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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Dispersion of the intrinsic neuronal periods affects the relationship of the entrainment range to the coupling strength in the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie;Wang Man
2 The influence of migration speed on cooperation in spatial games 期刊论文 Li Wen-Jing;Jiang Luo-Luo;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
3 Visibility Graph Based Time Series Analysis 期刊论文 Stephen Mutua;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
4 Decrease in scale invariance of activity fluctuations with aging and in patients with suprasellar tumors 期刊论文 Joustra S.D.;Gu C;Rohling J.H.T.;Pickering L.;Klose M.;Hu K.;Scheer F.A.;Feldt-Rasmussen U.;Jennum P.J.;Pereira A.M.;Biermasz N.R.;Meijer J.H.
5 A Patient Suffering From Neurodegenerative Disease May Have a Strengthened Fractal Gait Rhythm 期刊论文 Ren Henggang;Yang Yue;Gu Changgui;Weng Tongfeng;Yang Huijie
6 Entrainment range affected by the heterogeneity in the amplitude relaxation rate of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons 期刊论文 顾长贵;王萍;杨会杰
7 A uniform framework of projection and community detection for one-mode network in bipartite networks 期刊论文 Wu Guolin;Gu Changgui;Qiu Lu;Yang Huijie
8 Immediate causality network of stock markets 期刊论文 Zhou Li;Qiu Lu;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
9 The effects of non-self-sustained oscillators on the en-trainment ability of the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Tang Ming;Rohling Jos H. T.;Yang Huijie
10 Dependence of the entrainment on the ratio of amplitudes between two subgroups in the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie;Meijer Johanna H.;Rohling Jos H. T.
11 Scaling invariance embedded in very short time series: A factorial moment based diffusion entropy approach 期刊论文 Yang Yue;Qiu Lu;Yang Tianguang;Hou Liying;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
12 Ratio Between Sensitive Strength to Light Information and Coupling Strength Affects Entrainment Range of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus 期刊论文 顾长贵;杨会杰;王曼
13 State network approach to characteristics of financial crises 期刊论文 Qiu Lu;Gu Changgui;Xiao Qin;Yang Huijie;Wu Guolin
14 A model of spreading of sudden events on social networks 期刊论文 Wu Jiao;Zheng Muhua;Zhang Zi-Ke;Wang Wei;Gu Changgui;Liu Zonghua
15 Double transition of information spreading in a two-layered network 期刊论文 Wu Jiao;Zheng Muhua;Wang Wei;Yang Huijie;Gu Changgui
16 Long-Range Correlations in Sentence Series from A Story of the Stone 期刊论文 Yang Tianguang;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
17 Epidemic spreading between two coupled subpopulations with inner structures 期刊论文 Ruan Zhongyuan;Tang Ming;Gu Changgui;Xu Jinshan
18 The asymmetry of the entrainment range induced by the difference in intrinsic frequencies between two subgroups within the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
19 The synchronization of neuronal oscillators determined by the directed network structure of the suprachiasmatic nucleus under different photoperiods 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Tang Ming;Yang Huijie
20 Network-based landscape of research strengths of universities in Mainland China 期刊论文 Liu Zihua;Xiao Qin;Zhan Qian;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
21 Entrainment range of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affected by the difference in the neuronal amplitudes between the light-sensitive and light-insensitive regions 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie;Ruan Zhongyuan
22 Impact of dispersed coupling strength on the free running periods of circadian rhythms 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Rohling Jos H. T.;Liang Xiaoming;Yang Huijie
23 Noise Induces Oscillation and Synchronization of the Circadian Neurons 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Xu Jinshan;Rohling Jos;Yang Huijie;Liu Zonghua
24 Differences in intrinsic amplitudes of neuronal oscillators improve synchronization in the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
25 A Simple Structure for Signal Amplification 期刊论文 Ding Wan-Xiang;Gu Chang-Gui;Liang Xiao-Ming
26 Dissociation between two subgroups of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affected by the number of damped oscillated neurons 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie;Rohling Jos H. T.
27 Unbiased detrended fluctuation analysis: Long-range correlations in very short time series 期刊论文 Yuan Qianshun;Gu Changgui;Weng Tongfeng;Yang Huijie
28 Heterogeneity induces rhythms of weakly coupled circadian neurons 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Liang Xiaoming;Yang Huijie;Rohling Jos H. T.
29 Influentials promote cooperation in spatial snowdrift games 期刊论文 Li Wen-Jing;Jiang Luo-Luo;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
30 Community detection based on preferred mode in bipartite networks 期刊论文 Wu Guolin;Gu Changgui;Qiu Lu;Yang Huijie
31 Evolution of scaling behaviors embedded in sentence series from A Story of the Stone 期刊论文 Yang Yue;Gu Changgui;Xiao Qin;Yang Huijie
32 The circadian rhythm induced by the heterogeneous network structure of the suprachiasmatic nucleus 期刊论文 Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
33 Multifractals embedded in short time series: An unbiased estimation of probability moment 期刊论文 Qiu Lu;Yang Tianguang;Yin Yanhua;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
34 Visibility graphlet approach to chaotic time series 期刊论文 Mutua Stephen;Gu Changgui;Yang Huijie
35 Heterogeneity in relaxation rate improves the synchronization of oscillatory neurons in a model of the SCN 期刊论文 Changgui Gu;Huijie Yang;Man Wang;Jos H. T. Rohling