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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Distinct roles of a tyrosine-associated hydrogen-bond network in fine-tuning the structure and function of heme proteins: two cases designed for myoglobin 期刊论文 Gao, Shu-Qin|Wen, Ge-Bo|Lin, Ying-Wu|Tan, Xiangshi|
2 Human soluble guanylate cyclase as a nitric oxide sensor for NO-signalling reveals a novel function of nitrite reductase 期刊论文 Xu, Qiming|Lin, Ying-Wu|Zhong, Fangfang|Tan, Xiangshi|
3 Cytochrome P450 2C8 and Drug Metabolism 期刊论文 Lv, Xiaoping|Zhong, Fangfang|Tan, Xiangshi|
4 The molecular mechanism for human metallothionein-3 to protect against the neuronal cytotoxicity of A beta(1-42) with Cu ions 期刊论文 Ding, Zhichun|Zhu, Cuiqing|Huang, Zhong-Xian|Tan, Xiangshi|
5 Antitumor Activity of cGAMP via Stimulation of cGAS-cGAMPSTING-IRF3 Mediated Innate Immune Response 期刊论文 Tan, Jason|Rui, Yaocheng|Li, Pingwei|Tan, Xiangshi|
6 Structural, spectroscopic and functional investigation into Fe-substituted MnSOD from human pathogen Clostridium difficile 期刊论文 Li, Wei|Wang, Hongfei|Wang, Qingli|Tan, Xiangshi|
7 How a novel tyrosine-heme cross-link fine-tunes the structure and functions of heme proteins: a direct comparitive study of L29H/F43Y myoglobin 期刊论文 Nie, Chang-Ming|Wen, Ge-Bo|Lin, Ying-Wu|Tan, Xiangshi|
8 Exploring the differences between mouse mA beta(1-42) and human hA beta(1-42) for Alzheimer's disease related properties and neuronal cytotoxicity 期刊论文 Wang, Dandan|Zhu, Cuiqing|Huang, Zhong-Xian|Tan, Xiangshi|
9 阿尔茨海默病相关的金属内稳态平衡调控研究 期刊论文 吕小平|谭相石|
10 Structural and functional investigation into acetyl-coenzyme A synthase and methyltransferase from human pathogen Clostridium difficile 期刊论文 Zhang, Sixue|Liu, Yi|Wang, Yu|Tan, Xiangshi|
11 The α and β domains of human metallothionein-3 co-operatively protect against Aβ1–42–Cu2+ cytotoxicity 期刊论文 Zhi Chun Ding|Cui Qing Zhu|Zhong Xian Huang|Xiang Shi Tan|
12 The molecular mechanism of heme loss from oxidized soluble guanylate cyclase induced by conformational change 期刊论文 Zhang, Huijuan|Zhou, Yajun|Huang, Zhong-Xian|Tan, Xiangshi|
13 A Novel Tyrosine-Heme C-O Covalent Linkage in F43Y Myoglobin: A New Post-translational Modification of Heme Proteins 期刊论文 Xiang, Yu|Wen, Ge-Bo|Lin, Ying-Wu|Tan, Xiangshi|
14 Manganese superoxide dismutase from human pathogen Clostridium difficile 期刊论文 Hongfei Wang|Cheng Lei|Tianlei Ying|Xiangshi Tan*|
15 Soluble guanylate cyclase in NO signaling transduction 期刊论文 Pan, Jie|Zhong, Fangfang|Tan, Xiangshi|
16 Probing the molecular mechanism of cerium oxide nanoparticles in protecting against the neuronal cytotoxicity of A beta(1-42) with copper ions 期刊论文 Wang, Dandan|Tan, Jason|Zhu, Cuiqing|Tan, Xiangshi|
17 Probing the metal specificity mechanism of superoxide dismutase from human pathogen Clostridium difficile 期刊论文 Xu, Xin|Huang, Zhongxian|Li, Pingwei|Tan, Xiangshi|
18 锰离子转运、代谢与稳态平衡调控 期刊论文 李威|谭相石|
19 Functional conversion of nickel-containing metalloproteins via molecular design: from a truncated acetyl-coenzyme A synthase to a nickel superoxide dismutase 期刊论文 Wang, Zhen|Tian, Yang|Huang, Zhong-Xian|Tan, Xiangshi|
20 Regulating the Coordination State of a Heme Protein by a Designed Distal Hydrogen-Bonding Network 期刊论文 Li, Lianzhi|Wen, Ge-Bo|Lin, Ying-Wu|Tan, Xiangshi|
21 Probing the metal specificity mechanism of superoxide dismutase from human pathogen Clostridium difficile 期刊论文 Xu, Xin|Huang, Zhongxian|Li, Pingwei|Tan, Xiangshi|