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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Whole-brain functional connectivity identification of functional dyspepsia 期刊论文 S. Xiong|X. Yan|Q. Yin|F. Zeng|K.M. von Deneen|F. Liang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|W. Qin|J. Tian|
2 Altered regional spontaneous neuronal activity in blepharospasm: a resting state fMRI study 期刊论文 J. Yang|C. Luo|W. Song|Q. Chen|K. Chen|X. Chen|X. Huang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|H. Shang|
3 Characterization of major depressive disorder using a multiparametric classification approach based on high resolution structural images. 期刊论文 Y. Wang|W. Kuang|J. Li|X. Wang|L. Wang|X. Yang|S. Lui|A. Mechelli|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
4 Fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation changes in functional dyspepsia: a resting-state fMRI study 期刊论文 G. Zhou|P. Liu|J. Wang|H. Wen|F. Liang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|W. Qin|J. Tian|
5 Identifying neural patterns of functional dyspepsia using multivariate pattern analysis: a resting-state FMRI study 期刊论文 P. Liu|W. Qin|F. Liang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|J. Tian|
6 <span style="font-size:10.5pt;font-family:;">A resting-state functional connectivity study in patients at high risk for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy</span> 期刊论文 Y.Y. Tang|Q. Chen|X.F. Yu|W. Xia|C.Y. Luo|X.Q. Huang|H.H. Tang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|D. Zhou|
7 Abnormal spontaneous brain activity in medication-naive ADHD children: a resting state fMRI study 期刊论文 H. Yang|Q.Z. Wu|L.T. Guo|Q.Q. Li|X.Y. Long|X.Q. Huang|R.C.K. Chan|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
8 Microstructural brain abnormalities in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: diffusion-tensor MR imaging study at 3.0 T 期刊论文 F. Li|X. Huang|Y. Yang|B. Li|Q. Wu|T. Zhang|S. Lui (吕粟)|G.J. Kemp|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
9 Prediction of post-earthquake depressive and anxiety symptoms: a longitudinal resting-state fMRI study 期刊论文 J. Long|X. Huang|Y. Liao|X. Hu|J. Hu|S. Lui (吕粟)|R. Zhang|Y. Li|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
10 Prognostic prediction of therapeutic response in depression using high-field MR imaging 期刊论文 Q. Gong (龚启勇)|Q. Wu|C. Scarpazza|S. Lui (吕粟)|Z. Jia|A. Marquand|X. Huang|P. McGuire|A. Mechelli|
11 Functional organization of intrinsic connectivity networks in Chinese-chess experts 期刊论文 X. Duan|Z. Long|H. Chen|D. Liang|L. Qiu|X. Huang|T.C. Liu|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
12 Depression, Neuroimaging and Connectomics: A Selective Overview. 期刊论文 Q. Gong (龚启勇)|Y. He|
13 Diffusion tensor imaging characterization of occult brain damage in relapsing neuromyelitis optica using 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging techniques 期刊论文 D. Zhao|H. Zhou|Q. Wu|J. Liu|X. Chen|D. He|X. He|W. Han|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
14 Resting-state fMRI study of treatment-naive temporal lobe epilepsy patients with depressive symptoms 期刊论文 Z. Yao|Q. Li|D. Liang|D. An|X. Zhang|J. Fang|X. Huang|D. Zhou|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
15 Anatomical and Functional Brain Abnormalities in Drug-Naive First-Episode Schizophrenia 期刊论文 S. Lui (吕粟)|W. Deng|F. Li|M. Li|X. Huang|Y. Wang|T. Li|J.A. Sweeney|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
16 Quantitative Prediction of Individual Psychopathology in Trauma Survivors Using Resting-State fMRI 期刊论文 Q. Gong (龚启勇)|L. Li|M. Du|W. Pettersson-Yeo|N. Crossley|X. Yang|J. Li|X. Huang|A. Mechelli|
17 Quantitative 3.0T MR Spectroscopy Reveals Decreased Creatine Concentration in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder 期刊论文 Q. Yue|M. Liu|X. Nie|Q. Wu|J. Li|W. Zhang|X. Huang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
18 Is depression a disconnection syndrome? Meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging studies in patients with MDD. <span style="color:#333333;font-family:arial, Tahoma, Verdana, simsun, sans-serif;background-color:#FFFFFF;"></span> 期刊论文 Q. Wu|C. Yang|W. Kuang(况伟宏)|M. Du|S. Lui(吕粟)|Q. Yue|R.C. Chan|G.J. Kemp|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
19 Alterations of regional spontaneous neuronal activity and corresponding brain circuit changes during resting state in migraine without aura 期刊论文 P. Cheng|L. Zhao|L.M. Zhao|D.H. Yu|T. Dong|K.M. von Deneen|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|W. Qin|J. Tian|
20 Voxelwise meta-analysis of gray matter reduction in major depressive disorder 期刊论文 Q. Wu|Q. Yue|J. Li|Y. Liao|W. Kuang (况伟宏)|X. Huang|R.C.K. Chan|A. Mechelli|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
