial data mining 期刊论文
19 P2P信息检索系统的查询结果排序与合并策略 期刊论文
20 Towards Effective Document Clustering: A Constrained K-means Based Approach 期刊论文
21 LHT: A Low-Maintenance Indexing Scheme over DHT 会议论文
22 Storing and querying GML in object-relational databases 会议论文
23 Transition from fractal to non-fractal scalings in growing scale-free networks 期刊论文
24 Efficient Skyline Retrieval on Peer-to-Peer Networks 会议论文
25 Correlations in random Apollonian network 期刊论文
26 CWC: A Clustering-Based Feature Weighting Approach for Text Classification 会议论文
27 Mining frequent closed itemsets from a landmark window over online data streams 期刊论文
28 基于模型映射的GML文档存储和查询方法 期刊论文
29 Fast implementation of dual clustering algorithm for spatial database 会议论文
30 Degree and component size distributions in generalized uniform recursive tree 期刊论文
31 GPress: Towards Effective GML Documents Compresssion 会议论文
32 Ontology-based semantic integration GML Spatial information 会议论文
33 Evolving Apollonian networks with small-world scale-free topologies 期刊论文
34 Self-similarity, small-world, scale-free scaling, disassortativity, and robustness in hierarchical lattices 期刊论文
35 An empirical study of Chinese language networks 期刊论文
36 A general geometric growth model for pseudofractal scale-free web 期刊论文
37 Local-world evolving networks with tunable clustering 期刊论文
38 DCAD: a dual clustering algorithm for distributed spatial databases 期刊论文
39 Routing Based Load Balance for Unstructured P2P Networks 会议论文
40 A geometric growth model interpolating between regular and small-world networks 期刊论文
41 MAGGIS: A Mobile-Agent and GML Based Distributed Geographic Information System 期刊论文
42 The exact solution of mean geodesic distance for Vicsek fractals 期刊论文
43 Towards Efficient Ranked Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Networks 会议论文
44 Scale-free Networks by Clique Evolution 期刊论文
45 Random Sierpinski network with scale-free small world and modular structure 期刊论文
46 Towards Energy-Efficient Skyline Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks 会议论文
47 GIS中地理本体的建立与比较 期刊论文
48 Towards More Effective Text Summarization Based on Textual Association Networks 会议论文
49 Gstruct: a system for extracting schemas from GML documents 会议论文
50 复杂网络确定性模型研究的最新进展 期刊论文
51 Exact analytical solution of average path length for Apollonian networks 期刊论文
52 LIGHT: A Query-Efficient yet Low-Maintenance Indexing Scheme over DHTs 期刊论文
53 Constraints-preserving GML Storage in Object-Relational Databases 会议论文