
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Study on coupling separation process of ETBE and absolute ethanol 期刊论文 Li Yongfei;Liu Guilian
2 Effect of vacuum gas oil hydrotreating reactor on multiple reactors and hydrogen network 期刊论文 Donghui Lv;Yingjia Wang;Lingjun Huang;Di Zhang;Guilian Liu;Wei Li;Peng Wang
3 苯乙烯装置反应参数对精馏塔序能耗的影响 期刊论文 吕东晖;刘桂莲
4 基于非关键组分的精馏序列和反应参数优化 期刊论文 尹长芳;刘桂莲
5 基于热力学的神经网络预测苯乙烯装置 会议论文 杭鹏;刘桂莲
6 Optimization of Two-Stage Pygas Hydrogenation Reactor Based on Hydrogen Network Integration 期刊论文 Huang Lingjun;Liu Guilian
7 基于杂质赤字的再生回用水网络集成图示法 期刊论文 吕东晖;刘桂莲
8 耦合精馏制取乙基叔丁基醚可行性分析及模拟优化 期刊论文 李永飞;刘桂莲
9 Optimization of the pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation reactor considering the hydrogen network integration 会议论文 黄灵军;刘桂莲
10 Integration of heat exchanger network considering the pressure variation of distillation column 期刊论文 Di Zhang;刘桂莲
11 Optimization of Distillation Sequence Based on Integration of Reaction-Separation System 期刊论文 Lv Donghui;Liu Guilian
12 耦合精馏制取ETBE的可行性分析和全流程模拟优化 会议论文 李永飞;刘桂莲
13 催化剂失活对加氢精制换热网络能耗的影响 会议论文 田潇;刘桂莲
14 A Novel Sensitivity Analysis Method for the Energy Consumption of Coupled Reactor and Heat Exchanger Network System 期刊论文 Zhang Di;Wang Peng;Liu Guilian
15 Optimization of IGCC gasification unit based on the novel simplified equilibrium model 期刊论文 Maojian Wang;Guilian Liu;Chi-wai Hui
16 Effect of Catalyst Deactivation on the Energy Consumption of Gasoline-Diesel Hydrotreating Process 期刊论文 Tian Xiao;Yin Changfang;Lv Donghui;Wang Peng;Liu Guilian
17 A systematic method for integrating reactor and extractive distillation considering the variation of reactor parameters 会议论文 尹长芳;吕东晖;刘桂莲
18 苯乙烯装置反应参数对精馏塔序能耗的影响 会议论文 吕东晖;刘桂莲
19 基于非关键组分的精馏序列和反应参数优化 会议论文 尹长芳;刘桂莲
20 Heat exchanger network integration of a hydrogenation process of benzene to cyclohexene considering the reactor conversion 期刊论文 Zhang Di;Liu Guilian
21 Graphical optimization method for coupled heat exchanger network and reactor 期刊论文 Zhang Di;Liu Guilian;Li Yongfei
22 Optimization of the hydrogen separator based on the hydrogen network integration 期刊论文 Huang Lingjun;Liu Guilian
23 Automatic identification of the optimal distillation sequence based on its integration with reactor 期刊论文 Yin Changfang;Liu Guilian
24 设有循环反应器的换热网络最优循环比确定方法 专利 刘桂莲;张迪
25 氢网络中储氢提纯的优化 会议论文 李开宇;刘桂莲
26 Integration of the hydrogen network with fresh hydrogen and purification feed optimized simultaneously 会议论文 梁靖靖;刘桂莲
27 Analysis of the Relation between Coupled Sink and Purification Based on Hydrogen Network Integration 期刊论文 Huang Lingjun;Li Wei;Mao Jinbing;Liu Guilian
28 Study on Coupling Separation Process of ETBE and Absolute Ethanol 会议论文 李永飞;刘桂莲
29 催化裂化装置反应器及其能量系统的优化 期刊论文 吕东晖;李伟;王鹏;刘桂莲;张晶;马啸
30 Identification of the optimal distillation sequence based on the integration of reaction-distillation-recycle system 会议论文 吕东晖;尹长芳;刘桂莲
31 Optimization of the pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation reactor considering the hydrogen network integration 期刊论文 Huang Lingjun;Lv Donghui;Liu Guilian
32 考虑多对耦合源阱的氢网络优化方法及其应用 会议论文 黄灵军;王颖佳;刘桂莲;王志伟
33 氢气系统集成优化与装置设备布置 期刊论文 丁晔;闫哲;刘桂莲
34 Novel shortcut optimization model for regenerative steam power plant 期刊论文 Wang Maojian;Liu Guilian;Hui Chi Wai
35 Integration of the Hydrogen Network with Fresh Hydrogen and Purification Feed Optimized Simultaneously 期刊论文 Jingjing Liang;Guilian Liu
36 Heat Exchanger Network Integration of a Hydrogenation Process of Benzene to Cyclohexene Considering the Reactor Conversion 会议论文 张迪;刘桂莲
37 考虑多对耦合源阱的氢网络优化方法及其应用 期刊论文 黄灵军;李伟;王颖佳;刘桂莲;王志伟