21 Altered Cortical Thickness Related to Clinical Severity But Not the Untreated Disease Duration in Schizophrenia. 期刊论文 S. Li|M. Wu|T. Xie|Y. He|X. Huang|J. Hu|F. Bi(毕锋)|T. Li|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
22 Grey matter reduction associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic stress 期刊论文 M. Wu|Y. Liao|L. Ouyang|M. Du|D. Lei|L. Chen|L. Yao|X. Huang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
23 Multivariate pattern analysis of DTI reveals differential white matter in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. (IF=6.924) 期刊论文 Li, F.|X. Huang|W. Tang|Y. Yang|B. Li|J. Kemp|A. Mechelli|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
24 Structural modulation of brain development by oxygen: evidence on adolescents migrating from high altitude to sea level environment 期刊论文 J. Zhang|H. Zhang|J. Chen|M. Fan|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
25 Impact of acute stress on human brain microstructure: An MR diffusion study of earthquake survivors. 期刊论文 Q. Wu|W. Zhang|D. Zhou|H. Chen|X. Huang|W. Kuang|R.C. Chan|A. Mechelli|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
26 Structural brain abnormalities in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma: a study with 3T MR imaging 期刊论文 M. Yu|Q. Wu|L. Tang|B. Guo|Y. Feng|J.B. Jonas|X. Chen|X. Liu|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
27 <span>Disrupted brain connectivity networks in drug-naive, first-episode major depressive disorder</span> 期刊论文 J. Zhang|J.H. Wang|Q.Z. Wu|W. Kuang (况伟宏)|X.Q. Huang|Y. He|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
28 The trade-off between wiring cost and network topology in white matter structural networks in health and migraine 期刊论文 J. Liu|L. Zhao|J. Nan|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|F. Liang|W. Qin|J. Tian|
29 Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Treatment-Resistant Depression 期刊论文 Q. Wu|L. Qiu|X. Yang|W. Kuang (况伟宏)|R.C.K. Chan|X. Huang|G.J. Kemp|A. Mechelli|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
30 Structural and functional connectivity changes in the brain associated with shyness but not with social anxiety 期刊论文 X. Yang|K.M. Kendrick|Q. Wu|T. Chen|S. Lama|B. Cheng|S. Li|X. Huang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
31 Altered structural covariance of the striatum in functional dyspepsia patients 期刊论文 X. Liu|Q. Wang|G. Zhou|D. Zhang|M. Zhu|R. Zhao|A. Wang|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|F. Liang|
32 Brain structural plasticity in survivors of a major earthquake. 期刊论文 Q. Wu|J. Zhang|X. Huang|W. Zhang|Y. Wang|H. Chen|R.C.K. Chan|J.A. Sweeney|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
33 Evaluation of cell tracking effects for transplanted mesenchymal stem cells with jetPEI/Gd-DTPA complexes in animal models of hemorrhagic spinal cord injury 期刊论文 H. Zhu|Q. Zhong|D. Deng|H. Ai(艾华)|Q. Yue|Y. Wei|S. Jun|G. Zhou|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
34 Altered functional connectivity in an aged rat model of postoperative cognitive dysfunction: a study using resting-state functional MRI 期刊论文 T. Yu|X. Fu|Y. Tu|Y. Zou|S. Lui (吕粟)|X. Zhao|X. Huang|G.J. Kemp|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
35 Impaired frontothalamic circuitry in suicidal patients with depression revealed by diffusion tensor imaging at 3.0 T. 期刊论文 Z. Jia|Y. Wang|X. Huang|W. Kuang|Q. Wu|S. Lui|J.A. Sweeney|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
36 Using structural neuroanatomy to identify trauma survivors with and without post-traumatic stress disorder at the individual level 期刊论文 Q. Gong (龚启勇)|L. Li|S. Tognin|Q. Wu|W. Pettersson-Yeo|S. Lui (吕粟)|X. Huang|A.F. Marquand|A. Mechelli|
37 White matter deficits in first episode schizophrenia: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis 期刊论文 L. Yao|S. Lui (吕粟)|Y. Liao|M. Du|N. Hu|J.A. Thomas|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
38 An fMRI study on sunk cost effect 期刊论文 J. Zeng|Q. Zhang|C. Chen|R. Yu|Q. Gong (龚启勇)|
39 Association of white matter deficits with clinical symptoms in antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia: an optimized VBM study using 3T 期刊论文 Yao, L.|S. Lui(吕粟)|M. Wu|L. Chen|X. Huang|T. Li|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|
40 临床医学影像学 专著 龚启勇|
41 Evidence for a left-over-right inhibitory mechanism during figural creative thinking in healthy nonartists 期刊论文 Huang, P.|L. Qiu|L. Shen|Y. Zhang|Z. Song|Z. Qi|Q. Gong(龚启勇)|P. Xie|
42 Investigation of Different Boundary Treatment Methods in Monte-Carlo Simulations of Diffusion NMR 期刊论文 Xing HY|Lin F|Wu QZ,| Gong QY|